ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

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Snowball sometimes does not move Tusk to the destination #6939

Open x42bn6 opened 1 year ago

x42bn6 commented 1 year ago

Ability name



It is possible, in rare cases, for Snowball to not move Tusk to its destination. It's not clear why this occurred from the combat logs in the linked post's video.

Tusk is holding a Bottle with an Illusion rune, which can cause this to happen if it's consumed during the rune expiring (auto-consumed), but this is not the case in this particular scenario.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

7012905059 - 9:04

TheUnholyWrath commented 1 year ago

related to #6805, not sure if the patch fixing it has been released yet.

When tusk cast snowball on ember at ~8:30 it didn't connect since ember was tping home. When tusk tried to use snowball again, the previous snowball was still chasing the ember (since he went home then used remnant to come back to lane it hadn't caught up to him yet). This is what happens when you try to cast snowball but the previous cast hasn't actually hit the hero yet. this was from #6805 but it doesn't show whats happening here, it should show everything else about the interaction. the only difference your tusk made was casting launch snowball, thats how you replicate it.

cressfashion commented 1 year ago

When another snowball spell is cast before the first one hits the hero, this is the result soccer random.

Aluerie commented 7 months ago

another match_id 7439272695 where this bug happened at 17:01 first "out of reach" W cast on TPing Centraur into 17:23 second failed W cast on Razor (that shouldnt have failed)

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