ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Stucked Witch Doctor #7030

Open ForestArher23 opened 1 year ago

ForestArher23 commented 1 year ago

Ability name

Voodoo Switcherro


When using the Witch shard, the doctor turns into a totem, if a spell is used on his model that creates non-living objects, such as shaker's fisura, sprouts natures phornet, tusk's ice shards and others, at the end of the action of the Witch shard, the doctor will get stuck in the model of this object. This does not work with the creation of entities such as clockwerk's cogs or tombs undying.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

7027877118 - 46:20

TheUnholyWrath commented 1 year ago