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List of abilities that hit Dark Willow in Shadow Realm that should not #7077

Open SidiriusAndyron opened 1 year ago

SidiriusAndyron commented 1 year ago

Ability name

Heat-Seeking missile


When dark willow enters shadow realm existing missiles will be disjointed, but upon recasting Heat-seeking missile new missile will spawn and hit willow despite being in shadow realm. The description of Heat-seeking missile states : "Launches rockets at the nearest visible heroes within 2500 range." The description of Shadow realm when holding Alt for more information states : "Spells which require vision cannot affect Dark willow in the Shadow realm" I believe this to be a either a contradiction in descriptions or a bug.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

7030803476 - 17:15

Aluerie commented 1 year ago

Edit 31 May: updated the list below ⬇️ after DW W inconsistency update with ✅as fixed interactions.

I'm surprised this wasn't reported before. Don't forget to upvote your own issue with 👍reaction. To add more.

  1. The note "Spells which require vision cannot affect Dark willow in the Shadow realm" itself is a bit misleading. Generally, spells treat Dark Willow in W as invisible + attack immune unit.

  2. However, more spells that still hit her while they shouldn't (bcs they don't hit invisible heroes):

    • [x] Tinker's [W] Heat-Seeking missile
    • [x] Skywrath Mage [W] Concussive Shot
    • [x] Nature Prophet [R] Wrath of Nature
    • [x] Lion shard for [E] Mana drain - secondary target
    • [x] Pugna shard for [E] Nether ward and [R] Life Drain - secondary target
    • [x] Juggernaut [R] Omnislash does jump on Dark Willow in W (at least, it deals no damage as it should since she is attack-immune)
    • [ ] Brewmaster [W] Cinder Brew
    • [x] Zeus [R] Thundergod's Wrath (it damages DW while it doesnt damage but only reveals invis units)
    • [x] Death Prophet [R] Exorcism
    • [ ] Hoodwink [W] Bushwhack
    • [ ] Abaddon [Q] Mist Coil with lvl 25 talent
    • [ ] Ogre Magi [W] Ignite, secondary target
    • [ ] Spirit Breaker [Q] - when his target dies mid-charge - he reselects a random new non-invis one however it still can choose DW in W.
    • [ ] Wrath King [RQ] talent 25 - animation plays at both invis and shadow realm but the stun only affects DW.
    • [ ] QoP [Q Aghs] - again, animation plays for both invis and shadow realm but the spell only affects DW.
    • [ ] Warlock [Q] Fatal Bonds
  3. Another famous example is Venge shard Q hits DW in W when it shouldn't but that's a unclear interaction on the Venge side:

    • [ ] #3578
  4. Now since 7.33 allies can target DW in Shadow Realm. Unfortunately, it led to some enemy spells being able to bounce to her as secondary target (btw you still can't target her as an ally #9450)

    • [ ] Lich [R] Chain Frost
    • [x] Witch Doctor [Q] Paralyzing Cask
    • [ ] Hoodwink [Q] Acorn Shot
    • [ ] Luna [W] Moon Glaives
  5. Questionable interaction that probably needs clarifying from devs.

    • [x] Grimstroke W
    • [x] Weaver Q
    • [ ] Undying E

    These attached units die when their target goes invis, however they do not die when target goes Shadow Realm. Hard to judge what should happen. Tooltip says "spells that require vision cannot affect" so they probably shouldnt affect and instantly die as they die of invis?

  6. Extra interaction that however isn't about being similar to invisibility: it's possible to pierce Attack Immunity of Shadow Realm with Revenant's Broach:

rubarzan commented 1 year ago

im a player with almost 3000 game on dark willow this list is very accurate and Correct i wish they all get fix soon

Aluerie commented 1 year ago


Updated the list ^^^ (with ✅ as fixed interactions) and listed some other problematic interactions.

SidiriusAndyron commented 1 year ago

Thank you for updating and keeping watch.