ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Suggestion: improve low skill games #7178

Open sirion89 opened 1 year ago

sirion89 commented 1 year ago


You should insert something that blocks some heroes being played in the wrong position. I keep playing around the 2k mmr bracket and i can't go up because i meet a moltitude of people picking support as pos1 or pos2, this ruin the fun and waste other peoples time.

Out of 100 games with those condition you may be able to win 10% of the time, at best!

Please stop this abuse. Like under 4k mmr you can't play what you want in every position

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)



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milesrout commented 1 year ago

No such thing as 'heroes being played in the wrong position'. Your teammates picking the 'wrong' hero in the 'wrong position' is not the reason you're hardstuck 2k.

sirion89 commented 1 year ago

Before voting this down consider that dota2 is capable of collecting a lot of data. Before throwing this suggestion out of the window just perform a single query to your database, ask it how many games they have under 4k mrr where a support hero is playing pos1 or pos2 and make a winrate %, if that falls down below 40% then there's something wrong since everything in the game is coded to keep the winrate as close as possible to 50%

milesrout commented 1 year ago

There's no such thing as 'a support hero is playing pos 1 or pos 2'. If someone is playing pos 1 or pos 2 then their hero is a pos 1 or pos 2 hero. If someone is playing support then their hero is a support hero.

The fun thing about DotA 2 is that anything can work and everything does work. The reason that people lose when playing 'unconventional' heroes is because of teammates like you going crazy and ruining the game. It isn't up to you which heroes people pick in different roles. It's bad enough that we have the roles hardcoded into the game now through the role queue system. Now you want Valve to hard lock people out of playing heroes in certain roles.

People complain endlessly about a 'lack of diversity in the meta' and other such rubbish towards the end of a major patch and then they complain endlessly when their teammates don't pick the same 5 heroes every game. You are what is wrong with DotA. It's a game! Treat it like one.

sirion89 commented 1 year ago

Dota is all about statistics, i think that is the foundation on how the match making system works, let's keep that in mind:

What if some hero has a 38% winrate in a bracket for a particular role but the player in question has a higher winrate than that?

As i said earlier, just make a stats, how many are those amazing player which are obviously playing outside their skill level (probably smurf then, we are covering another bad thing of dota too). This is almost for sure, if the avarage player in 3k bracket has 38% winrate and some player has like 70% then there's a very high chance that this player is not a real 3k

Why restrict this to heroes? Some people pick "stupid items". Let's ask Valve to make sure that people queued as support don't buy daedaluses! After all, they're meant to be supports, they should just buy wards and nothing else every game, right? Oh and force staff and glimmer to save you when you get initiated on because of your bad positioning.

While this could be true as well this is far less likely to happen, it is very rare to see someone buying "stupid items" so, since we are making this above a possibile statistics, the % of those people isn't enough to apply such a strict ban

Why not go further and just ban anyone with a low winrate? If low winrate heroes in a role are banned from being picked if they go below 40% winrate, why not ban people with a <40% winrate in a role? If I have a 60% pos 5 winrate but a 35% mid winrate this month, what right do I have to ruin your games by going mid? No way, I should know my place and just support right?

Again, this is a very strict ban but personally i wouldn't mind. They already have a monthly report, if you fail playing too much in a given role for a given month, then you can't play that role for like [x] games, why not? If you want to play in that role go play normal games or practice with bots, nobody is stopping you from that. We are speaking of ranked games here

It's a game indeed, but the one who plays actually invest their time trying to have fun. Playing ranked games with those kind of peoples is not even close to fun. Lately it is happening more and more, somebody sees an 8k mmr guy playing chen hard carry and thinks they can do that too in 2k. Guess what happens? you lose 90% and there's no surprise, no matter how hard you try to help your teammate, he is playing something that shouldn't be played that way. This is the point