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Bright FOG and camera light render issue #7203

Open Gweenteaneko opened 1 year ago

Gweenteaneko commented 1 year ago


Theres a lighting problem of dimming if you move away your camera if view a Away from the map or from your hero

And also there are no fog border with every game you play is a horror knowing that the enemy will pop-up with no prior notice

News update March 16 2023 (fix is available) I will do some testing for confirmation

cephalopoid commented 1 year ago

Same problem, GTS250

Gweenteaneko commented 1 year ago

Same problem, GTS250

I've done a fresh install same problem

expen6ve commented 1 year ago

remove all launch options

cephalopoid commented 1 year ago

remove all launch options

It does not help...

Bloody3134 commented 1 year ago

удалить все параметры запуска

It did not help

shaileshgarg commented 1 year ago

Can you post your Video Setting.

Tomoraiki commented 1 year ago

Will there be a fix for this problem?****

shqshq321 commented 1 year ago

Same problem. Nothing helps, i'm a proud GT 330M user.

Bloody3134 commented 1 year ago

Who knows how fixed this?

Gweenteaneko commented 1 year ago

i was able to review my replay and cant upload a video of dimming and im pretty sure its an render issue

and heres a thicc muerta 20230308080752_1 20230308080854_1 20230308080903_1

Gweenteaneko commented 1 year ago

Can you post your Video Setting.

its nothing special I only use default and its a low spec computer

elB3n1k commented 1 year ago

Fog of War:

1st time playing in this patch and got the same issue like OP

gangrelmal commented 1 year ago

same here plus others, this path was disapointement, full of bugs, they reach the peak of absurd

Jazzlook commented 1 year ago

Same problem

atsumia commented 1 year ago

tried to fix it by reinstall drivers, start on vulkan, played with graphic options nothing helped. steel waiting to fix

gangrelmal commented 1 year ago

They made this mess, they gonna fix eventuly, I think...

noir133 commented 1 year ago

valve fix it pls, i cant play without fog

Bubain commented 1 year ago

Valve do not want to work, I have the same

matheusbzevedo commented 1 year ago

the same

uniko23 commented 1 year ago

volvo fix pls

volvofixIT commented 1 year ago

I agree with the author, I have the same problem, I just want to play my favorite game, everything is fine with FPS and mmr I have 6k mmr I don't want to lose my progress

matheusbzevedo commented 1 year ago

I solved this problem adding "-vulkan" on launch options.

sansetik commented 1 year ago

OMG Valve, This Name delete bug and Hello New BUG --

Gweenteaneko commented 1 year ago

OMG Valve, This Name delete bug and Hello New BUG --

Its not a bug its a feature says Valve 😂😂😂

sansetik commented 1 year ago


sansetik commented 1 year ago


sansetik commented 1 year ago

this feature ?

Gweenteaneko commented 1 year ago

this feature ? You're is square mine is also a blue circle

x22five commented 1 year ago

anyone fixed this issue?

fufelshmerts commented 1 year ago


improve screen quality

Gweenteaneko commented 1 year ago

anyone fixed this issue?

I try some code at lunch options the best I got is that picture above this. And its unplayable

x22five commented 1 year ago

anyone fixed this issue?

I try some code at lunch options the best I got is that picture above this. And its unplayable

how long they need to fix this, or they dont care? i dont understand, this stupid new hero ruined my life f***

x22five commented 1 year ago

I solved this problem adding "-vulkan" on launch options.

not for me :((((((((((((((((((((

Gweenteaneko commented 1 year ago

anyone fixed this issue?

I try some code at lunch options the best I got is that picture above this. And its unplayable

how long they need to fix this, or they dont care? i dont understand, this stupid new hero ruined my life f***

I know the legit fix to this but it'll cost you buckaroos The main cause to this they remove support of opengl

x22five commented 1 year ago

I know the legit fix to this but it'll cost you buckaroos The main cause to this they remove support of opengl

please be kind to update if you guys found a way to play this shit.

elB3n1k commented 1 year ago

I just finished a match, the fog of war issue is gone but now another issue arises XD

7371 Game Screen Render Quality <100% issue

atsumia commented 1 year ago

guys, did u fix fog of war?

atsumia commented 1 year ago

by update*

Gweenteaneko commented 1 year ago

I like to say this always that don't underestimate the power of Reddit but we should throw the towel this time? IMG_20230309_145752

sansetik commented 1 year ago

I have very weak hardware, I have to set the screen processing quality to 100 then fps 0

uniko23 commented 1 year ago

in launch options enter -dxlevel 101 should help

shqshq321 commented 1 year ago

-dxlevel 101 in the launch options helped, but when the screen render quality is <100%, this bug appears. Generally playable, but during the game, sometimes the FPS drops a lot (GT 330M): photo_2023-03-10_17-15-14

gangrelmal commented 1 year ago

-dxlevel 101 worked for me too but setting quality need to be in 100% so I lowered my screen resolution, is playable!

shaileshgarg commented 1 year ago

Seems like the issue is affecting only old GPUs, probably some graphics API update which the old GPUs don't support fully.

yang7951 commented 1 year ago

Showing duplicate models causes FPS to drop, and if you can turn off the display effect may solve the problem, but I don't know how to turn it off ed

Gweenteaneko commented 1 year ago

Showing duplicate models causes FPS to drop, and if you can turn off the display effect may solve the problem, but I don't know how to turn it off ed

Try -dxlevel

yang7951 commented 1 year ago


尝试 -dxlevel

That's useless and doesn't improve FPS

yang7951 commented 1 year ago

This method boosted my FPS, great

Gweenteaneko commented 1 year ago

How about the fog issue?

yang7951 commented 1 year ago

Fog bug still exists, but it increases by 10FPS,I found a phenomenon that when the render quality is adjusted to <100, Fog bug and all models in the game will have a duplicate transparent model, including hero buildings, trees and so on. I think this is equivalent to running two games at the same time. When the hero uses stealth, the duplicate transparent model of the hero will disappear at the same time. I think if we can find the corresponding activity triggered by the stealth skill we should be able to filter out the transparent model. Some people say that this may be the Lod low precision compensation model error. If we can turn off Lod, I think we can solve the problem