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7 suggestions, wishes and ideas for the development of DOTA 2. #7905

Open 7ReaperOfSouls7 opened 1 year ago

7ReaperOfSouls7 commented 1 year ago


Hello Dear Employees, Support and Developers! I have suggestions, wishes and ideas for the development of DOTA 2.

  1. Most important: Add the ability to see the entire warehouse of heroes from another (any) player. For example, as in HOTS (Heroes Of The Storm). Level, statistics and more. It is also possible to see which skins are (active) for all the heroes.

  2. Make battle history available to all players. At the moment, the battle history is only available for a friend.

  3. Add Russian voice acting for all heroes, announcers, skins, merchant on the map and everything else. Many where there is no Russian voice acting.

  4. Translate into Russian the names of all heroes, items, skins, couriers and everything else. There is still no Russian translation.

  5. Expand the "featured heroes" section from 3 to 10 in the player profile.

  6. If possible, then remove the restriction on pumping up to level 5 for heroes without Dota Plus. This feature should be without Dota Plus. After pumping all the heroes to level 5, interest and sense to play further are lost. Not all players can constantly buy Dota Plus. Especially in the game, and so the players have a lot to spend money on. Hope for understanding. For example, in HOTS(Heroes Of The Storm) players are free to level up heroes without restrictions. For how long I have been playing DOTA 2, I see this picture: the heroes of 90% of the players are pumped up to a maximum of level 5. Very rarely come across players who have a higher level of heroes than 5.

  7. Add new (for the store) epic skins for heroes from previous chests to the store (premium) for purchase with crystals.

Please pass on my suggestions, wishes and ideas to the developers for consideration. I hope for your understanding. All the best!

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

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commentator24 commented 1 year ago

you can already see what skins active - under scoreboard, player HUD or post game. games history used to be available to all until they removed that due to privacy and overwolf abuse i think. russian voiceover and translations doubt happening soon due to war vs ukraine. 3 featured is enough i think, 10 might be laggy. would be nice to see all 3 heroes in background at once with custom poses though. free lv 5 is just incentive to pay for dotaplus. this last one v nice idea for more incentive to pay for dotaplus. i would hope someday at least can buy any keys for 20k shards. but i think item creators get a commission so doubt this happen unless they made some sort of deal with valve to put it up on stores.

7ReaperOfSouls7 commented 1 year ago

Regarding point 1: I'm talking about the entire warehouse of heroes in the player's profile and not about the result after the battle. Here is an example like HOTS (Heroes Of The Storm). Screenshot: Here you can go to the profile of any player and see his entire inventory of characters. Hero levels, hero stats and more. It is very interesting to see who the players are pumping out of the heroes and what skins are on all the heroes. This feature is missing in DOTA 2. In DOTA 2, after all, it is possible to view the inventory of any player in the STEAM profile. So I propose to add the ability to see the entire warehouse of heroes in DOTA 2. Quite an interesting, normal and worthwhile idea.

7ReaperOfSouls7 commented 1 year ago

Regarding point 5: In HOTS (Heroes Of The Storm) in the "Favorites" section there are 8 heroes in the player's profile and there are no problems. As we can see in the screenshot from the first paragraph: I am sure that for the great DOTA 2 it will not be any problem to expand the Featured Heroes section from 3 to 10 heroes in the player profile. Improvement, modernization and expansion of the profile is always a priority for players.

7ReaperOfSouls7 commented 1 year ago

Regarding point 7: The developers over the years have already added many rare skin packs to the "Legacy - Packs from the Past" section of the crystal store. And from the new epic skins in the "Premium" section, nothing has been added so far. And this is very sad. There is no balance in the number of skins between rare and epic skins in the crystal store. I'm not saying that you need to add supernova skins from the workshop to this section. I'm talking about epic skins from past and old chests. On the example of skins that are currently in the "Premium" section. In general, I hope you understand me.

7ReaperOfSouls7 commented 1 year ago

Regarding point 6: By adding the ability to level up heroes without DOTA Plus, Online activity will increase dramatically in the game. Now just the developers are trying to increase Online activity in the game. Here is their solution. For example, in HOTS (Heroes Of The Storm) you can level up without restrictions and without boosters. The developers have nothing to lose from this. Many players will thank them for this opportunity. Especially in the game and so there is where the players to invest money. If this feature is added, then many players will return to the game, as well as new players will appear. In general, everyone will be in the black.