ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Immortal matchmaking can seperate party to different team #8246

Open artanzy opened 1 year ago

artanzy commented 1 year ago


I got 1 guy (rubick) who is seems to be in a party with enemy monkeyking in my team. I don't think this is not suppose to be happen the way it should be. Some one need to fix this fast now because this can be abuse in long term as 1 guy could potentially be the actor to intentionally lose the game for the other guy if they happen to get pick in different team.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)




kitche commented 1 year ago

Someone didn’t read patch notes working as designed as there is no party match making for immortal

EW-93 commented 1 year ago

Someone didn’t read patch notes working as designed as there is no party match making for immortal

"Matches in the Immortal ranks won’t use pre-made teams anymore. Instead, two captains will get to draft the other eight players onto each team, making your team more impactful than if you’d just relied on MMR to assign lineups. So if your match sucks now, you’ve got no one to blame but yourselves, Immortals."

Depends on how you interpret the patch notes. IMO this sounds more like the removal of creating teams automatically based on MMR, not removing party queuing completely. Personally I really hope this will get changed as playing ranked with my friends is my favourite thing about Dota and now I can't do it anymore. And as OP mentioned this new system could easily be exploited by boosters or smurfs. If Valve for some reason wants to take away the option to play with friends just cause you happen to be good at the game (wtf?) then go all in and remove the option to queue together.

Lightstruck commented 1 year ago

Happened to me aswell and I noticed it a bunch, So far hard to tell if its intentional or not for actors, but I saw one party who got captain but didnt choose his friend. He also told us in game that not to kill his friend because he wanted to kill him, and his friend was kinda suspicously not caring about the game, GGing or just afk hitting creeps into death. They still lost but as mentioned before This could result in MMR donations, helping booster parties to que into each other even to reduce que time 5booster into 5 actors stack (dont know if this works) and just constantly mmr donating that way. Hope this gets fixed by either drafting both party members with a pick or just removing party que altogether (not allowing party que ) . So far as I saw on Wagamama's stream a 5 stack could also have people stolen from either side, which shouldnt work like that IMO

zanthous commented 1 year ago

Immortal needs to be higher mmr or something then, I really want a higher barrier. Bottom tier immortal is what 5.6k or something? And people have reached 13k. Surely we can bump immortal draft up a bit? I just want to queue ranked with my friends and not get thrown on separate teams

dannysonn commented 1 year ago

Make dota a team game, why can't I play with a friend? This is complete nonsense