ValveSoftware / Dota2-Gameplay

Public Bug Tracker for Dota2
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Game automatically re-queues you into ranked after party member disconnects. #9362

Open moegana opened 1 year ago

moegana commented 1 year ago


After my party member Accepted the ready check, his client closed and the game disconnected. I got automatically re-queued by the game without my party member and placed into a game solo. My abandonment of that game resulted in a 30 minute penalty timer.

I assume that automatically being placed back into queue without all of the party members present isn't intended, as it results in abandons and increased queue times for incidental teammates.

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

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virrim commented 1 year ago

Seconded, but for unranked. Game coordinator went down while buddy and I were in a party- not even searching for a match. Upon reconnecting, I get thrown in a game and they do not, despite still being in a party. 30-minute penalty after trying to abandon so I can play 1 game with my friend. Really dampened my evening.