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MMR Calibration issue #9480

Open Ebinse opened 1 year ago

Ebinse commented 1 year ago


I lost 2000 mmr through this new calibration system. I was 4620 mmr before this patch and they calibrated me at 2550 when i was 16 wins 7 losses during the calibration matches. I purely qued with 2 of my previous divine and ancient teammates and they calibrated at their original rank. Doesnt make sense that i was graded MVP in 50% of my 23 calibration matches which I partied purely with my old teammates (we were all the same rank at the time) and my friend was calibrated at divine 1 (his original rank) and another ancient 3 (also his original rank). Even Black^ who was rank 800 calibrated at crusader in this patch.

Like what is this even? Losing 2000 mmr in 23 calibration matches (WHICH I HAD 70% WINRATE IN AND MVP IN 50% OF THEM). Literally grinded for years to 4.6k. This is ridiculous

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commentator24 commented 1 year ago

the last time you played rank seems to be may 2022 maybe thats why

Ebinse commented 1 year ago

Then comes the argument again - does it make sense for one to drop 2000 mmr purely based on 23 calibration games (which i had a 16 W / 7 L on) just because i stopped queuing for rank for a year? I was still playing normal games in divine bracket.

Black^ summarizes it well - Does messi suddenly become a complete potato after not playing a professional match for 1 year? (while still playing casual games)

commentator24 commented 1 year ago

everyone go through the same new calibration though, so i think it's kinda fair. e.g. surely you've heard that many players lost a lot of mmr after not playing rank for so long due to mmr decay or whatever it is, so why didn't you play rank at least once every month / few months instead of playing normal to keep your ancient / divine rank?

and from the youtube video you showed me, sure he dropped to crusader, but he got his mmr back. most his calibration is also solo, while yours is party. maybe that makes a difference? image try ask steam support to at least give you chance to recalibrate again / ask why (would be great if you post their reply here so i learn why too)

and few things I noticed: -tick only 1 role. dont play roles you rarely play during calibration. e.g. when i play mid its archon 2.. but when i play pos 1 its crusader 4 (i only play pos 1 like once a year) so im guessing the old number is not updated until you play more of that role. if you have dotaplus then check your roles and only play the highest bar rating image -you're matched with only 1 person that is also calibrating at similar rank on opposite team e.g: image so I think this means if most of the immortals, divines, ancients, and legends already calibrated, you might be left behind / lose a lot of mmr if theres no immortals left calibrating maybe? because obviously you're left to vs other archons, crusaders calibrating if that's the kind of players available at that time in that region, hence you're in this situation now.. so next try calibrate faster at the same time with others maybe for more player pool of the same rank

UltrosFF commented 1 year ago


I lost 2000 mmr through this new calibration system. I was 4620 mmr before this patch and they calibrated me at 2550 when i was 16 wins 7 losses during the calibration matches. I purely qued with 2 of my previous divine and ancient teammates and they calibrated at their original rank. Doesnt make sense that i was graded MVP in 50% of my 23 calibration matches which I partied purely with my old teammates (we were all the same rank at the time) and my friend was calibrated at divine 1 (his original rank) and another ancient 3 (also his original rank). Even Black^ who was rank 800 calibrated at crusader in this patch.

Like what is this even? Losing 2000 mmr in 23 calibration matches (WHICH I HAD 70% WINRATE IN AND MVP IN 50% OF THEM). Literally grinded for years to 4.6k. This is ridiculous

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

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image Seems like a justified concern to me. Best of Luck to anyone actually reacting to it.