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Ember Spirit's "Activate Remnant" accounts for the ally hero portraits on the top #9759

Open MegamanEXE opened 1 year ago

MegamanEXE commented 1 year ago

Ability name

Activate Fire Remnant


Youtube link:

Ember spammer here, I'm glad I finally found the culprit of why my remnant jumps have been messing up lately. What's happening here is while activating the fire remnant, my cursor briefly goes over my ally Pangolier's icon in the top UI bar. From there, "Activate Fire Remnant" will look for the remnant closest to Pangolier rather than my cursor, which is the one near the rune spot. Pangolier is in the top lane.

This can be easily reproduced in demo mode:


  1. Create an ally hero and send them a random corner, place a remnant next to them.
  2. Place any other remnant far away, maybe even go closer to it
  3. Activate fire remnant while hovering your ally portrait on the top bar, Ember will always go to the remnant near the ally even if the cursor is technically right next to any other remnant.

NOTE: This works only for ALLY portraits, not enemy portraits, which is weird as it's considering only a part of the top bar.


"Activate Fire Remnant" should NOT account for any kind of UI (except the mini-map, which is important for the sick 180 degree remnant trickshots) or hero portraits, there's no use case for it as ally heroes are always on the move anyway. It should only care for which remnant is closest to the cursor position when activated.

Thank you for your time. This is a very annoying yet an important bug and have missed many kills ;_;

Example Match ID (and possibly Timestamp)

7202996951 - 6:00 to 6:17

BenLubar commented 1 year ago

I'm pretty sure this is true for every ability in the game.

MegamanEXE commented 1 year ago

I'm pretty sure this is true for every ability in the game.

But "Activate Fire Remnant" should not behave like a unit target spell because it isn't. I am aware things like force staff and buffing spells can be casted using the top portrait (especially for heroes like ally PL) but those things are unit targets.

Aluerie commented 1 year ago

should not behave like a unit target

it doesn't.

BenLubar's point stands because all point-target abilities behave like that.

QoP blink, WR powershot, blink dagger, DB Celestial Hammer, DW Bramble maze, TA traps, Arc Warden Field, Chrono, etc-etc.

And should Valve just straight remove this mechanic from all point-target spells in dota or somehow separate those where it makes sense/does not? Idk; then where is the line between those?