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Legacy Keys (new/relatively new in Dota 2) #9780

Open LunaticDrops opened 1 year ago

LunaticDrops commented 1 year ago


New patch has been released that address "newly assigned legacy keys", but below issue hasn't been solved so I believe it is important to raise this.

Issue: Dota 2 proper legacy key assignment. Details: Is there a way the Dota 2 dev team can change the algorithm to make newly assigned legacy hotkeys more user-friendly (i.e. half-left of the keyboard, instead some random buttons, e.g. "J", "K", "L")?

It may be true that Dota 1 (and probably Dota 2 as well) used algorithm based on spells' name for assigning legacy keys, but I think there was a rule (in Dota 1) that ensures all hotkeys for spells fall within half-left of the keyboard, i.e. to the left of (and including) key B, G, and T (or Y if counting Invoker), excluding "A" and "S" for attack and stop command, respectively.

Having far-right keys as a shortcut to some spells (e.g. "J" for Bounty Hunter's Jinada, and "L" for Venomancer's Latent Toxicity) is just inconvenient for legacy key users. I hope the team can make some adjustment by changing the algorithm as mentioned above (to the left of key Y, G, and B, excluding A and S), or even manual assignment to any key in the keyboard's half-left that are not used by the other abilities of those heroes.

p.s. please folk don't say "Just forget legacy keys you oldie" T_T Thank you.

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Venomancer hotkeys (legacy)

LunaticDrops commented 1 year ago

Change in algorithm would be better (than manual assignment) to avoid similar situations in the future (e.g. new heroes or ability rework).

Aluerie commented 1 year ago

9106 sub/dup ; upvote with thumbs up, comment more cases if you know ; use search next time to find already posted bugs/requests ; might want to close as well

And it looks like new automatic algorthym indeed only gives left side keys. The problem resides with old abilities that were manually assigned bad keys.

LunaticDrops commented 1 year ago

I'm sorry, I joined this community just a while ago. I will upvote the aforementioned case.

Regarding your comment, I actually think the opposite is the case. Instead of manually assigned, those abilities follow some algorithm (I assume based on spells' name) and as such get assigned those hotkeys (e.g. "J" for 'J'inada, "L" for 'L'atent Toxicity and 'L'ittle Friends).

That's why it would be better to modify the algorithm to include some exceptions (i.e. in case of hotkeys based on spells name fall within the far-right side of the keyboard). If we post individual cases and manually assign hotkeys like thread #9106, I'm afraid such similar cases will happen again in the future.

New algorithm may simply be modified to, for example:

  1. Follow the old/current algorithm (presumably based on spells' name).
  2. Check whether: a. the assigned hotkey (based on no. 1) is already used by other abilities of the selected hero, OR b. the assigned hotkey does not fall within left-key pool (Q,W,E,R,T,Y,D,F,G,Z,X,C,,V,B)
  3. If 2 is true, then assign (either randomly or in serial fashion) a hotkey from the left-key pool that is not already in use by that hero.


Aluerie commented 1 year ago

Instead of manually assigned

The "magic algorithm" was introduced in May to assign legacy keys for abilities that do not have one yet, thus it did not touch Jinada or Latent Toxicity, or Little Friends. So, if you want to figure it out you need to look at different abilities.