ValveSoftware / Proton

Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
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Age Of Empire 3: Complete Collection (105450) #17

Open Loooooouuuuu opened 5 years ago

Loooooouuuuu commented 5 years ago

Hello !

I'm trying to install AOE 3 Complete Collection on Steam. The installation goes well, but I get this when I start the game:


When I type my CD key, I cannot type the first 5 characters. I'm limited to only 4.

I think it's related to this : In this, "alexandre.rozier" said

This problem appears when one has not installed the correct windows fonts. By installing with winetricks the "all fonts" package, this problem goes away and one can enter 5 chars into each field.

How can I do that using Proton ?

Thanks a lot. This project is amazing

ghost commented 5 years ago

You can do that like so:

WINEPREFIX=/path/to/steam/steamapps/compatdata/APPID/pfx/ winetricks allfonts

Just replace the path & appid

I've made an issue about winetricks stuff over here: #54

kisak-valve commented 5 years ago

Age of Empires III: Complete Collection - Error loading the PID generator DLL

Issue transferred from @Holzhaus posted on 2018-08-24T09:08:39:

After installing and starting Age of Empires III: Complete Collection, the Product Key window pops up. After entering my key, and clicking OK, the following error message pops up:

Error loading the PID generator DLL. The DLL could not be found! Please make sure the file is available int he installation directory and try again.

It's not possible to progress further.

EDIT: Logfile and system info can be found here:

EDIT 2: I'm using the flatpak installation of steam.

@arzardk commented on 2018-08-24T09:18:15

You need to attach game log file and your system specs via github gist to this issue. You can obtain log file if you running Proton with user settings, which you can find in your /home directory. Path to this folder is something like this /home/arzardk/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 3.7. In this folder you find file called or something similar. Just rename it to and run your game again. You can find log file in your /home directory after that.

@Holzhaus commented on 2018-08-24T09:39:41

Thanks for the info. I added the gist link to my original post.

@Holzhaus commented on 2018-08-24T09:46:10

PidGen.dll does exist:

$ cd ~/.var/app/com.valvesoftware.Steam/data/Steam/steamapps/common/Age Of Empires 3/bin
$ ls -l | grep -i pid
-rwxr-xr-x  1 user user    95248 22. Aug 14:51 mgspid.dll
-rwxr-xr-x  1 user user    92944 22. Aug 14:52 mgspidx.dll
-rwxr-xr-x  1 user user    82968 22. Aug 14:52 mgspidy.dll
-rwxr-xr-x  1 user user    48656 22. Aug 14:52 PidGen.dll
-rwxr-xr-x  1 user user    31040 22. Aug 14:50 PidGenX.dll
-rwxr-xr-x  1 user user    30912 22. Aug 14:49 pidgeny.dll

I already tried symlinking PidGen.dll to PIDGen.dll (filename from the logs), but that didn't help.

@arzardk commented on 2018-08-24T09:56:03

I have problems with flatpak version of Steam, like games with Proton unable to running at all. Have you tried running this game on default Steam?

@Holzhaus commented on 2018-08-24T10:15:39

No, but the issue that flatpak was unable to start any games with Proton should now be fixed: flathub/com.valvesoftware.Steam#152 And I can start games other than AOE3 using flatpak'ed steam, e.g. Fallout: New Vegas or Stronghold Crusader 2.

ryao commented 5 years ago

A comment on winehq says:

All the problems can be solved with the following commands:

winetricks --force corefonts dsound l3codecx quartz
winetricks -q mfc42
winetricks d3dx9 dotnet20

Note that some of those winetricks (dotnet20) are requiring a 32-bits WINEPREFIX.

Unfortunately, the prefix is 64-bit and dotnet20 requires 32-bit for some strange reason (why doesn't native Windows break the game over this?), so it isn't possible to make this work. If someone could figure out the .NET 2.0 issue, it should be possible to make the game play.

ryao commented 5 years ago

The winetricks issue is here:

If someone gets that working, I imagine it would be possible to play the game using the files the Steam client installs.

ryao commented 5 years ago

I got it to work. Here are the commands:

# First try starting it from Steam. Then exit as soon as the product ID key is requested.

# Download the .NET framework 2.0

# Install the .NET Framework 2.0
/tmp/proton_run $HOME/NetFx64.exe

# Install a bunch of other stuff.
env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/compatdata/105450/pfx/ WINEPATH=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Proton\ 3.7/dist/bin/wine winetricks -q winxp corefonts dsound l3codecx quartz mfc42

# Start it from Steam and enjoy

This was inspired by Lutris' script:

ryao commented 5 years ago

It turns out that if you have corefonts installed through your distribution's package manager, you don't need to install them via winetricks. My guess is that distributions are missing a proper substitute for one of the corefonts, so fixing #571 would at least mean one less thing is needed here.

Holzhaus commented 5 years ago

The PIDGen.dll problem can be easily fixed by installing mfc42 via winetricks.

juanpmarin commented 5 years ago

@ryao I tried your fix but it doesn't work

srtomy commented 5 years ago

this error of the PIDGen.dll was resolved installing mfc42. Now I have black screen problem.

ryao commented 5 years ago

@juanpmarin You will need to be more specific about how it doesn't work. Maybe you don't have /tmp/proton_run being generated from not using proton 3.7-3. There is also the possibility that you don't have winetricks installed.

Raulvo commented 5 years ago

I'm also getting the error about the DLL:

Error loading the PID generator DLL. The DLL could not be found! Please make sure the file is available int he installation directory and try again.

Holzhaus commented 5 years ago

@Raulvo you can fix this by installing winetricks and running:

env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/compatdata/105450/pfx/ WINEPATH=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Proton\ 3.7/dist/bin/wine winetricks mfc42
P4NCH1 commented 5 years ago

Trying to run winetricks to fix the CD-key issue but in SteamOS I get permissions issues

Terminal i/o: aoe3.log

Should I've to add user steam to sudoers and install wine & wintricks logued-in there?

Holzhaus commented 5 years ago

@P4NCH1 No. Try giving the steam user write access to /tmp.

P4NCH1 commented 5 years ago

@P4NCH1 No. Try giving the steam user write access to /tmp.

It should have, @Holzhaus

desktop@steamos:/$ ls -l | grep tmp
drwxrwxrwt  17 root root  4096 Sep 14 02:17 tmp
Holzhaus commented 5 years ago

My guess: Your first attempt using the desktop user probably created /tmp/early_wine.err.txt. Thus, the steam user can't write to it since it does not have ownership of the file. If so, try to delete it.

kb-elmo commented 5 years ago

I got the game working with env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450/pfx/ WINEPATH=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 3.7/dist/bin/wine winetricks -q d3dx9 winxp corefonts dsound l3codecx quartz mfc42 Key activation worked, no blackscreen and game is playable. But I got no sound. Only a few crackling noises.

legluondunet commented 5 years ago

I think we have to wait for Faudio integration in Proton before to be able to play this one.

ryao commented 5 years ago

@elmo-space I am not sure why you had to install d3dx9. Also, sound works for me. You might want to try setting the dll overrides in winecfg that are used for Rise of Nations in #298. Those are dmime, dmsynth, dmusic, dsound, dswave and l3codecx. I do not recall needing to do that for AoE 3 though.

Sanman96 commented 5 years ago

I've been using linux for almost a decade but WINE is relatively new to me... Never had a need to run it until now.

I am also getting the PID error. I have used the small script ryao provided along with other commands in this thread with no luck.

Tried installing mfc42 manually with the wine prefix and path, it installed successfully but AOE is still reporting the PID error.

Let me know what log files you need to help me troubleshoot. Thanks!

Also I got AOE2, MW3, and a few other games working in steam play. Just can't get this one working!

P4NCH1 commented 5 years ago

I still couldn't install mfc42 through winetricks:

steam@steamos:~$ env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450/pfx/ WINEPATH=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 3.7/dist/bin/wine winetricks -q mfc42

wine cmd.exe /c echo '%ProgramFiles%' returned empty string, error message 'wine: '/home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450/pfx' is a 64-bit installation, it cannot be used with a 32-bit wineserver.'

Shouldn't that prefix be a 32-bit prefix?

btw, @Holzhaus , there isn't a /tmp/early_wine.err.txt file but seems that the error now is different.

legluondunet commented 5 years ago

@P4NCH1 kill all wine program stayed in your memory: $ ps aux |grep wine or simply reboot your computer

then I don't think your winepath is correct, should be: WINEPATH="$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton 3.7 Beta/proton"

P4NCH1 commented 5 years ago
steam@steamos:~$ ps aux | grep wine
steam    14553  0.0  0.0  34236  2288 pts/0    S+   03:54   0:00 grep wine
steam@steamos:~$ ls $HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 3.7\ Beta/
dist  dist.lock  LICENSE  proton  proton_dist.tar.gz  __pycache__  toolmanifest.vdf  version
steam@steamos:~$ ls $HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 3.7\ Beta/dist
bin  lib  lib64  share  version
steam@steamos:~$ ls $HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 3.7\ Beta/dist/bin
wine  wine64  wine64-preloader  wine-preloader  wineserver
steam@steamos:~$ ls $HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 3.7/
dist  dist.lock  filelock.pyc  LICENSE  proton  proton_dist.tar.gz  __pycache__  toolmanifest.vdf  version
steam@steamos:~$ ls $HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 3.7/dist
bin  lib  lib64  share  version
steam@steamos:~$ ls $HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 3.7/dist/bin
wine  wine64  wine64-preloader  wine-preloader  wineserver

I have SteamOS, @legluondunet

steam@steamos:~$ env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450/pfx/ WINEPATH=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 3.7/proton winetricks -q mfc42
wine cmd.exe /c echo '%ProgramFiles%' returned empty string, error message 'wine: '/home/steam/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450/pfx' is a 64-bit installation, it cannot be used with a 32-bit wineserver.'
ryao commented 5 years ago

I just tried it out and it still works, but there have been changes to proton that require adjustments to the old instructions. Here are new instructions:

# Wipe out wine prefix directory to get a fresh one.
rm -r "${HOME}/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450"

# Set launch options: PROTON_DUMP_DEBUG_COMMANDS=1 %command%
# Run Age of Empires III and then exit as soon as product key is requested
# You may remove the launch options after doing that.

# Fetch a 64-bit .NET 2.0 package

# Install .NET 2.0
/tmp/proton_${USER}/run "${PWD}/NetFx64.exe"

# Fetch winetricks and protontricks

# Set them as executable
chmod u+x "${PWD}/protontricks" "${PWD}/winetricks"

# Add final workarounds
WINESERVER="${HOME}/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Proton 3.7/dist/bin/wineserver" WINETRICKS="${PWD}/winetricks" ${PWD}/protontricks 105450 mfc42 winxp l3codecx corefonts

# Start Age of Empires III, enter the product key and enjoy

Also, sound works for me.

legluondunet commented 5 years ago

@ryao Hello Richard, could you tell me why you installed dotnet 2? I didn't need to install it to play this game.

legluondunet commented 5 years ago

my tests results (v2.0 corrected), this game launched with Proton 3.7-6 if: I set OS to XP and install corefonts mfc42 l3codecx with winetricks. I met problem if I installed dsound or quartz with winetricks, the game did not start or had no sound. I tried to install .Net 2 but I obtained an error message: .Net 2 is already installed. So it is not necessary to install quartz, dsound, d3dx9 or .Net 2 with winetricks to play this game. Anyway, I started the tutorial and it freezed at a precise point, I can reproduce this bug each time: when I have to move 3 soldiers, the tutorial voice man shut up and sounds/audio become unstable, I can not continue the tutorial. When I exited, the game stayed in memory, I had to kill it.

ryao commented 5 years ago

@legluondunet I had a crash from it not having .NET at some point, so I installed it and it was happy. I am not sure why it needs it. I haven't studied the binaries. The cinematics play for me.

Try wiping out your prefix and making a new one. You probably have the mono version of .NET installed from an earlier attempt at fixing it. I haven't had any issues with it being unstable or crashing. I have only done a skirmish though. I have not tried using the tutorial.

By the way, it coudl be that you are missing some prerequisite for Wine. Try installing wine from your distribution repository if you haven't already so that you have all of the prerequisites for Proton installed.

legluondunet commented 5 years ago

Like I said above, the game crashed if I try the tutorial and didn't close properly, I had to kill it. I can reproduce this bug each time with Proton (and Wine vanilla, Wine staging too). I joined you the Proton log: My config:

legluondunet commented 5 years ago

I just discovered the crash is only happened with the french version, not the english one. I declared a bug on WineHQ bugzilla as well

BloodyIron commented 5 years ago

Any chance we can get these PID fixes baked into proton? Instead of having to do this manual work-around? :( Kind of a pain since my STEAM content directory is mounted on another drive, and not in my user profile.

ryao commented 5 years ago

@BloodyIron I do not have time to pursue it right now, but the workarounds could probably be put into this:

Edit: It seems to have already been added.

legluondunet commented 5 years ago

The font issue that avoid to enter the serial number is corrected with Proton 3.16-4, thank you Valve team. Next step: the pid.dll that avoid to validate the serial number?

pkoretic commented 5 years ago

on Arch (unsupported) using 3.16-4 beta this was enough to make it fully working: env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/compatdata/105450/pfx/ WINEPATH=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Proton\ 3.16/dist/bin/wine winetricks l3codecx winxp mfc42

zimudec commented 5 years ago

on Arch (unsupported) using 3.16-4 beta this was enough to make it fully working: env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/compatdata/105450/pfx/ WINEPATH=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Proton\ 3.16/dist/bin/wine winetricks l3codecx winxp mfc42

I do not understand. Where should that command be taken? in the terminal before starting steam? Start steam next to that command? enter it in properties-> define launch parameters?

pkoretic commented 5 years ago

on Arch (unsupported) using 3.16-4 beta this was enough to make it fully working: env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/compatdata/105450/pfx/ WINEPATH=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Proton\ 3.16/dist/bin/wine winetricks l3codecx winxp mfc42

I do not understand. Where should that command be taken? in the terminal before starting steam? Start steam next to that command? enter it in properties-> define launch parameters?

As similar commands mentioned before, this is to run winetricks ( and install additional libraries for wine, so it is supposed to be run in your terminal. In this case you run this when the game is not running, after first start/attempt so that wine prefix is created.

zimudec commented 5 years ago

on Arch (unsupported) using 3.16-4 beta this was enough to make it fully working: env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/compatdata/105450/pfx/ WINEPATH=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Proton\ 3.16/dist/bin/wine winetricks l3codecx winxp mfc42

I do not understand. Where should that command be taken? in the terminal before starting steam? Start steam next to that command? enter it in properties-> define launch parameters?

As similar commands mentioned before, this is to run winetricks ( and install additional libraries for wine, so it is supposed to be run in your terminal. In this case you run this when the game is not running, after first start/attempt so that wine prefix is created.

I worked your command by terminal, but I had to correct the following problem: "SteamApps" I replaced it with "steamapps" (they are different folders and the second was the correct one), therefore it would look like this:

env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450/pfx/ WINEPATH=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 3.16/dist/bin/wine winetricks l3codecx winxp mfc42


BloodyIron commented 5 years ago

Can we get these winetricks added as automatic setup steps please? :)

jaubin commented 5 years ago

I confirm the game works like a charm when you apply @zimudec trick.

The only thing is that instead of WINEPREFIX and WINEPATH use your own. For example mine where :: INEPREFIX=$(pwd)/pfx WINEPATH=/mnt/misc3/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 3.16/dist/bin/wine winetricks l3codecx winxp mfc42

With pwd set to /mnt/gamesfast/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450

boogerlad commented 5 years ago

For people running into the black screen problem, setting age3.exe to run on windows xp fixes it. You can do so like so

env WINEPREFIX=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450/pfx WINEPATH=$HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ 3.16\ Beta/dist/bin/wine winecfg
ghost commented 5 years ago


... Here are new instructions:

# Wipe out wine prefix directory to get a fresh one.
rm -r "${HOME}/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450"

# Set launch options: PROTON_DUMP_DEBUG_COMMANDS=1 %command%
# Run Age of Empires III and then exit as soon as product key is requested
# You may remove the launch options after doing that.

# Fetch a 64-bit .NET 2.0 package

# Install .NET 2.0
/tmp/proton_${USER}/run "${PWD}/NetFx64.exe"

# Fetch winetricks and protontricks

# Set them as executable
chmod u+x "${PWD}/protontricks" "${PWD}/winetricks"

# Add final workarounds
WINESERVER="${HOME}/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Proton 3.7/dist/bin/wineserver" WINETRICKS="${PWD}/winetricks" ${PWD}/protontricks 105450 mfc42 winxp l3codecx corefonts

# Start Age of Empires III, enter the product key and enjoy

Also, sound works for me.

THANK YOU so much! I'm new to this Proton magic, having same problem as OP, and was trying to fix this problem without installing wine (on system). Following Your steps, game works perfect /system Arch + nVidia GTX 970/ Steam for Linux, and all installed yesterday. Also, I did not perform first step (Wipe out wine prefix directory to get a fresh one.)

BloodyIron commented 5 years ago

So, any chance we can get this to work without any user intervention at all? As in, get these steps baked into proton activity itself. Defeats the point of Steam Play if we're going to need to do CLI fiddling per-game. I'd rather use Lutris.

muriloglix commented 5 years ago

@Holzhaus, there was no problem trying to install this package? With me it just did not install, I'm getting the error "Unhandled exception: divide by zero in 32 bits code", so the installation does not proceed. I'm using a clean installation of SteamOS and Proton 3.16-6 Beta.

BloodyIron commented 5 years ago

Can we PLEASE get this fix baked into mainline?

cantalupo555 commented 5 years ago

I just tried it out and it still works, but there have been changes to proton that require adjustments to the old instructions. Here are new instructions:

# Wipe out wine prefix directory to get a fresh one.
rm -r "${HOME}/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450"

# Set launch options: PROTON_DUMP_DEBUG_COMMANDS=1 %command%
# Run Age of Empires III and then exit as soon as product key is requested
# You may remove the launch options after doing that.

# Fetch a 64-bit .NET 2.0 package

# Install .NET 2.0
/tmp/proton_${USER}/run "${PWD}/NetFx64.exe"

# Fetch winetricks and protontricks

# Set them as executable
chmod u+x "${PWD}/protontricks" "${PWD}/winetricks"

# Add final workarounds
WINESERVER="${HOME}/.local/share/Steam/SteamApps/common/Proton 3.7/dist/bin/wineserver" WINETRICKS="${PWD}/winetricks" ${PWD}/protontricks 105450 mfc42 winxp l3codecx corefonts

# Start Age of Empires III, enter the product key and enjoy

Also, sound works for me.

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Hey, Thank you very much!!!!!

I will update only the final directory because the version of my Proton is different.

# Wipe out wine prefix directory to get a fresh one.
rm -r "${HOME}/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/105450"

# Set launch options: PROTON_DUMP_DEBUG_COMMANDS=1 %command%
# Run Age of Empires III and then exit as soon as product key is requested
# You may remove the launch options after doing that.

# Fetch a 64-bit .NET 2.0 package

# Install .NET 2.0
/tmp/proton_${USER}/run "${PWD}/NetFx64.exe"

# Fetch winetricks and protontricks

# Set them as executable
chmod u+x "${PWD}/protontricks" "${PWD}/winetricks"

# Add final workarounds
WINESERVER="${HOME}/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Proton 3.16 Beta/dist/bin/wineserver" 
WINETRICKS="${PWD}/winetricks" ${PWD}/protontricks 105450 mfc42 winxp l3codecx corefonts

# Start Age of Empires III, enter the product key and enjoy
BloodyIron commented 5 years ago

Just tested with Proton 4.2.1 same issue.

Clearly there is a solution here, but I think it's time the fixes get baked into Proton already. Please?

BloodyIron commented 5 years ago

Tried with 4.2-3, still buggered, DLL error thrown when trying to input CD-Key...

Sanman96 commented 5 years ago

Was still having issues finding a way to get this to work between computers running Ubuntu and found this guide. Works great.

If anyone is looking for an easy install without messing with prefixes, found a useful link.

  1. Enable steam play for all titles. Go to “Settings” -> “Steam Play” -> check “Enable Steam Play for all other titles”
  2. Launch Steam and install ‘Age of Empires III: Complete Collection’
  3. Run AoE3 for the first time, and let perform the first time setup. One you get to the “Product Key” box, click “Cancel”
  4. You now need to install “winetricks.” See The easiest way to install on Ubuntu is to run sudo apt install winetricks
  5. You also need to install “protontricks”, which is a wrapper for winetricks that runs it against Steam Play installations. The version on the original article is out of date, so the newer version is here: To install this, run:
  6. sudo apt install python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-venv
  7. python3 -m pip install --user pipx
  8. ~/.local/bin/pipx ensurepath
  9. pipx install protontricks
  10. Now install the extra dependencies with protontricks: protontricks 105450 mfc42 winxp l3codecx corefonts
  11. Now you can relaunch the game and enter the CD Key.
BloodyIron commented 5 years ago

Can we PLEASE get this baked into mainline Proton already? The solution has been identified, verified, and we just need it mainlined. Been waiting since January...

BloodyIron commented 5 years ago

@kisak-valve ?

kisak-valve commented 5 years ago

Hello @BloodyIron, the way to move forward with the goal of the game working out of the box is to improve the support provided by wine and not to depend on workarounds. Insisting that using protontricks/winetricks is definitely not helping.

The biggest issue was providing .NET support (#18) which has landed and rumor has it that mfc42 can be bypassed.

The remaining codec and font issues need to be properly identified and triaged in wine.