ValveSoftware / Proton

Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
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Rising Storm 2: Vietnam (418460) #2726

Open opal1974 opened 5 years ago

opal1974 commented 5 years ago

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:


Like its sister games Red Orchestra 2 and Killing Floor 2, Rising Storm 2 tries to install .net everytime you play it. On my previous set up (under Kubuntu) I would sometimes get crashes on launch or when changing maps (I discuss this more at length at the Killing Floor 2 bug page) but since moving to Manjaro I have not gotten these crashes with this game. So far its just the annoyance of the .net install issue

Some time ago, there was a problem with Easy Anti-Cheat, but it started working a couple months ago? I didnt have the game before then, I bought it because people on protondb said it was working, which it is. You can play the game pretty much perfectly on my set up save for the annoyance of the .net install issue.


Install, start game.

Zorrototo commented 5 years ago

Honestly I don't even know how it worked before, as logs shown the EAC dll wasn't even loading at game start when it was 'working'.

M-Alonzo commented 5 years ago

I assume it's just a coincidence that it was "working" in time for their last sale, but hey, I knew the risk (there's no support). At least I got 48 hours out of this game. Big thanks to all the Proton devs and associated projects that make so many games run flawlessly on Linux.

Bumbadawg commented 5 years ago

@M-Alonzo but correlation is not causation. On 4.2-6, Valve mentionned a new Steam network API. Which might not be fully supported on Proton and thus it might be Steamworks and not just EAC, since it's a Steam key error. Once Proton will get out EAC and BattleEye off the way, most industries will push Linux market forward.

PrimaMateria commented 5 years ago

Response from EAC support.

Thanks for reaching out!

Easy Anti-Cheat currently supports native Linux games but is not compatible with the Steam Play emulation yet. We are working with Valve to bring the support for it, however there is no ETA for a release date at this point.

Regards, Easy Anti-Cheat Support

mindinsomnia commented 5 years ago

I know they can't give an ETA, but it would be nice if they could give a sense of where they are currently at. Has the work just started? Are they deep in the project? Are they nearly done?

LovingMelody commented 5 years ago

@mindinsomnia None of that would really give us a sense, at any point in time they can hit a bump, something come up and end up in project limbo for who knows how long. If they were nearly done they would give an ETA.

solenum commented 4 years ago

Game no longer starting at all, anyone else experiencing similar issues?

PrimaMateria commented 4 years ago

Game no longer starting at all, anyone else experiencing similar issues?

It starts for me. Played one minute before EAC kicked me out.

solenum commented 4 years ago

Ah you're right, steam was being strange and not starting a few specific games in my library. Got it working now, still getting kicked after about a minute or so for the same old reason.

SparrowOchon commented 4 years ago

This is not solely an EAC problem but rather a Steam or Steams Api interfacing as stated by @Bumbadawg .You can install EAC on the same prefix proton's running the game on and it installs fine (This remove all EasyAntiCheat errors in the log even says its running if viewed using TaskManager during runtime). The SteamExe Key Error persists. I.e Game Still Borked.

Installing EasyAntiCheat

(Note this does work on other EAC protected games as well, getting some to run. Might also work with BattleEye games)
  1. Find EasyAntiCheat's Setup executable In the installed game directory. (Can access this through Browse Local Files... in the games properties)

  2. Run the Proton-exec script to install EAC I.e the following ./proton-exec ID PATH/TO/EAC-Setup.exe so in RS2:Vietnam's case ./proton-exec 418460 ~/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Rising\ Storm\ 2/Binaries/Win64/EasyAntiCheat/EasyAntiCheat_Setup.exe

antimech commented 4 years ago

@SparrowOchon I reinstalled EAC this way and it's still doesn't work on "Dead by Daylight".

SparrowOchon commented 4 years ago

@AndrewLoom Unfortunately this isn't a full proof solution, As we can see it doesn't even work on RS2. The reason it would work is if the game doesnt implement the kernel space drivers of EAC. Wine doesn't allow kernel space drivers and user-space drivers to properly communicate at least for EAC. If you are playing only single player you can bypass EAC completely which I wouldn't advise since its ban-able.

SparrowOchon commented 4 years ago

Fixed in Patch?

I got the game fully up and running. Just checking to ask if its based on the changes I've made or the game got patched? proof(1) cleaned

Bumbadawg commented 4 years ago

I confirm i could join EAC servers, although the launch command adds -eac-nop-loaded by default.

Zorrototo commented 4 years ago

The game had periods of "working EAC", then it's back to not working. Wait and see, this is probably not working and you're just lucky for some time.There has been no Proton or game update.

EDIT: this launch command parameter "-eac-nop-loaded" seems to be made to disable EAC... is this officially in launch command or did you add it manually? If it is official this is probably why it worked sometimes if they add this for whatever reason ("a problem with EAC? no worry just disable it silently in the game people will not notice anyway" kind of thing maybe?) So yeah it works because you're not using EAC.

SparrowOchon commented 4 years ago

@Zorrototo @Bumbadawg don't need to disable eac just install it using the setup I previously posted and you're good to go.By default the install doesn't enable it.

Also dont see that in my launch commands with eac installed where are you checking and what version of proton if its proton specific ?

Bumbadawg commented 4 years ago

@SparrowOchon although your steps are good to know to install it, it seems it's not required for the game to currently work on EAC servers (might be a backend issue which helps Linux users in this case)

Also dont see that in my launch commands with eac installed where are you checking and what version of proton if its proton specific ?

in the latest version, it's not added in Steam per se but in HTOP i could see the eac-nop option added

SparrowOchon commented 4 years ago

@Bumbadawg oh ok I thought you were talking about steam startup commands, interesting to think they would take that kind of step makes you wonder if as @Zorrototo said this was planned or not. Disabling eac definitely wouldn't be in their long term interests.

solenum commented 4 years ago

@SparrowOchon how long did you remain in the server? Normally you could load the game and connect but you would be kicked out after a minute or two due EAC not working.

Bumbadawg commented 4 years ago

@exezin i played an hour this morning, no issues

SparrowOchon commented 4 years ago

@exezin played 4 hours back to back didn't get kicked from any of the 2 servers even with custom maps.

LemiSt24 commented 4 years ago

Fixed in Patch?

I got the game fully up and running. Just checking to ask if its based on the changes I've made or the game got patched? proof(1) cleaned

Can not confirm. I installed EAC like above but get kicked after 2min like before.

SparrowOchon commented 4 years ago

@LemiSt24 as stated by @Bumbadawg the fix wasn't anything we did but the -eac-nop-loaded that seemed to have been left on and they might have reverted that.

Can you confirm when the game is running and you look at the VNgame.exe process in top it's not being passed -eac-nop-loaded as a argument. ?

LemiSt24 commented 4 years ago

@SparrowOchon it is being passed the parameter but I was under the impression that at least @Bumbadawg could join servers despite this.

Is your game not getting the parameter passed after "installing" EAC?

SparrowOchon commented 4 years ago

@LemiSt24 It still gets the parameter but it allows me to join the servers and play games. What proton version are you using for the game and if you uninstall EAC again does it make any difference for you?

LemiSt24 commented 4 years ago

@SparrowOchon just tested a bit more, getting the dreaded "Authentication timed out 1/2" error with and without EAC installed. I am using proton 4.11-7

SparrowOchon commented 4 years ago

@LemiSt24 oh might have been reverted this morning then, I'll post an update for if it still works for me when I get a chance to test.

But in general the Authentication timed out is the error we got when eac was "blocking" the steam exe validation I.e its kernel modules weren't able to properly validate the exe. Thus you would get SteamExe Key error in your log.

Zorrototo commented 4 years ago

Also one important parameter in the equation is the SERVER. If server disables EAC then you can play on it, whatever EAC status on the client side.

SparrowOchon commented 4 years ago

@LemiSt24 Yea seems the changes were reverted, I cant play either. Back to the Authentication Timed Out

@Zorrototo That is true but there is only one server (that i know of) that disables EAC i.e Tux Friends 32. Made specifically for linux players. But its almost always empty

Bumbadawg commented 4 years ago

It seems no patch has been pushed onto the game and EAC kicks again. ... shame.

Zorrototo commented 4 years ago

So it is like before, you could play online for unknown reason (probably EAC temporary issue), then you could not anymore.

LemiSt24 commented 4 years ago

@SparrowOchon funny you mention it, I actually run that server. But it's called "[TuxFriends] 64 Slots | 40Hz | EU" now as i've recently upgraded it.

I've found you can fill up a server with a starting player count of about five. Most times others join rather quickly then.

Edit: had to downgrade again, single-core performance on my cloud service was not sufficient, so it's "[TuxFriends] 40 Slots | 40Hz | EU" again.

Zorrototo commented 4 years ago

I might have been wrong about the "Command line: -eac-nop-loaded" it might not be made to disable EAC, but all occurrences I found about this parameters were for other games where people added this to be able to bypass EAC by uninstalling it and using this additional parameter in startup command line. Anyway without official announcement about EAC support in Proton I don't really see any chance of it working properly, unless in the rare occurrences there have been in the past and recently as you experienced (a probable EAC down time or something similar, just a temporary thing).

Bumbadawg commented 4 years ago

Yes, it seems that our best solution atm is hosting a Linux server ourselves to counter the Tencent incentives of slowing down EAC dev for Linux/Proton.

Zorrototo commented 4 years ago

Why do you have to bring conspiracy theories without any interest for the thread?

SparrowOchon commented 4 years ago

Well lets not forget that Antimatter was bought off recently and aren't focusing on this game anymore so really doubt the EAC support will ever be coming. source.

@Bumbadawg Also don't see how Tencent benefits from impeding Proton. Is there something I'm missing ?

Bumbadawg commented 4 years ago

@SparrowOchon yep, Antimatter being bought doesn't lead to any fix for this situation on their end. Now for the side conversation, Epic have tried to tackle down Valve on this field quite a lot since Tencent bought them. They've slowed down the engine support for Linux, attacked Valve with their interesting percentage exclusivity and store withdrawal deals (not Linux related so you get the idea). Tim Sweeney tried at the same time to clash onto Linux playerbase always hinting at Valve. Thereafter Tencent bought EAC and surprise: EAC stopped the dev that was on going for Linux/Proton in their Finland based company (correct me if you have opposite elements). To be clear, it's not just impeding Proton, it's impeding Valve that Tencent/Epic benefits from.

Now we have both statements from Valve and EAC claiming they're "still" working on it, but it feels like promise more than staged dates. Although, we're talking Valve time here =D

EmergencyShotput commented 4 years ago

so does the script work? Im having issue with the game ID parameter right now. I was wondering if anyone had gotten it to work without the -eac-nop-loaded command

Zorrototo commented 4 years ago

Nothing works. You can't play on EAC servers, unless there is a TEMPORARY unexplainable period of time where you can.

EmergencyShotput commented 4 years ago

Nothing works. You can't play on EAC servers, unless there is a TEMPORARY unexplainable period of time where you can.

alright, thanks for the answer

EmergencyShotput commented 4 years ago

is there an American TuxFriends server?

LemiSt24 commented 4 years ago

@EmergencyShotput unfortunately not, but if you have a spare pc or your computer is decent enough it's pretty straightforward to host a non-EAC-server: just rename or remove the eac_server.dll from the server's Binaries/EasyAntiCheat folder. There is a good tutorial here on how to set one up. The server software is mostly single-threaded, so its performance depends on your server's single-core performance (which is why hosting on a cloud server is a bad idea, believe me).

My setup runs on AMD A6 cores clocked at 3.1GHz which is enough for about 40 players (90% CPU usage).

antimech commented 4 years ago

@SparrowOchon I wasn't able to get EAC working with Rising Storm either. What am I doing wrong?

Zorrototo commented 4 years ago

Nothing works. You can't play on EAC servers, unless there is a TEMPORARY unexplainable period of time where you can.

SparrowOchon commented 4 years ago

@antimech as stated by @Zorrototo the game is completely borked. The EAC install I posted only works with some games if you take the extra step to EAC bypass which can get you banned you'll be able to use it on any game but under normal circumstances no changes made work with this game.

Regarding dead by daylight you'll need to check the proton logs post EAC install and see where its dropping out if you're lucky its not a unimplemented method issue or its a method thats easy to reimplement or has already been done so by proton ge.

antimech commented 4 years ago

@SparrowOchon thank you for the answer!

antimech commented 4 years ago

@SparrowOchon Proton logs are unreadable for me, so :)

Bumbadawg commented 3 years ago

it works on EAC servers

Zorrototo commented 3 years ago

it works on EAC servers

I think you meant "EAC is not working for now". It can not and will not work on EAC enabled servers, if it works, it is just a fluke, and will stop working soon. This was the case last year for a moment it worked, but pretty sure right now if ti works it is because devs have issues with EAC currently with their new messed up patches for EGS integration, and pretty sure EAC is broken in the game or they disabled it without telling anyone.

Zorrototo commented 3 years ago

An once again I thought right:

Servers are broken, they, once again, completely destroyed the game with a rotten update.