ValveSoftware / Proton

Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
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Hades (1145360) #3312

Open gfbett opened 4 years ago

gfbett commented 4 years ago

Compatibility Report

System Information

GPU: Intel(R) HD Graphics 620 Driver/LLVM version: 3.0 Mesa 19.2.1 Kernel version: 5.3.0-22-generic Link to full system information report as Gist: Proton version: 4.11-9

I confirm:



The game starts to load, and the progress bar stops halftime and just gets stuck there. When filling it gets slower and slower to advance.


Just run the game

kust2708 commented 4 years ago

Hi @gfbett ,

You can solve this problem using these options : PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 %command%

However, there are some random crashs between maps and when chatting with characters.

gfbett commented 4 years ago

For me it still get stuck loading on the same place when using those parameters

kust2708 commented 4 years ago

Mmmh, I removed launch options, and it does work now. I noticed that I had to switch off my controller before launch the game the first time. I need more investigation.

kust2708 commented 4 years ago

steam-1145360.log Here is my log if it can be usefull. I can get why I don't have the issue at launch and in the main menu after selecting save slot.

When i had the loading issue at launch, I switched off my controller and managed to see the main menu, but the game crashed right after selecting my save slot. I had to add PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 %command% to my launch option and the game worked. After that moment I don't need anymore to add any options.

However, the game crashes randomly. The more frequent crash is when the game change the map. Otherwise, it happens that the game freeze randomly (sound is still working).

EDIT: Switch off controller doesn't make differences, it was a wrong track.

madewokherd commented 4 years ago

* Assertion: should not be reached at /vagrant/mono/mono/utils/mono-threads.c:1066

I've seen this message before in a game that uses a managed wrapper library around dinput. Wine's mscoree tries to create two different appdomains using the mono embedding api, and mono doesn't like that.

Cxpher commented 4 years ago

* Assertion: should not be reached at /vagrant/mono/mono/utils/mono-threads.c:1066

I've seen this message before in a game that uses a managed wrapper library around dinput. Wine's mscoree tries to create two different appdomains using the mono embedding api, and mono doesn't like that.

Worked for a while with PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1

Had a few game crashes but now consistently crashes when launching. Even with the controller disconnected.

Error is the same --> * Assertion: should not be reached at /vagrant/mono/mono/utils/mono-threads.c:1066

TauAkiou commented 4 years ago

This seems to be a problem more with the OSS driver stack, because it works perfectly on my desktop (running an nvidia card with driver) and my laptop (when '__NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia' is set under launch options, offloading the game rendering to the dGPU).

It hangs on load when using any OSS driver for me. I have the same results when trying to run the game on another machine using Mesa (Vega 56) and when not offloaded to the dGPU on my laptop. (Intel integrated stack).

kisak-valve commented 4 years ago

Hello @TauAkiou, please copy your system information from Steam (Steam -> Help -> System Information) and put it in a gist, then include a link to the gist in this issue report.

TauAkiou commented 4 years ago

This is for the laptop, which has an NVIDIA dGPU. I can reproduce the save crashing by simply not setting _NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1, which tells the game to render on the dedicated NVIDIA hardware.

gfbett commented 4 years ago

not sure if relevant, but I enabled mesa logs and I see a lot of messages like this: Mesa: User error: GL_INVALID_ENUM in glMatrixMode

googleson78 commented 4 years ago

Game won't start, screen just flashes black once after clicking play.

System info: Log: steam-1145360.log

fmorency commented 4 years ago

With Proton 5.0-2, game hangs on the first screen with the progress bar. Progress bar is around halfway and game just hangs there. Game will finally start correctly after killing and restarting it a couple of time. Game will always start correctly afterward until I reboot the computer. I have a feeling that this issue has something to do with the inputs handling (mouse/controller/...).


madewokherd commented 4 years ago

Dunno if it's related but there is a .NET exception in there:

Hades.exe Error: 0 : Error/GameAnalytics: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
  at GameAnalyticsSDK.Net.Utilities.JSONNode.ParseElement (GameAnalyticsSDK.Net.Utilities.JSONNode ctx, System.String token, System.String tokenName, System.Boolean quoted) [0x00080] in <881e220562404cc6a339d305d4bd0958>:0 
  at GameAnalyticsSDK.Net.Utilities.JSONNode.Parse (System.String aJSON) [0x00243] in <881e220562404cc6a339d305d4bd0958>:0 
  at GameAnalyticsSDK.Net.Utilities.JSON.Parse (System.String aJSON) [0x00000] in <881e220562404cc6a339d305d4bd0958>:0 
  at GameAnalyticsSDK.Net.Http.GAHTTPApi.RequestInitReturningDict () [0x001cf] in <881e220562404cc6a339d305d4bd0958>:0 
  at GameAnalyticsSDK.Net.State.GAState.StartNewSession () [0x00014] in <881e220562404cc6a339d305d4bd0958>:0 
  at GameAnalyticsSDK.Net.State.GAState.InternalInitialize () [0x00027] in <881e220562404cc6a339d305d4bd0958>:0 
  at GameAnalyticsSDK.Net.GameAnalytics+<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<Initialize>b__0 () [0x0007b] in <881e220562404cc6a339d305d4bd0958>:0 
  at GameAnalyticsSDK.Net.Threading.GAThreading.Run () [0x00014] in <881e220562404cc6a339d305d4bd0958>:0 
chelobaka commented 4 years ago

Installing dotnet48 in the game Wine prefix fixes this problem but makes it barely playable due to heavy frame drop. Native Mono libraries provided very smooth experience.

aeikum commented 4 years ago

Hello. Proton 5.0-4 contains a fix for Hades when controllers are attached. I'm not sure how well the game is working, but it may be worth another try.

chelobaka commented 4 years ago

Hello. Proton 5.0-4 contains a fix for Hades when controllers are attached. I'm not sure how well the game is working, but it may be worth another try.

I tried it with Proton 5.0-4 today right after Hades received huge update itself and everything worked out of the box (fresh install, no extra dotnet). No more stuttering!

fmorency commented 4 years ago

Hello. Proton 5.0-4 contains a fix for Hades when controllers are attached. I'm not sure how well the game is working, but it may be worth another try.

I need to perform more testing but so far, so good. Game started with controlled attached. Thanks!

VMReyes commented 4 years ago

Hello, I am having the loading screen issue on Proton 5.0.4 and the latest Hades update. According ProtonDB, someone else also reported the issue. I am running on Fedora 31, i5 8300H, Intel UHD 630.

Let me know how I can help. Thanks. steam-1145360.log

dunestorm333 commented 4 years ago

Same loading problem using the latest proprietary Nvidia drivers!

mohang13 commented 4 years ago

Fresh install, the game runs fine for the first time and when I died it force closes itself, then I start again and I'm facing the same loading problem thereafter. Tried every solution mentioned here nothing works.

chelobaka commented 4 years ago

An update

The game sometimes still freezes on loading screen but restarting usually solves this problem.

There is another problem though: the screen can freeze when a lot of stuff happening there (often last boss fight, but can happen anywhere), but you still can hear the sound of your character taking damage and eventually dying. During this glitch controls are irresponsive, you don't return to House of Hades after death and the whole run progress is lost.

My system has latest Proton Beta and Mesa 20.0.4

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Hades (1145360) missing mouse hover on Wayland

Issue transferred from @Mershl posted on 2020-10-08T20:38:26:

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:


Tooltips/effects in the game are not shown when hovering over any UI element. The issue is not reproducable and the hover effects are working as intended with Proton-5.9-GE-7-ST.


Start Hades with Proton 5.0.9 on a Wayland desktop. Hover over the main menu selections - the selections are not changing. Clicking is possible, but the intended tooltips and/or effects while hovering are missing.

werman commented 3 years ago

Games runs fine but for the following issue:

System Information


Using i3wm, I cannot switch from the workspace the game is running to another workspace. It looks like the game forces the focus back? I'm not sure. This happens even in a windowed mode. I remember some games behave like this in a full-screen mode. However, usually there are no issues in a windowed mode.


1) Have an i3wm 2) Run the game 3) Try to switch workspaces 4) Ones in a ten times workspace would be switched


Enable virtual desktop in the wine prefix.

Mershl commented 3 years ago

Yesterdays update (Hades v1.36401) introduced a massive VRAM leak when playing in Windowed mode and taking focus from the game window.

System Information


Using Gnome wayland or X, taking the focus of the game window in Windowed Mode will instantly rise the VRAM usage of the game exe to the GPUs limit resulting in a hang of the DE for a few seconds. The game is crashing afterwards and the VRAM is freed.


  1. Start Hades in Windowed mode (VSync on/off both tested)
  2. Choose start the game - ingame VRAM usage should be around 3GB at 1080p
  3. Take focus of game using ALT+Tab or clicking other window
  4. VRAM usage of Hades.exe should rise very fast until crash


Playing in Fullscreen mode or never losing focus in Windowed mode did work for my last play session (~2 hours).

Lightsockie commented 3 years ago

Experiencing same issue as described by Mershl, Hades v1.36447. Except game doesn't always crash (or I'm too impatient to wait for it to?), leading to a system hang and forcing a reboot

Askannz commented 3 years ago

The October 27th patch added a Vulkan renderer that can be selected when launching the game. However it doesn't work: the game hangs on a black screen and pops a crash report window. The game still works in DirectX mode.


Text of the right box:

Proton log: steam-1145360.log

GPU: GTX1060 Driver: 455.28 Kernel: 5.9.1-6-tkg-pds

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Hello @Askannz, fixme:vulkan:wine_vkCreateInstance Support for allocation callbacks not implemented yet fixme:vulkan:convert_VkInstanceCreateInfo_struct_chain Application requested a linked structure of type 1000247000. which is immediately followed by an access violation (c0000005) looks like a couple lines of interest from the log.

sobajic commented 3 years ago

A new update to Hades has been published yesterday which hopefully fixes the issues with memory leaks on DX11 for Proton 5.0-10 and 5.13.

The Vulkan build still doesn't initialize the device on Proton but should work through Proton-GE

NoXPhasma commented 3 years ago

The game launches and works fine with DX11 on 5.13-4 for me, but I need to disable the controller API, otherwise the input is doubled and movement is almost impossible. Without Controller API it works fine (XBOX One S Controller).

Vulkan build starts for me, but hangs on alt + tab and needs to be killed, also Steam overlay doesn't start. Haven't tested the game too much with Vulkan yet.

Sysinfo: Proton log (Vulkan): steam-1145360.log

Vash63 commented 3 years ago

Just bought this, it seems to boot with Vulkan on Proton Experimental, but I'm getting the same two issues @NoXPhasma lists above. Namely the Steam Overlay doesn't work and alt-tab or loss of focus makes the window go black, however music continues and I'm unable to continue without forcably killing the game.

Worth noting also is that the loss of focus issue is identical to Doom Eternal on my Nvidia system, so it seems this may just be an issue with modern Vulkan games in Proton on Nvidia and not game-specific.

Leopard1907 commented 3 years ago

While game runs great with Proton 5.13-4 , Steam Overlay doesn't work properly with Vulkan renderer of the game (renderer itself works fine ) , Steam Overlay works properly with D3D renderer (DXVK) which is the default renderer option.

Nvidia GTX 1050 , 455.45.01 driver.

ivyl commented 3 years ago

The game launches and works fine with DX11 on 5.13-4 for me, but I need to disable the controller API, otherwise the input is doubled and movement is almost impossible. Without Controller API it works fine (XBOX One S Controller).

The game has updated to SDL 2.0.14 which started using RawInput for handling xinput devices which in turn hit a bug in Wine and caused the behavior you have described. There's a fix for that in the newest experimental ( There are still some rough corners around hotplug, namely switching from a xinput to a non-xinput (e.g. DualShock) device but I am working on getting that sorted out too.

madewokherd commented 3 years ago

That bug can be worked around using SDL_JOYSTICK_RAWINPUT=0

drcassar commented 3 years ago

I've just got Hades and strangely it is not even starting for me. It gives me the choice between DirectX/Vulkan/32bits, but none of these work. I've tried the latest 3 stable proton versions and also proton experimental. I've also tried the latest proton GE with no luck. I've tried changing the main linux kernel to linux-zen, also without luck.

I've uploaded my proton log and system information to this gist:

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Hello @drcassar, err:module:import_dll Library mscoree.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\data\\HD\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Hades\\x64\\BasecampBugReporter.Native.dll") not found in your log hints that there's some kind of mono-related issue on your system.

drcassar commented 3 years ago

Thanks a lot @kisak-valve!! Will look into it.

drcassar commented 3 years ago

I got Hades to work on Lutris, but not on Steam. Mono is installed in my system (I tested the following instructions available on

When I started Hades using Lutris, wine prompted me to install mono, and the game worked fine.

The thing is, proton never prompts me to install mono. A quick search shows me that mono is already shipped with proton version 4.2-3 and above, so I don't know what else I can do regarding mono. Additionally, I tried installing dotnet48 using protontricks with proton 5.0 (it seems that it is not yet possible to install dotnet on later proton versions), but the game still doesn't launch.

Don't get me wrong, I can play the game fine using Lutris, but if possible I'd like to understand what I'm doing wrong as the game is platinum on protondb.

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Yes, we expect that mono is bundled with Proton. It might be worthwhile to check that mscoree.dll is in <Steam Library>/common/<Proton version used with game>/dist/lib/wine/mscoree.dll, [...]/dist/lib64/wine/mscoree.dll, [...]/dist/share/default_pfx/drive_c/windows/system32/mscoree.dll, and [...]/dist/share/default_pfx/drive_c/windows/syswow32/mscoree.dll. If any of those are missing, then that hints that Proton didn't get fully unpacked when it did its first time setup.

You might get luck by move/removing the Hades wineprefix at <Steam Library>/compatdata/1145360, but even if it does help, it's not clear to me what caused your issue.

drcassar commented 3 years ago

It was a problem on my .bashrc file. For some reason I've added "export WINEDLLOVERRIDES="winemenubuilder.exe=d;mscoree=d;mshtml=d"" some time ago and forgot... I've removed this and now the game works perfectly (including the gamepads) without any additional launch options with Proton Experimental. Sorry for adding noise to the discussion.

TiZ-HugLife commented 3 years ago

What is Hades doing to detect controllers? I can't do anything at all to get controllers to work in the Flatpak version of Steam, even with the big ugly /run/udev hole poked into it, which fixes most native games with broken controller input in Flatpak. Even on the distro package for Steam, controllers don't work unless I use a Proton version before 5.13 and set the launch options to SDL_JOYSTICK_RAWINPUT=0 %command%. Should I be posting this on the issue tracker for the Flatpak version instead?

ConstantinMatheis commented 2 years ago

I experience a crash of the game while having the nintendo switch pro controller plugged in. The crash looks similar to the one of a previous commentor (

System Information

I confirm:


Game crashes immediately after starting and the hades bug reporter is shown: Screenshot from 2021-09-19 17-56-57

Proton log: steam-1145360.log


  1. nintendo pro controller is plugged in
  2. "Switch Pro Configuration Support" is enabled in the steam controller settings
  3. Start the game
  4. Choose Direct X

Someone on has already pointed out this issue (username Cook Cannibal): I first experienced the issue around the same time as he did.

Some more information on when exactly the problem is / is not occurring:

HanPrower commented 2 years ago

Crashing with the Vulkan renderer option, but Dx11 seems to work fine. I don't have a controller installed, nor connected. Game window is black, the sounds play, but get presented with the Hades - Bug Reporter.

Tried Experimental, 6.3-7, and 6.8-GE-2.

Steam Runtime, Arch Linux, AMD 5700XT, mesa-git.



sobajic commented 2 years ago

but get presented with the Hades - Bug Reporter.

@HanFox Could you paste the contents of the Bug Reporter here?

HanPrower commented 2 years ago

@HanFox Could you paste the contents of the Bug Reporter here?

@sobajic Sure:

By clicking Submit, you agree to send Supergiant Games this information, your current save data, and the screenshot above.This information will only be used for investigating the reported bug.

Version: Release 38239
Renderer: Vk AMD RADV NAVI10 (vendor id: 0x1002   model id: 0x731f   rev: 0x00)
OS: Microsoft Windows NT 10.0.17763.0
RAM: 32045
Cores: 16
64-bit: True
Region: en-GB

FATAL EXCEPTION at 0x0000000000D4F378
Violation when reading address 0x3
Code: 0xc0000005

ExceptionStack Trace:
 at EntryPoint (0x000000007b039800)
 at EntryPoint (0x000000007bc68380)
 at EntryPoint (0x000000007bc68380)
 at EntryPoint (0x000000007bc68380)
 at EntryPoint (0x000000007bc68380)
 at EntryPoint (0x000000007bc68380)
 at sgg::ForgeRenderer::CmdRecord_BeginFrame (0x0000000000d4ec90)
 at sgg::renderThread (0x0000000000eb8440)
 at sgg::WorkerManager::ExecuteCmd (0x0000000000d23150)
 at taskThreadFunc (0x0000000000e3b930)
 at ThreadFunctionStatic (0x0000000000e45790)
 at EntryPoint (0x000000007b632160)
 at EntryPoint (0x000000007bc68380)
 at 0x0000000000000000
 at ThreadFunctionStatic (0x0000000000e45790)
 at 0x0000000000432860
 at 0x0000000000000000
RAM usage: 32% (~21 GB available or 22730010624 bytes)
Vash63 commented 2 years ago

Crashing with the Vulkan renderer option, but Dx11 seems to work fine. I don't have a controller installed, nor connected. Game window is black, the sounds play, but get presented with the Hades - Bug Reporter.

Tried Experimental, 6.3-7, and 6.8-GE-2.

Steam Runtime, Arch Linux, AMD 5700XT, mesa-git.



Very interesting that you're seeing this on AMD. I've had it intermittently since their Vulkan renderer launched on Nvidia, thought it was only an Nvidia issue. Are you using Gnome/Mutter also?

Also: The Vulkan renderer was confirmed to have some serious bugs by an Nvidia engineer over in the Gnome Mutter gitlab when I reported it there, there's a lot of problems on SuperGiant's side that might never be fixed, so probably best to just use DX11 w/ DXVK.

Edit: Oh, didn't notice @sobajic here was from SuperGiant - here's a link to the Nvidia Engineer's comments on what was causing some of the black screen issues with the Vk renderer:

HanPrower commented 2 years ago

@Vash63 I'm on KDE / Wayland. I didn't used to crash on KDE / X11. I could flip back, but as sobajic didn't ask about that particular thing I'm not sure that's the issue. I'll try if requested.

I also tried in gamescope, as I'm under the impression that dodges(?) the native compositor (I could be wrong, the things Valve are doing are beyond me, lol). Vulkan crashes there, too.

sobajic commented 2 years ago

@Vash63 haha, thanks, just wanted to ask for the thread so we can look into it 😀

@HanFox I've never used Wayland unfortunately, so I'm not familiar with what could be causing issues

kisak-valve commented 2 years ago

Starting a specific game seems to break overlay / all UI

Issue transferred from @frioux posted on 2021-10-31T06:01:27:

Your system information

Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible:

Tried to start Hades with many different SteamPlay versions (Experimental, 6.3-7, a couple glorious eggroll versions) and many different launch modes (Vulkan, DX, 32 bit) and I always get either what seems like a total interface lockup or (preferably!) a game crash.

I even upgraded from 460 nvidia drivers to 495, and still see the same issue.

Once this occurs the big picture button on the controller no longer seems to do anything and it's as if the screen is off. I end up ssh'ing into it to reboot it.

Steps for reproducing this issue:

  1. Try to start Hades?
frioux commented 2 years ago

Thanks for migrating the issue for me! I want to emphasize that a game not working in proton is a bummer but not a huge deal for me. What makes this issue so bad is that it fails such that the steam interface becomes locked up.

On Sun, Oct 31, 2021, 5:37 AM kisak-valve @.***> wrote:

Starting a specific game seems to break overlay / all UI

Issue transferred from ValveSoftware/steam-for-linux#8197 @frioux posted on 2021-10-31T06:01:27: Your system information

  • Steam client version (build number or date): Oct 13 2021, at 19:47:28
  • Distribution (e.g. Ubuntu): Ubuntu 20.04
  • Opted into Steam client beta?: No
  • Have you checked for system updates?: Yes

Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible:

Tried to start Hades with many different SteamPlay versions (Experimental, 6.3-7, a couple glorious eggroll versions) and many different launch modes (Vulkan, DX, 32 bit) and I always get either what seems like a total interface lockup or (preferably!) a game crash.

I even upgraded from 460 nvidia drivers to 495, and still see the same issue.

Once this occurs the big picture button on the controller no longer seems to do anything and it's as if the screen is off. I end up ssh'ing into it to reboot it. Steps for reproducing this issue:

  1. Try to start Hades?

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NyaomiDEV commented 2 years ago

After a game update that's happened in the recent days, now Hades with Proton 6.3-7 and also Experimental shows Xbox button prompts when using the DualSense controller.