ValveSoftware / Proton

Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
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RPGMaker MZ (1096900) [exact same problems in RPGMaker MV (363890)] #4185

Open benbrockn opened 3 years ago

benbrockn commented 3 years ago

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:

RPGMaker MZ Gist here



Below is my current system, but I also tested it on an Ubuntu 20.04 system with the same results

OS: EndeavourOS Linux x86_64 Kernel: 5.8.5-arch1-1 Shell: bash 5.0.18 Resolution: 2560x1440 DE: Xfce WM: Xfwm4 CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 2700 (16) @ 3.966GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1080 Memory: 2772MiB / 32125MiB

ell1e commented 3 years ago

I hope this is the right place for me to add feedback:

OS: Fedora 32 x64 Kernel: 5.8.7 Shell: 5.0.17 Resolution: 1920x1080 DE: Gnome 3 WM: Gnome 3 Shell CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 GPU: AMD R7 240 card with the amdgpu driver (using its GCN1.0 experimental vulkan support) Memory: 16GB

I tried Proton-5.0.9 as well, and while the playtest launches for me, it has major problems:

(playtest is what happens when you press the "Play" button inside RPG Maker, it launches an nw.js instance, basically, since the games are HTML5 apps. But obviously it'll launch the windows build of nw.js - not the native one that runs just fine with none of the above issues)

Help > Contents freezes for me as well. The tutorial for some reason I can complete with no obvious issues, but maybe I misunderstood the issues with it pointed out above.

Regarding the bad playtest behavior, I also have similar issues with RPG Maker MV released games that were released on Steam for Windows only, like "Knight Bewitched" (AppId 815150, made with the RPG Maker MV tool/AppId 363890): when run with Proton-5.0.9 it too has badly crackling audio output for me, even though at least it launches fast. (RPG Maker MV is the predecessor to MZ, which uses the same nw.js-based tech for playtest and games export.)

benbrockn commented 3 years ago

I hope this is the right place for me to add feedback:

OS: Fedora 32 x64 Kernel: 5.8.7 Shell: 5.0.17 Resolution: 1920x1080 DE: Gnome 3 WM: Gnome 3 Shell CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 GPU: AMD R7 240 card with the amdgpu driver (using its GCN1.0 experimental vulkan support) Memory: 16GB

I'm just glad someone was able to recreate it, even in a different distro (Fedora). Hopefully others will chime in

ell1e commented 3 years ago

It's just such a shame that nw.js/the playtest of all things runs so badly, given that's the one cross-platform project that is essentially just a chromium that one would think would work. Like, how is the open-source browser component + HTML5 web app the one thing that won't run right? Pretty sad. I work around it by launching my game manually via nw.js for linux through outside means, but it does impact the workflow quite a lot that the launch button from inside RPG Maker doesn't work.

benbrockn commented 3 years ago


This issue/fix may be related, but I'm unsure how to install/run/patch with an updated nwjs:

ell1e commented 3 years ago

Ah, an nwjs upgrade also works around it? Fascinating, that explains why my "manual" game export runs just fine (for which I fetched the latest nwjs stable at the time). But it might be difficult to convince the RPG Maker company in any reasonable amount of time to update the nwjs they ship, and by then it'll already be out with a lot of games most likely in that version, so actually addressing this in proton seems almost unavoidable.

benbrockn commented 3 years ago

But it might be difficult to convince the RPG Maker company in any reasonable amount of time to update the nwjs they ship

I've spoken with RPGMaker staff and they were very short with me when I asked for tech support for Linux (because RPGMaker MV actually supported Ubuntu 14.04 according to their Steam page). They have no desire to help with Linux or Proton.

ell1e commented 3 years ago

I mean if you give them the fix already (nwjs update) it might be easier, but still, surely some games have been exported already that use the older version. So there doesn't really seem to be a way around fixing this on the Proton side. The black screen issue ( ) in particular, that one is pretty bad. For me it eventually resolves itself, but only after it hangs with a black window for around 30 seconds, with even the title bar in black, not responding.

benbrockn commented 3 years ago

Maybe you can talk to them about it since you are more knowledgeable on the subject, and the fact that I've already bugged them about Linux, lol.

Good luck!

ell1e commented 3 years ago

I'm really not sure what you mean by more knowledgeable, the idea of an nwjs update came from you :flushed: and as I just elaborated it doesn't really help with MZ games already released before that update happens. So I think the thing that makes most sense is that Proton actually fixes whatever incompatibility is going on.

benbrockn commented 3 years ago

I mean, I don't even know what nwjs is, or does, or how it works. You seemed to understand what that is when you said: "Fascinating, that explains why my "manual" game export runs just fine (for which I fetched the latest nwjs stable at the time).". Which is why I said you were more knowledgeable on the subject.

I only suggested that you talk to their support team because of that first point but also because you said: "So there doesn't really seem to be a way around fixing this on the Proton side.". So I figured that fixing it via Proton was a no-go.

Did I understand you correctly? I know it won't fix games released on MZ prior to MZ being patched, but it would fit all games afterwards, plus MZ was just released, so there probably aren't many games created yet.

ell1e commented 3 years ago

"So there doesn't really seem to be a way around fixing this on the Proton side.". So I figured that fixing it via Proton was a no-go.

I did really say the opposite. This needs a Proton fix. (Because while using a newer nw.js seems to help, all MZ games already out will use the nw.js version Proton currently doesn't like, and that is unlikely to ever change for most of those.)

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

RPG Maker MZ doesn't work on current version of proton

Issue transferred from @whitequill posted on 2021-04-02T06:53:31:

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:

I can't get a proton log


RPG Maker MZ only works on this old version of Proton (4.11-13) and only exclusively if you use beta version 1.0.2 or 1.1.1 of RPG Maker MZ. I would like to see it running on version 6+. I want to make sure that it is given attention so it can be used in up to date versions.

There is a small issue that when running a playtest it gives an error: "Failed to initialize graphics". Otherwise MZ is completely unusable in all other versions of Proton.


Download RPG Maker MZ and try and run it with any other version of proton. it failed to run and crashed prematurely for me.

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Hello @whitequill, looking at your system information, there's two major issues with your system in addition to the previous discussion.

First, Proton uses DXVK to translate DirectX 9 / 10 / 11 to Vulkan. Your current video driver is mesa/nouveau which does not support Vulkan, making it unsupported by Proton. You can either use the nVidia proprietary driver or add PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% to the game's launch options to tell Proton to use wine's DirectX to OpenGL render path, however, that launch option is expect to come with a significant performance penalty and is not considered supported.

Second, you've encountered Starting with Proton 5.13, Proton is run inside of the Steam Linux Runtime - Soldier container environment, and that is not currently compatible with Flatpak'd Steam.

whitequill commented 3 years ago

I have trouble with the proprietary nVidia drivers. They don't work very well on Fedora 33 on the GTX 1080.

I don't think its a mesa/nouveau problem because MZ does work perfectly with the settings I have found, all except for the inability to play test anything. The PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% does fix the error of "Failed to initialize graphics". Now its just saying my browser doesn't support WebGL. I'm not sure what wine opens it in.

Its just very niche and isn't an intuitive fix. Having to set Proton to 4.11-13 and choose beta v1.0.2 or v1.1.1. Also using Proton 4.2-9 works.

I am able to use Deployment to Windows and Web and that does work in a pinch for testing. Better documentation or better support would be appreciated. Per-this-ticket I'm requesting better compatibility.

whitequill commented 3 years ago

I have found that opening the Animations will suddenly crash freeze Linux completely. It will always crash but, not right away. This is after adding: PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% to the Launch Options. The only way(s) to get out is;

  1. wait for the process to die (cause it will eventually)
  2. hard reboot
  3. ssh into your Linux system and soft reboot. I couldn't find what process needed to be killed to un-hang the system. I did try killing a few while sshed in.

I also can't find any good way to get debug info when it hangs.

I should add that sshing in the system is functional and problems from the terminal.

whitequill commented 3 years ago

I have a crash report: