ValveSoftware / Proton

Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
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Cyberpunk 2077 (1091500) #4450

Open julienbenjamin opened 3 years ago

julienbenjamin commented 3 years ago

NOTE FROM PROTON TEAM: The game will not currently run stably on NVIDIA, we don't advise to attempt to run it; if you do, please do NOT report additional issues about this known problem. Please see this comment for more details about current status and known issues.

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:


Avatar's face does not render.


1) Click on "Play" on the Steam client 2) Run the game via the CDPR launcher without account 3) Start a new game 4) When avatar is displayed, his/her face is not rendered. Same in-game.



![20201210021434_1]( ![20201210021606_1](

McMarius11 commented 3 years ago

I spoke too soon. Game crashes a lot even at lowest graphical settings and HDD slow mode turned on. :(

Running the game on NVIDIA is currently known to crash the GPU. It's currently only stable on AMD Mesa drivers that support the VK_VALVE_mutable_descriptor_type extension.

Ok will await driver update.

for me it also crashed on low after 10 minutes of gameplay here is the nvidia forum maybe they can help

turzinski commented 3 years ago

Arch Linux Kernel: 5.9.13-arch1-1 Radeon 5700 XT Ryzen 9 3900X RAM: 64 GB

Using proton 5.13-4 and latest Mesa-git, the game doesn't even open.


LebronBallJames commented 3 years ago

Arch Linux Kernel: 5.9.13-arch1-1 Radeon 5700 XT Ryzen 9 3900X RAM: 64 GB

Using proton 5.13-4 and latest Mesa-git, the game doesn't even open.


can afford this build cant afford windows key

dodgyville commented 3 years ago

I get the same error as @devis350 on ubuntu 20.04 and ubuntu 20.10 with a 5700XT, Proton 5.13-4 and latest mesa-git, game won't start.

[0000000000000180:] EXCEPTION handling: System.NotImplementedException: Managed.TextFormatting.FullTextLine.GetRunMetrics for MS.Internal.Text.TextSpanModifier

Wondering if there is a way to run the game direct bypassing the launcher?

EDIT: I got it running on my 5700xt ubuntu 20.04 using these steps from comments (particularly @slapin) further down:

Ambient sounds are missing but so far it all looks and plays fine.

plockator commented 3 years ago

Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS (64 bit) Kernel Version: 5.4.0-56-generic CPU Brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-10750H CPU @ 2.60GHz Driver: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce RTX 2070 with Max-Q Design/PCIe/SSE2 Driver Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 455.45.01 Primary VRAM: 8192 MB RAM: 31809 Mb

Despite all the positives by other Nvidia users here, the game doesn't even start for me.

This is the crash output I get in the /steam/steamapps/common/Cyberpunk 2077/Cyberpunk2077.exe-20201210-104030-1000-1004.txt

``` Registered crash info file... InternalVersion: 3.0.3214677 P4CL: 4155897 Stream: //R6.Root/R6.Patch0Hotfix2 !!!CRASHED!!! Error Reason: Unhandled exception Expression: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xC0000005) Message: The thread attempted to read inaccessible data at 0x0. File: Line: 0 "uptimeSeconds":1 "stopThreadID":1004 "exceptionCode":0xC0000005 "processID":1000 "Engine/CommitFailedErrorCode@1#TID=0":"0" "Configuration/Name@2#TID=0":"FINAL" "Configuration/Name2@3#TID=0":"FINAL" "Game/Patch@7#TID=0":"1.03" "Engine/OOM@4#TID=0":"false" "GlobalMode/IsClosing@5#TID=0":"false" "GlobalMode/IsGame@17#TID=0":"true" "Jobs/InitParam/MaxLatentJobs@8#TID=0":"131072" "Jobs/InitParam/MaxCriticalPathJobs@9#TID=0":"65536" "Jobs/InitParam/MaxImmediateJobs@10#TID=0":"2048" "Jobs/InitParam/WorkerThreadStackSizeKB@11#TID=0":"1024" "Jobs/InitParam/MaxThreads@12#TID=0":"27" "Jobs/InitParam/AllJobsCriticalPath@14#TID=0":"false" "Jobs/InitParam/UseJobDebugger@13#TID=0":"false" "Jobs/Dispatcher/NumDispatcherThreads@15#TID=0":"11" "Jobs/Dispatcher/MaxHWConcurrency@16#TID=0":"12" "Gpu/Device/Name@56#TID=0":"NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2070" "Gpu/Device/Vendor@57#TID=0":"AMD" "Gpu/Device/DriverVersion@58#TID=0":"" "Gpu/Device/TotalMemoryMB@55#TID=0":"8192" "Gpu/Device/UsedMemoryMB@59#TID=0":"0" "Engine/InitParams/InteropStartingPort@18#TID=0":"0" "Engine/InitParams/RenderPreset@19#TID=0":"1" "Engine/InitParams/QualityLevelName@20#TID=0":"None" "Engine/InitParams/TextureQualityLevelName@21#TID=0":"High" "Engine/InitParams/WatchdogTimeoutSecondsOverride@22#TID=0":"0" "Engine/InitParams/ScriptsSilentCompilation@23#TID=0":"false" "Engine/InitParams/ScriptsSilentValidation@24#TID=0":"false" "Engine/InitParams/TweakDBSilentValidation@25#TID=0":"false" "Engine/InitParams/PvdDumpToFile@26#TID=0":"false" "Engine/InitParams/ProfilerEnabled@27#TID=0":"false" "Engine/InitParams/ShowVersionWatermark@28#TID=0":"true" "Engine/InitParams/WindowCaption@29#TID=0":"" "Engine/PC/SystemName@30#TID=0":"Windows 8.1 Pro" "Engine/PC/SystemVersion@31#TID=0":"6.2.9200" "Engine/SafeInit@48#TID=0":"AsyncMaterialCompiler" "Engine/IsHeadless@33#TID=0":"false" "Engine/VersionWatermark@32#TID=0":"3.0.3214677 P4CL: 4155897 Stream: //R6.Root/R6.Patch0Hotfix2 Dec 9 2020 00:35:01 (FINAL) Total memory: 4294967295 bytes " "Engine/Scripts/PrimaryBlobModifiedDate@40#TID=0":"132520523540598135" "Engine/Scripts/FallbackBlobModifiedDate@41#TID=0":"0" "Engine/Scripts/BlobPathUsed@42#TID=0":"Loaded" "Engine/Scripts/ShouldCompileScripts@39#TID=0":"true" "Engine/Scripts/Loaded@43#TID=0":"true" "##CrashDump##/DumpCrashDataSeconds":"0" ```

megatog615 commented 3 years ago

Managed to hack together mesa-git on my Debian system and get it running... I'm having the same NPC/Radio audio problem that everyone else is having, using Proton 5.13-4. Other than that, everything else seems to work. Graphics are a little weird and grainy but that's probably just a thing in the game.

plockator commented 3 years ago

Managed to hack together mesa-git on my Debian system and get it running... I'm having the same NPC/Radio audio problem that everyone else is having, using Proton 5.13-4. Other than that, everything else seems to work. Graphics are a little weird and grainy but that's probably just a thing in the game.

What are your specs?

imrvelj commented 3 years ago

Oibaf's PPA on Ubuntu 20.04, Proton 5.13-4 - game running pretty good on AMD 5700XT, NPC/Radio problems tho' as others stated

yoyossef commented 3 years ago

Anyone managed to get the game running with a RDNA2 card?

└─╼ uname -r
└─╼ vulkaninfo > vkinfo.txt
ERROR: [Loader Message] Code 0 : /usr/lib32/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
ERROR: [Loader Message] Code 0 : /usr/lib32/ wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32
WARNING: radv is not a conformant vulkan implementation, testing use only.
skipping config: /usr/bin/MangoHud.conf [ not found ]
skipping config: /home/yrostaqi/.config/MangoHud/vulkaninfo.conf [ not found ]
parsing config: /home/yrostaqi/.config/MangoHud/MangoHud.conf [ ok ]


Kron4ek commented 3 years ago

GOG version of the game works with Proton 5.13-4 too. Had to install mesa-git and compile vkd3d-proton from git.



ekianjo commented 3 years ago

@Kron4ek what did you do to make it work? Lutris script or did you launch the GOG install directly from Steam?

megatog615 commented 3 years ago

Managed to hack together mesa-git on my Debian system and get it running... I'm having the same NPC/Radio audio problem that everyone else is having, using Proton 5.13-4. Other than that, everything else seems to work. Graphics are a little weird and grainy but that's probably just a thing in the game.

What are your specs?

Ryzen 7 3700X (8-core/16-thread), Radeon RX 580, 16GB of ram Debian Testing; I downloaded the official mesa-git through git, apt source'd the mesa sources and copied over the debian/ dir to the real git clone. dpkg-buildpackage -b -uc -us and got some packages made. I do not recommend doing it this way, I did it because I was impatient. Your Mesa packages will be locally-made and thus apt will try to upgrade them to the official repository copies. dpkg-buildpackage does not change the version, so it will be "20.2.3" even though it's Mesa 21 code. Hopefully someone will chime in with a better method because I sure as hell am not an expert. Best way to tell if it works is by running vulkaninfo | grep VK_VALVE_mutable_descriptor_type to see if it appears.

NPC/Radio problems tho' as others stated

I think this might be a bug in the game. I'm perusing the Steam community forums and others have said they are having the same issue on Windows, but something about plugging in headphones or using speakers fixes the problem. Obviously, on Linux we have Pulseaudio which is a whole other ball of wax. I'm guessing the same problem is manifesting but we're not able to come up with a similar fix with the way audio devices are reported. Of course, we shouldn't stop looking for a fix. Anyway, here's some links to Steam discussions:

Oh, and if you open your scanner (tab), NPC audio works, albeit distorted from the scanner's effect.

Kron4ek commented 3 years ago

what did you do to make it work? Lutris script or did you launch the GOG install directly from Steam?

I used self-compiled Proton 5.13-4 build and ran the game exe directly with Proton's wine binary:

proton-5.13-4/bin/wine Cyberpunk2077.exe

And i installed vkd3d-proton-git to prefix before that.

plockator commented 3 years ago

what did you do to make it work? Lutris script or did you launch the GOG install directly from Steam?

I used self-compiled Proton 5.13-4 build and run the game exe directly with wine binary: proton-5.13-4/bin/wine Cyberpunk2077.exe

You're using a Radeon graphics card, I assume?

Kron4ek commented 3 years ago

@plockator Yes, Radeon RX 560.

boberfly commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

Ubuntu 20.04 + Vega Frontier Edition 16GB & latest mesa-git via PPA:

Added PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=30 to fix crackled audio.

I was able to customize my character and start the game. In the garage setting up your car, there's severe graphical corruption of stretched out quads/triangles over the screen so not too playable especially when you go outside. Framerate seemed ok 30-45fps feels like, it has a bit of latency to it but maybe that's normal? It's on default settings of 'high'.

I went back into the game to screenshot the glitch, but now it works fine! No idea but I'm happy :+1:

Zephranoid commented 3 years ago

It didn't run on proton 5.13-4 but I tested Proton 5.21-GE-1 and it runs. Missing some audio as others have noted (Enemy gunfire, Radio, etc.) and the lighting flickers constantly but overall the game is playable.

GPU: AMD Radeon RX 580 CPU: i9-9900 OS: Arch linux (5.9.13-arch1-1) Drivers: Mesa-git

IDeathByte commented 3 years ago

Ryzen 1600/16Gb/RX560 4Gb on Manjaro unstable/Plasma wayland. Kernel 5.9.13 with mesa-git-tkg from chaotic-aur Around 30-50 FPS with vsync on medium settings, but have periodical black texture-flickering.

Sojiro84 commented 3 years ago

Edit: I wasn't on the latest of the latest mesa-git. After being on the most recent mesa-git everything works properly now.

I have black characters during character creation. Have not went into the game since I need this fixed first.


I am on the latest mesa-git and latest proton. Tried lowering graphics and stuff but no success. AMD 5700 XT. Kernel 5.9.13.

fatino commented 3 years ago

@Skivet Try removing vulkan-mesa in addition to amdvlk. vulkaninfo should only show one device, like this:

plagman@redcore:~/src/mesa$ vulkaninfo 2>/dev/null| grep deviceID
deviceID       = 0x731f

I love you, thanks!!! Removed amdvlk and it works.

cvelasco88 commented 3 years ago

I have graphic problems too. With proton 5.13 the faces doesn' appear. With proton 5.21 the light is broken and the hair renders bad


![Captura de pantalla de 2020-12-10 11-50-38]( ![Captura de pantalla de 2020-12-10 11-51-19]( ![Captura de pantalla de 2020-12-10 11-51-35](

Linux - Ubuntu 20.04

Hardware info: system_info.txt

McMarius11 commented 3 years ago

I have graphic problems too. With proton 5.13 the faces doesn' appear. With proton 5.21 the light is broken and the hair renders bad

Linux - Ubuntu 20.04

Hardware info: system_info.txt

you need to use 5.13-4 and have the latest nvidia driver 455.45.01

plockator commented 3 years ago

I have graphic problems too. With proton 5.13 the faces doesn' appear. With proton 5.21 the light is broken and the hair renders bad

Linux - Ubuntu 20.04 Hardware info: system_info.txt

you need to use 5.13-4 and have the latest nvidia driver 455.45.01

This is crazy I use both and the game doesn't even start for me. :confused:

cvelasco88 commented 3 years ago

I have graphic problems too. With proton 5.13 the faces doesn' appear. With proton 5.21 the light is broken and the hair renders bad

Linux - Ubuntu 20.04 Hardware info: system_info.txt

you need to use 5.13-4 and have the latest nvidia driver 455.45.01

Thanks man, you made my day!! :) I confirm that now I can see the faces and seems playable

ArturWroblewski commented 3 years ago

Cyberpunk 2077 works on Proton 5.13-4 on Ubuntu 20.10, freezes sometimes. GTX 1650 4GB.

Missing textures in the character creator. Can be seen in the video.

ghost commented 3 years ago

Cyberpunk 2077 works on Proton 5.13-4 on Ubuntu 20.10, freezes sometimes. GTX 1650 4GB.

Missing textures in the character creator. Can be seen in the video.

what kernel are u using by chance? and is it a mobile 1650 chip?

ArturWroblewski commented 3 years ago

Cyberpunk 2077 works on Proton 5.13-4 on Ubuntu 20.10, freezes sometimes. GTX 1650 4GB. Missing textures in the character creator. Can be seen in the video.

what kernel are u using by chance? and is it a mobile 1650 chip?

ghost commented 3 years ago

Cyberpunk 2077 works on Proton 5.13-4 on Ubuntu 20.10, freezes sometimes. GTX 1650 4GB. Missing textures in the character creator. Can be seen in the video.

what kernel are u using by chance? and is it a mobile 1650 chip?

  • kernel temporarily I cannot check.

hmm the kernel part is mostly what im interested in after reading this post:

apparently 455.45.01 ISN'T neccessary.. and they installed mesa on a nvidia system which is weird but at this point i'm willing to try it to get this dang game to work

plockator commented 3 years ago

apparently 455.45.01 ISN'T neccessary.. and they installed mesa on a nvidia system which is weird but at this point i'm willing to try it to get this dang game to work

Yeah I feel the same. So mesa isn't required when using Nvidia graphics card?

ghost commented 3 years ago

apparently 455.45.01 ISN'T neccessary.. and they installed mesa on a nvidia system which is weird but at this point i'm willing to try it to get this dang game to work

Yeah I feel the same. So mesa isn't required on when using Nvidia graphics card?

no its for amd gpus. it seems sketchy to install it on a nvidia system so i'd like to test kernels first. gonna try using 5.1.8 by itself first (even though he said 5.18?) and then try with mesa from pop os repo if that fails. hopefully nothing breaks.

plockator commented 3 years ago

Keep us posted!

ghost commented 3 years ago

kernel 5.1.8 alone did not work. going to try to install mesa. not really quite sure how he went about this though...

plockator commented 3 years ago

Do you really think he meant 5.1.8? That'd be a really old kernel, no?

Gallaecio commented 3 years ago

Regarding the audio issues, this seems to be the Windows fix: (in case anyone knows what the equivalent for us would be)

ghost commented 3 years ago

Do you really think he meant 5.1.8? That'd be a really old kernel, no?

thats what i thought too. i asked him that in the reddit thread as well. kinda just guessing until he clarifies..

while i can't get the game to proceed after the launcher it no longer crashes immediately with mesa installed from ppa:oibaf/graphics-drivers. doesn't seem to be conflicting with nvidia though. gonna try out a few more kernels and see what happens.

iWeaker commented 3 years ago

For cracking sound problem, here the fix.

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=90 %command%

Gallaecio commented 3 years ago

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=90 %command%

No change here.

ArturWroblewski commented 3 years ago

Cyberpunk 2077 works on Proton 5.13-4 on Ubuntu 20.10, freezes sometimes. GTX 1650 4GB. Missing textures in the character creator. Can be seen in the video.

what kernel are u using by chance? and is it a mobile 1650 chip? @typeitout Screenshot from 2020-12-10 13-45-35

ghost commented 3 years ago

u managed to get it working with 450.80.02? interesting.. gonna try that out.

plockator commented 3 years ago

WINEDLLOVERRIDES="xaudio2_7=n,b" PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=90 %command%

No change here.

I think his suggestion only applies to the crackling issues, not the missing sound issues.

plockator commented 3 years ago

u managed to get it working with 450.80.02? interesting.. gonna try that out.

No luck using Kernel 5.8.18 and 450.80.02 ... :confused:

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Hello @stuffinator, can you check if temporarily disabling lavapipe with something like sudo mv /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/lvp_icd.x86_64.json /usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/lvp_icd.x86_64.json.disabled has an effect?

brian-brazil commented 3 years ago

I'm on Ubuntu Bionic 18.04, and had to do the following to get Cyberpunk to launch with my Nvidia GTX 1660 on Steam:

I'm not sure if every step there is required, but that's what I've done so far. Hopefully that is of use to someone.

phush0 commented 3 years ago

Whatever you do it will not work correctly on Nvidia cards, because of missing Vulkan extension. It will be with missing objects and allot of crashes if start at all, just don't try it is pointless.

GTB3NW commented 3 years ago

Having problems even getting the launcher to open. It's weird since everyone else in my situation seems to be okay.

Mesa Package ```bash $ rpm -qa | grep mesa mesa-dri-drivers-debuginfo-19.2.8-1.fc31.i686 mesa-debuginfo-19.2.8-1.fc31.x86_64 mesa-libGLw-devel-8.0.0-20.fc33.x86_64 mesa-libEGL-debuginfo-19.2.8-1.fc31.i686 mesa-debugsource-19.2.8-1.fc31.x86_64 mesa-libgbm-debuginfo-19.2.8-1.fc31.i686 mesa-debuginfo-19.2.8-1.fc31.i686 mesa-libglapi-debuginfo-19.2.8-1.fc31.i686 mesa-libGLw-8.0.0-20.fc33.x86_64 mesa-libGLU-devel-9.0.1-3.fc33.x86_64 mesa-debugsource-19.2.8-1.fc31.i686 mesa-libGLU-9.0.1-3.fc33.x86_64 mesa-libgbm-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.x86_64 mesa-libglapi-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.x86_64 mesa-filesystem-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.x86_64 mesa-libEGL-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.x86_64 mesa-libGL-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.x86_64 mesa-filesystem-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.i686 mesa-libGL-devel-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.x86_64 mesa-libEGL-devel-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.x86_64 mesa-dri-drivers-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.x86_64 mesa-vdpau-drivers-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.x86_64 mesa-libOpenCL-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.x86_64 mesa-vulkan-drivers-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.x86_64 mesa-libxatracker-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.x86_64 mesa-libglapi-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.i686 mesa-libgbm-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.i686 mesa-libEGL-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.i686 mesa-libEGL-devel-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.i686 mesa-dri-drivers-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.i686 mesa-libGL-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.i686 mesa-vulkan-drivers-21.0.0-0.3.20201210.10.5998a65.fc33.i686 ```
$ uname -a
Linux ben-workstation 5.9.12-200.fc33.x86_64 #1 SMP Wed Dec 2 15:16:37 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

$ cat /etc/redhat-release 
Fedora release 33 (Thirty Three)

$ vulkaninfo 2>/dev/null| grep deviceID
    deviceID       = 0x67df

$ vulkaninfo 2>/dev/null| grep Mesa
VK_LAYER_MESA_overlay (Mesa Overlay layer) Vulkan version 1.1.73, layer version 1:
    driverInfo         = Mesa 21.0.0-devel (ACO)
    driverInfo                                           = Mesa 21.0.0-devel (ACO)

Using the built in proton 5.13.4 directly from steam client.

What I see:

Older versions of proton seem to be able to launch the launcher but the brand new version immediately exits. I can't find any error logs, no segfaults, just an instant close. Watching the process list shows the process start and immediately exit.

Does anyone have any suggestions to debug? I tried adding the env var to the launch config options in steam but only the old version of proton seems to get it to output anything

fatino commented 3 years ago

About ~60fps with rx 470 on 720p all low, anything higher it drops below 60fps. Not many visual bugs TBH. Sound is what makes it kinda unplayable, you don't hear enemies at all, radio doesn't work and can't hear environmental NPCs. You can only hear yourself and people you are talking to. Also mesa-git broke my steam and all pages are black I'm only able to start Cyberpunk from taskbar.

tosziro commented 3 years ago

Game works for me on Ubuntu 20.04 Kernel: 5.9.12-050912-generic Mesa 21.0.0-devel (git-3f0da80 2020-12-10 focal-oibaf-ppa) on Radeon RX 5700 XT. But there is a huge sound issue, missing almost all npc voices, music from radio, TV sound, shooting etc. And sadly in result this sound issue make game unplayable.

Alexithymia2014 commented 3 years ago

The sound issue seems to stem from some kinda surround sound mixing to stereo. People have been working around it by turning off spatial sound in Windows.

75AngryDucks commented 3 years ago

Works nearly flawlessly for me. ~40fps with default settings. I hear no radio or background NPC conversations, and the sound crackles. Otherwise it ran flawlessly out of the box.

Output of neofetch:

OS: Manjaro Linux x86_64 Kernel: 5.9.11-3-MANJARO Uptime: 1 hour, 34 mins Packages: 1971 (pacman) Shell: bash 5.0.18 Resolution: 2560x1440 WM: i3 Theme: Breath-Dark [GTK3] Icons: breeze-dark [GTK3] Terminal: kitty Terminal Font: IBM Plex for powerline 16.0 CPU: Intel i7-9700K (8) @ 4.900GHz GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Memory: 7088MiB / 32025MiB

albin-engstrom commented 3 years ago

@75AngryDucks The crackling could be fixed by using PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC=90 as a launch option. The missing sound has no fix as far as I know, but seems to be an issue for some on Windows as well, with known fixes. So perhaps there is an equivalent fix we can do, but so far no one has found one as far as I'm aware.

When you say it works flawlessly otherwise, does the game not crash a lot? As far as I know it crashes every 5-20 minutes or so when using Nvidia, for everyone.