ValveSoftware / Proton

Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
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Nioh 2 - The Complete Edition (1325200) #4593

Open Hielyr opened 3 years ago

Hielyr commented 3 years ago

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:


Attempted to launch with Proton 5.13-5, Proton-6.1-GE-1at first. Under Proton 5.13-5, the game launches a window and then immediate closes / crashes most of the time, but will sometimes launch full screen and just behave as below with Proton GE.

Under Proton-6.1-GE-1, the same window will appear, and immediately minimize. If given enough time, there will be some initial menu audio. Attempting to switch to the minimized game window, the window appears to open, but then immediately minimizes again. After switching several time back and forth, the window will sometimes maximize and display a completely black screen. At this point, the mouse cursor changes to the in-game cursor and you can hear menu sounds if clicking, or pressing direction buttons on a game pad.


Launch the game.

evopls commented 3 years ago

At this point, the mouse cursor changes to the in-game cursor and you can hear menu sounds if clicking, or pressing direction buttons on a game pad.

Once at this point I was able to get the game playable with the same fixes that worked for the original Nioh:

1). Disable Esync in launch options (PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1) 2). Force Large Address Aware in launch options (PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1) 3). Create a config file e.g. in your home directory (nioh.conf) with the line: dxgi.deferSurfaceCreation = True 4). Add the launch command: DXVK_CONFIG_FILE="/home/username/nioh.conf" %command%

My full launch options look like this: PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 DXVK_CONFIG_FILE="/home/username/nioh.conf" %command%

Performance seems as expected, I have a crash every 1-2h so far. Videos (e.g. the intro cutscene or videos that showcase skills do not work at all), ingame cutscenes do work fine. The broken videos seem to have been a thing in the original Nioh as well, would be neat if someone maybe has an idea for a fix there.

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Hello @evopls, it should be noted that PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE has been enabled by default since Proton 5.0-4 and manually setting that is not needed.

GloriousEggroll commented 3 years ago

Making a nioh.conf file within the game's folder with the following:

dxgi.deferSurfaceCreation = True

and setting launch option:

DXVK_CONFIG_FILE="./nioh.conf" %command%

Works here. Did not need to disable esync. and as kisak mentioned LAA is already enabled by default. cutscenes are broken even with mfplat patches.

Hielyr commented 3 years ago

In reference to GE's comment about just being able to use the conf file with "dxgi.deferSurfaceCreation = True" set, that definitely does the trick and no other launch options appear to need to be set. However, at least on my system, the game is highly unstable and just loves to crash at any given opportunity.

Most frequently I notice crashes happen at the timing of several events:

Other than that, when exiting the game via the in-game quit option, many times the game fails to fully close and must be killed via either Steam's stop button or a process manager / terminal. Otherwise the game may remain running and is detected by Steam as still being played.

CygnusTerminal commented 3 years ago

Replying to

About the closing issue, i play on Windows until the game is "playable" (crashes addressed and such), and the game would not close unless minimized, if not, it would remain in a black screen. So it may have to do with that

55JinS77 commented 3 years ago

Excuse me but even when I make all these changes, Nioh 2 doesnt work for me. Its always stays running, but no screen appears, and neither is minimized. Game is "working" as it is in theory running, but no screen appears, and no sound happens. My PC is this: OS: EndeavourOS LinuxKERNEL: 5.10.16-arch1-1CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 1400 Quad-CoreGPU: AMD Radeon RX 560 (POLARIS11, DRM 3.40.0, 5.10.16-arch1-1, LLVM 11.0.1)GPU DRIVER: 4.6 Mesa 20.3.4RAM: 8 GB

I tried both proton 15.3-6, experimental, proton-6.0 GE-1 and proton-6.1 GE-2. But noone of them fixed the problem. I even tried moving all movie files to trashcan, if maybe the intro movie was the problem (As I heard both Nioh games have issues with movies playing) but it didnt work. Here is my Proton Log

Proton: 1612754589 6.1-GE-2
SteamGameId: 1325200
Command: ['/run/media/username/0E320D610E320D61/INSTALATIONS LINUX D/steamapps/common/Nioh2/nioh2.exe']
Options: {'forcelgadd'}
SteamLinuxRuntime: v0.20210114.1-0-g5a1cbb7
pressure-vessel: 0.20210126.0+srt1 scout 0.20210127.0
soldier: 0.20210126.1 soldier 0.20210126.1
ERROR: object '/home/username/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.

This or similar appears regardless of proton version, or if I empty launch options, or place the "DXVK_CONFIG_FILE=path to nioh.conf" launch option. Anything I missed?

CygnusTerminal commented 3 years ago

Replying to

Hey, could you upload the log file here so we can take a look at it? It's usually located in your home directory, remember to add "PROTON_LOG=1" to your launch options (without the quotations marks). Oh, and pay no mind to the gameoverlayrenderer error, it's always there, as far as i know, it's nothing to worry about.

55JinS77 commented 3 years ago

Replying to

I posted the proton log already...But anyways: I already fixed the issue I had. Its was because I installed the game in a drive that is not the one the Linux boot is, somehow WINE/Proton couldnt load, so I just reinstalled the game, but this time on my main drive. Its a beginner mistake, sorry for your inconvenience everyone...

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Hello @55JinS77, what filesystem are you using with /run/media/username/0E320D610E320D61? I suspect that it's an NTFS-formatted partition and Proton interacting with NTFS is known to be finicky.

Hielyr commented 3 years ago

I agree that it might likely be a formatting issue on the partition. I use two different drives that are not my boot drive for my Steam games and I've never encountered an error like that when I use a Linux FS. I primarily use ext4 at the moment but I have used Btrfs with no issue as well.

55JinS77 commented 3 years ago

Hello @55JinS77, what filesystem are you using with /run/media/username/0E320D610E320D61? I suspect that it's an NTFS-formatted partition and Proton interacting with NTFS is known to be finicky. Its says at details "fuseblk". And yes, the Linux boot drive its a ext4.

Hielyr commented 3 years ago

@55JinS77 if the partition is showing as fuseblk, then it is indeed most likely formatted as NTFS and would be the cause of the errors you were getting.

55JinS77 commented 3 years ago

In reference to GE's comment about just being able to use the conf file with "dxgi.deferSurfaceCreation = True" set, that definitely does the trick and no other launch options appear to need to be set. However, at least on my system, the game is highly unstable and just loves to crash at any given opportunity.

Most frequently I notice crashes happen at the timing of several events:

* Swapping weapons and armor. As soon as a weapon or armor item is selected and the button is pressed to equip the item, a crash may occur.

* Loading a level. As soon as a level load is complete and you hit the button to start the level from the Tips / level information loading screen, the game may crash.

* When receiving a Steam chat message, the game is minimised immediately to display the chat window and proceeds to crash 100% of the time.

* Seemingly crashes routinely in intervals of thirty minutes /one hour, but not every time. I've managed to play for up to three hours without a crash a single time, but in most cases the game seems to crash around the one or two hour mark.

* Summoning from Bloody or Benevolent graves. When holding B to summon, the game will sometimes crash when the gauge is full. This has only happened to me with graves from other players, not the default graves built into the game.

Other than that, when exiting the game via the in-game quit option, many times the game fails to fully close and must be killed via either Steam's stop button or a process manager / terminal. Otherwise the game may remain running and is detected by Steam as still being played.

Can confirm. Game runs well, but it can crash occasionally when what you said happens. Its relatively a minor issue, but its annoying. At least that is what I got when using Proton-6.1-GE-2. Can anyone confirm if the game improves by using either proton 5.13 or experimental

@55JinS77 if the partition is showing as fuseblk, then it is indeed most likely formatted as NTFS and would be the cause of the errors you were getting.

Indeed, I even formatted that drive not long ago.

aliasP commented 3 years ago

Hey, I tried to play Nioh 2 this weekend, but it didn't work. As described by Hielyr: When starting the game, the window minimizes immediately. If switched to the game window, it sometimes maximizes, only to minimize again. By switching several times, the window will maximize and display a completely black screen. I made all the changes mentioned here, but nothing worked.

OS: LInux Mint 19.1 Kernel: 4.15.0-135-generic x86_64 CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 2600 six-core
GPU: Radeon RX 570 series (POLARIS10, DRM 3.23.0, 4.15.0-135-generic, LLVM 11.0.1) 4.6 Mesa 20.3.4 Vulkan instance version: 1.2.162

I tried Proton 15.3-6 and experimental using the Steam Client, but the problem occurred in both. Below are the warning/error lines from my Proton log (file also uploaded):

ERROR: object '/home/username/.steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
ERROR: Object '/home/username/.steam/ubuntu12_64/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
ERROR: Object '/home/username/.steam/ubuntu12_64/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS64): ignored.
ERROR: Object '/home/username/.steam/ubuntu12_32/' from LD_PRELOAD cannot be preloaded (wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS32): ignored.
warn: D3D11CoreCreateDevice: adapter is not a DXVK adapter
warn: OpenVR: Initialization of OpenVR failed
warn: OpenXR: Could not determine size of required Vulkan instance extensions
warn: OpenXR: Unable to get required Vulkan device extensions size

I'm not sure how to address this error, since it seems to be a Vulkan-specific issue. But the GPU is running Vulkan just fine (tested with vkcube). Also, I am able to run any other of my games flawlessly. It is only Nioh 2, that is causing problems.

Any suggestions?

55JinS77 commented 3 years ago

Anyone played the DLC mission "A Song to Calm the Storm"? Because for me, When I enter the Boss room, game stays as a black screen, and never loads. Anyone here had the same issue? Even when I have all NVIDIA settings off (Altough I have all AMD setup), verified the gamefiles, changed Proton version, and even lowered the graphic settings to low, the same issue happens...

evopls commented 3 years ago

That's the very first DLC main mission, correct?

If so I had the same issue there a few days ago and couldn't get it to work either (Nvidia setup). I wanted to know if this is the only time when this happened so I ended up pushing past it via booting up an old Win7 install which worked fine after forcing the game to use DX11. All other transitions of the DLCs worked perfectly fine on Linux but this specific one remains broken for me.

What should be playing is this transition:

The first 8 seconds of that clip are in the /steamapps/common/Nioh2/movie folder with all the other .wmv files that are broken on Linux: DEV1_0102A_MV.wmv in this case.

Usually when the game tries to play one of these it gives an "Failure To Play Movie" in the top right corner with the file name and simply skips it. I'm not 100% sure but this might be the only instance where such a .wmv leads into an ingame cutscene, maybe that's what breaks everything.

Is there anything besides the mfplat patches that GE mentioned further up that's worth giving a shot to make the .wmv files playable?

55JinS77 commented 3 years ago

Replying to

It must be that video. Even tough it should not play, and just be skipped automatically; Somehow, it makes the game freeze. I can comfirm it because I Played the game on my Windows boot, and all played well, and going back to Linux, once the first cutscene happened on the Windows boot, then loading on Linux can you fight the boss.

36PopTarts commented 3 years ago

Hi, none of the fixes above worked for me. I am running Linux Mint 20, NVIDIA Geforce 1080 GPU. Game forces itself to minimize on startup and does nothing after the initial musical sting when I use Proton-6.1-GE-2. If I use any of the Valve distributions of Proton, I don't even get a window in my DE, still hear the musical sting, and I have to kill the process. I don't typically have issues running games in general using Wine or DXVK.

CygnusTerminal commented 3 years ago

Hello again, how can we go about fixing the crashes after 1 hour/2 hours of playing? I want to help debugging, but i surmise a 1 hour long log would be pretty hefty in size.

DigitalDevilSummoner commented 3 years ago

Hello again, how can we go about fixing the crashes after 1 hour/2 hours of playing? I want to help debugging, but i surmise a 1 hour long log would be pretty hefty in size.

lol seems like even playing that long is a bad idea. Out od curiosity I wanted to see how big a log would even be (1.1 gigs btw). By the end of my session this happened: Screenshot_20210321_210852 As I spent more time playing, more stuff seemed to break, this is what I managed to capture before the game refused to display again after I alt+tabbed out to get the screenshot.

Hielyr commented 3 years ago

@CygnusTerminal, @DigitalDevilSummoner - ideally you would compress the log before submitting. Text files compress to very small sizes quite readily.

Use my initial log for example. Its compressed size is ~800K and its uncompressed size is ~83M.

CygnusTerminal commented 3 years ago

Replying to

Yeah, i know, but when i play the game, i usually spend more than a hour, so a timed crash after 1/2 hours seems like a downer for me, i'll just upload the log and hope that it can be fixed. Sounds like OOM to me.

DeathTBO commented 3 years ago

I get a very infrequent crash. Only happens when entering a loading screen? It hasn't crashed enough to determine. Proton GE didn't work at all, but 5.13-6 worked great.

I didn't need dxgi.deferSurfaceCreation = True, but it also had no impact performance,

CygnusTerminal commented 3 years ago

I get a very infrequent crash. Only happens when entering a loading screen? It hasn't crashed enough to determine. Proton GE didn't work at all, but 5.13-6 worked great.

I didn't need dxgi.deferSurfaceCreation = True, but it also had no impact performance,

Good to hear, i am still having problems even with the dxgi override. Seems that proton is not loading it.

CygnusTerminal commented 3 years ago

Reporting back. Game seems to be working just fine for me. I only have a weird graphic glitch, that does not get solved with the dxvk.conf file. I can see on the logs that it's getting loaded, but it seems to not be working. I'll attach some screenshots. Running mesa-git master. 20210413082839_1 20210413082836_1 20210413082832_1

wwmm commented 3 years ago

I do not know if it is happening to other people but after a reboot this game always crashes in the first attempt to run it. And loads fine in the second attempt with a message about a failure to open the intro movie. I have seen this happening many times. This is the proton log from the first attempt that always fails

Sometimes in the output of journalctl I see messages like this:

Couldn't set protonvideoconverter60 to READY
winegstreamer: error: decodebin61: Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.
winegstreamer: error: decodebin61: ../src-gst_base/gst/playback/gstdecodebin2.c(4719): gst_decode_bin_expose (): /GstBin:bin61/GstDecodeBin:decodebin61:
no suitable plugins found:

I imagine they are related to the tutorial videos that also fail. But I wonder if that particular message can be solved. Is the Gstreamer installation bundled with Proton really missing a plugin that should be there? Or the real message here is that the necessary plugin is not implemented yet?

CygnusTerminal commented 3 years ago

Replying to

AFAIK, Nioh 2 uses ASF formatted videos, i think they are not implemented on Wine's Gstreamer/Proton's Gstreamer. A quick VLC codec check shows that the codec in use is Windows Media Video 9 (wmv3).

wwmm commented 3 years ago

For some reason I am having a black screen when trying to load the uminyudo boss fight from the DLC Tengu's Disciple. There is some background music going on and it stays this way forever. It never loads the next scene so the fight can start. :-(

wwmm commented 3 years ago

Proton log that goes from the moment the game is opened to the point where the uminyudo infinity loading happens and I have to force the game to be closed

CygnusTerminal commented 3 years ago

For some reason I am having a black screen when trying to load the uminyudo boss fight from the DLC Tengu's Disciple. There is some background music going on and it stays this way forever. It never loads the next scene so the fight can start. :-(

Seems to be an issue with video decoding. As discussed above, it seems the video needs to be played to enable the boss fight, and since wine (and by extension, proton) still can't decode ASF formatted media (guess what game uses it on its cutscenes/media!), well, the game softlocks. I blame japanese devs for using Microsoft's propietary video codecs/formats, instead of just going a more common codec.

wwmm commented 3 years ago

As discussed above, it seems the video needs to be played to enable the boss fight, and since wine (and by extension, proton) still can't decode ASF formatted media (guess what games uses it on its cutscenes/media!), well, the game softlocks.

Some time after writing my comment I realized that this and the issue I saw were the same. The random crashes and the broken videos are annoying but not enough to make me not enjoying the game. But that uminyudo bug has locked me out of content. I was forced to abort the mission and moving on to the next DLC :-(

CygnusTerminal commented 3 years ago

Replying to

Yeah, until ASF decoding is tackled, we are out of luck. Not even the dreaded <Workaround removed by moderator> workaround works here.

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Hello @CygnusTerminal, the workaround you mentioned is legally problematic and has been removed.

Stynern commented 2 years ago

I've been having the same issues (tengu's disciple not working and regular crashes) and was wondering if there was any updates. For my part I found that the crashes when I play the game at 1440p fullscreen at 60fps (crashes every 20 ~ 30 minutes or so) but a lot less frequent at 2048*1152 windowed at 30fps (crashes every 1.5 ~ 2 hours). I had the idea of lowering the resolution to avoid crashes because I've been tweaking around settings in my games and found that Total war warhammer 2 was crashing when using a higher resolution and full screen (I use the windows version). So the problem might not be isolated to nioh. My specs: CPU: Ryzen 5 5600X GPU: Radeon RX 580 8G 16G of ram Proton: 6.3-8

For the tengu's disciple issue I imagine a workaround could be to go through the cutscene on windows and the videos set to not replay. I haven't tried it so I don't know.

wwmm commented 2 years ago

One thing that has always caused "delayed crashes" on my computer is using the soul core fusion window. It is not an immediate crash. After sometime some operations that usually work fine just crash if I spend too much time the soul core fusion window. I am not sure about how to debug this.

For the tengu's disciple issue I imagine a workaround could be to go through the cutscene on windows and the videos set to not replay. I haven't tried it so I don't know.

As I do not have Windows I could no try this. I tried to see if something different happened on other difficulties but as expected the game still tried to load the video.

wwmm commented 2 years ago

After months without looking at this game's proton logs I've noticed something that seems new

err:   D3D11Device::OpenSharedResource: Not implemented
winegstreamer error: oggdemux0: Internal data stream error.
winegstreamer error: oggdemux0: ../src-gst_base/ext/ogg/gstoggdemux.c(4993): gst_ogg_demux_loop (): /GstBin:bin0/GstDecodeBin:decodebin0/GstOggDemux:oggdemux0:
streaming stopped, reason error (-5)
err:   D3D11Device::OpenSharedResource: Not implemented

It seems Nioh also needs the hard to implement D3D11Device::OpenSharedResource support. That is sad...

kisak-valve commented 2 years ago

Nioh 2 – The Complete Edition 120 Fps mode not working & incorrect gamespeed

Issue transferred from @DoomedSouls posted on 2022-02-17T10:15:10:

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:


Selecting 120 fps will not change the frame rate and game speed is half. Selecting afterwards 30 fps will also no change frame rate. Its stuck at 60 fps with incorrect gamespeed.


wwmm commented 2 years ago

With the latest work on proton experimental it is now possible to start the uminyudo fight and go ahead on the Tengu's Disciple DLC. I will now be able to get the spirit guardian I could not get before. It is a good timing considering I have finished what I wanted to do on Elden Ring :smile:

wwmm commented 2 years ago

The videos that were broken are still broken. But now there is the usual GStreamer video placeholder in their place.

CygnusTerminal commented 2 years ago

The videos that were broken are still broken. But now there is the usual GStreamer video placeholder in their place.

Try GE-Proton7-10, for me it works 100%.

wwmm commented 2 years ago

Try GE-Proton7-10, for me it works 100%.

I see. Good to know. But I think I will stay on the upstream Proton for now. After more than 700 hours in the game without these videos I do not mind staying without them :smile: The most annoying part was not being able to play a DLC. And that is fixed now :-)

DigitalDevilSummoner commented 2 years ago

The move demos still quietly fail, which is honestly not a huge issue, if only the game wouldn't crash so much.

SeekerOfAsh commented 2 years ago

Game crashes often when visiting the menus like the weapon skill menus. VRR is functional though when used with gamescope and a fps limit is set.

Nioh 2 - The Complete Edition (1325200). Game crashes often after visiting skill menus.

Issue transferred from @Lialeth posted on 2022-05-22T18:56:15:

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:

Proton log. The files has a lot of lines.


-VRR doesnt work natively under x11 (havent tested on wayland since I use gnome).

Currently these are the launch options which I use. They make the game a bit more stable and gamescope allow for VRR to work.

gamescope -f -b -e -r 110 -- gamemoderun mangohud PROTON_NO_ESYNC=1 PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 PROTON_LOG=1 ENABLE_VKBASALT=1 %command%


Enter a mission and then open the skill assignment menu for a weapon (odachi for example). Change skills on any stances, then leave. The game will crash before leaving the menu or a few minutes afterwards. Rarely the game doesnt crash at all, just repeat the process again.

SeekerOfAsh commented 2 years ago

I've been trying to look through the massive logs and I've noticed errors like these popping up frequently:

err:   D3D11: CreateGeometryShaderWithStreamOutput: Rasterized stream not supported
wine client error:3ec: write: Bad file descriptor

Also since the crashes often happens in menus that have embedded videos, I think this might also be of note:

4277.481:0140:0144:fixme:dxva2:device_manager_processor_service_GetVideoProcessorDeviceGuids 000000002BBFDB18, 00000000DFF26388, 000000000011EFB8, 000000000011EF60 semi-stub.
1117800 4277.481:0140:0144:fixme:dxva2:device_manager_processor_service_CreateVideoProcessor 000000002BBFDB18, {5a54a0c9-c7ec-4bd9-8ede-f3c75dc4393b}, 00000000DFF26388, 22, 0, 00000000DFF26358.
1117801 winegstreamer warning: videobox1: not negotiated
1117802 winegstreamer warning: videobox1: ../src-gstreamer/libs/gst/base/gstbasetransform.c(1431): gst_base_transform_reconfigure_unlocked (): /GstBin:bin1/GstVideoBox:videobox1:
1117803 not negotiated
1117804 4278.265:0140:0144:fixme:dxva2:device_manager_processor_service_GetVideoProcessorDeviceGuids 000000002BBFDBB8, 00000000DFF26388, 000000000011EFB8, 000000000011EF60 semi-stub.
1117805 4278.265:0140:0144:fixme:dxva2:device_manager_processor_service_CreateVideoProcessor 000000002BBFDBB8, {5a54a0c9-c7ec-4bd9-8ede-f3c75dc4393b}, 00000000DFF26388, 22, 0, 00000000DFF26358.
1117806 winegstreamer warning: videobox2: not negotiated
1117807 winegstreamer warning: videobox2: ../src-gstreamer/libs/gst/base/gstbasetransform.c(1431): gst_base_transform_reconfigure_unlocked (): /GstBin:bin2/GstVideoBox:videobox2:
1117808 not negotiated
1117809 4278.885:0140:0144:fixme:dxva2:device_manager_processor_service_GetVideoProcessorDeviceGuids 000000002BBFDA78, 00000000DFF26388, 000000000011EFB8, 000000000011EF60 semi-stub.
1117810 4278.885:0140:0144:fixme:dxva2:device_manager_processor_service_CreateVideoProcessor 000000002BBFDA78, {5a54a0c9-c7ec-4bd9-8ede-f3c75dc4393b}, 00000000DFF26388, 22, 0, 00000000DFF26358.
1117811 winegstreamer warning: videobox3: not negotiated
1117812 winegstreamer warning: videobox3: ../src-gstreamer/libs/gst/base/gstbasetransform.c(1431): gst_base_transform_reconfigure_unlocked (): /GstBin:bin3/GstVideoBox:videobox3:
1117813 not negotiated
1117814 4279.119:0140:0144:fixme:dxva2:device_manager_processor_service_GetVideoProcessorDeviceGuids 000000002BBFDD98, 00000000DFF26388, 000000000011EFB8, 000000000011EF60 semi-stub.
CygnusTerminal commented 1 year ago

It's me again, i built an entirely new PC from scratch (6600xt, Ryzen 5 5600G, 16GB 3200MHz RAM, 1TB NVMe) and i am having weird frame pacing issues. FPS are locked to 60, frametime never goes beyond 16.7, but the game slows down regardless, it feels like the FPS go down for a split second. Temperatures on CPU/GPU/SSD are as expected (50, 48, and 39 respectively). Link to gist with info:

LZeugirdor commented 1 year ago

Getting some strange audio hitching from the game, currently my monitor is set to 120 but the game is locked to 60. there's also some frameskipping.