ValveSoftware / Proton

Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
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Halo Infinite (1240440) #5030

Open CDAGaming opened 2 years ago

CDAGaming commented 2 years ago

Compatibility Report


Creating a preliminary post regarding this due to the initial Technical Preview Flight being released today. It is unknown by what source the assets will be available to download on, but the feedback from other users on Proton regarding Linux issues would be applicable to view here in preparation for the Steam Release this holiday season.

kisak-valve commented 2 years ago

Hello @CDAGaming, preemptively opening a compatibility report with no info is pointless. Let's wait until someone who has access to the game gives feedback.

rowbawts commented 2 years ago

Ok I have access and tried it earlier and It just immediately closes (nothing appears) status on Steam goes back to "Online" please give me information on how I can gather information to help diagnose.

CDAGaming commented 2 years ago

@kisak-valve Please reopen this, as this is now available to users.

kisak-valve commented 2 years ago

Hello @CDAGaming, looking around, no, the main game does not appear to have been released.

Instead, access to a separate insider build (1240410) was handed out and #5032 was opened to with info on how the insider build runs with Proton.

fontivan commented 2 years ago

@kisak-valve the beta of Halo Infinite has dropped today under AppId 1240440, so can be reopened now yeah? I have also attached a pair of log files, one each for Proton 6.3-7 and Experimental. In both cases, launching the game causes the button to switch from "Play" to "Stop" for a few seconds before the game exits. I was also using the Steam Client Beta for both attempts.

proton-experimental-log-1240440-15Nov2021.log proton-637-log-1240440-15Nov2021.log

cybik commented 2 years ago

Like @shagia, insta-death. Here's my console log using konsole --hold -e %command%: (also contains steam-1240440.log)

Note that my log comes from a GE, not mainline. I'm assuming experimental and mainline are not showing much difference.

shagia commented 2 years ago

I should have clarified the Proton branch I'm using: I'm using the latest experimental (bleeding edge) branch myself in response to the post @cybik is referring to. I'll try mainline later today.

ServerOmega commented 2 years ago

Still no boot on Proton Experimental or Proton-6.21-GE-1.

Noticed this in the log (used Proton GE): steam-1240440.log

53880.430:010c:0110:err:module:LdrInitializeThunk "Arbiter.dll" failed to initialize, aborting

53880.430:010c:0110:err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Initializing dlls for L"Z:\\home\\server\\.local\\share\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Halo Infinite\\HaloInfinite.exe" failed, status c0000142 pid 59450 != 59449, skipping destruction (fork without exec?)

Is "Arbiter.dll" anti-cheat?

pongo1231 commented 2 years ago

Replying to

I suppose so. Tried to attach a debugger to it but it just traps it with an INT3 instruction and immediately quits the game afterwards.

ErikReider commented 2 years ago

Note that my log comes from a GE, not mainline. I'm assuming experimental and mainline are not showing much difference.

I'm actually getting a different output when running with experimental (mainline). With GE it mentions Arbiter.dll but not with experimental. I'm not sure if it gets stuck earlier or farther ahead than GE.

Edit: Here's my log

Coreforge commented 2 years ago

I've got some slightly different behavior on Proton 5.0-10. It doesn't open anything, but it doesn't exit either, it just stays running. The proton log still has errors about Arbiter.dll though, so maybe just different behavior after exceptions.

Equilius-Fromjaf commented 2 years ago

Has anyone attempted viewing Arbiter.dll through a program such as Ghidra?

Coreforge commented 2 years ago

I tried loading it. It doesn't export many functions (entry and two others), and analyzing took up all 32GB of ram so I had to stop it.

jr1991-g commented 2 years ago

Tried with Proton Experimental, no dice.



Switching to 6.3.7 installing Visual C++ x64 and x86 from here produces a different log, in which arbiter.dll seems to be loading. Now what nsiproxy is I have no idea. steam-1240440.log

aldrenean commented 2 years ago

Interesting, it looks like I actually have no problem loading Arbiter.dll:

trace:loaddll:build_module Loaded L"Z:\\home\\aldrenean\\.local\\share\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Halo Infinite\\Arbiter.dll" at 0000000180000000: native

These are the error/fail messages I got in my proton log:

err:ntoskrnl:ZwLoadDriver failed to create driver L"\\Registry\\Machine\\System\\CurrentControlSet\\Services\\nsiproxy": c0000003

fixme:service:scmdatabase_autostart_services Auto-start service L"nsiproxy" failed to start: 87

err:steam:initialize_vr_data Could not load

err:virtual:virtual_setup_exception stack overflow 1872 bytes in thread 0108 addr 0x7fc8e57c0ed4 stack 0x5408b0 (0x540000-0x541000-0x940000)

This is on Proton Experimental.

Equilius-Fromjaf commented 2 years ago

What version of Wine is Proton Experimental based on, since the changelog of the recent Wine 6.19 seems to have a lot regarding whatever nsiproxy is.

IoIxD commented 2 years ago

I got these errors initially, but after launching it a few times I just get this:

gavin@jeff ~/.s/s/s/c/Halo Infinite> WINEARCH=win64 WINEPREFIX=/home/gavin/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1240440/pfx STEAM_COMPAT_CLIENT_INSTALL_PATH="$HOME/.steam/steam" STEAM_COMPAT_DATA_PATH=~/.proton/ ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton\ -\ Experimental/proton run HaloInfinite.exe
esync: up and running.
wine: RLIMIT_NICE is <= 20, unable to use setpriority safely
WARNING: radv is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only.
WARNING: radv is not a conformant Vulkan implementation, testing use only.
gavin@jeff ~/.s/s/s/c/Halo Infinite> 

No errors (i'm pretty sure that second line is just a warning). It just closes.

But what's also interesting is the fact that a similar issue is being reported on Windows 10, on the Steam page:

windblows95 commented 2 years ago

With ProtonGE on Wine 6.21 and x64 Visual C++ installed the only errors I get are those:

5681.383:0110:0114:err:module:LdrInitializeThunk "Arbiter.dll" failed to initialize, aborting 5681.383:0110:0114:err:module:LdrInitializeThunk Initializing dlls for L"Z:\\home\\ich\\.local\\share\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\Halo Infinite\\HaloInfinite.exe" failed, status c0000142 steam-1240440.log

Fullbrik commented 2 years ago

Replying to

I get the same error with GE 6.21

I also tried disabling Arbiter and forcing native

PeterMX commented 2 years ago

Using Proton 6.3-7 I get: 12473.049:010c:0110:err:virtual:virtual_setup_exception stack overflow 1936 bytes in thread 0110 addr 0x7f49928269a9 stack 0x540870 (0x540000-0x541000-0x940000) steam-1240440.log

adrianrlaw commented 2 years ago

With Proton Experimental I'm getting: pid 110292 != 110289, skipping destruction (fork without exec?) With PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1.

steam-1240440.log system_info.txt

StaticRocket commented 2 years ago

Proton Experimental on 5.15.2-arch1-1 Arch Linux logs: steam-1240440.log sysinfo.txt

It appears to load Arbiter but later exits:

110769.084:0104:0108:trace:loaddll:build_module Loaded L"Z:\\mnt\\local\\SteamLibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Halo Infinite\\Arbiter.dll" at 0000000180000000: native
110771.494:005c:006c:trace:seh:dump_unwind_info **** func 1ac90-1ad76
110771.494:005c:006c:trace:seh:dump_unwind_info unwind info at 00000002279D4A70 flags 0 prolog 0x8 bytes function 00000002279BAC90-00000002279BAD76
110771.494:005c:006c:trace:seh:dump_unwind_info     0x8: subq $0x160,%rsp
110771.494:005c:006c:trace:seh:dump_unwind_info     0x1: pushq %rbx
110771.494:005c:006c:trace:seh:RtlRestoreContext returning to 00000002279C403A stack 000000000162F740
110771.494:005c:0078:trace:seh:NtQueryInformationThread (0xfffffffffffffffe,12,0x226fe2c,4,(nil))
110771.494:005c:007c:trace:seh:NtQueryInformationThread (0xfffffffffffffffe,12,0x287fe2c,4,(nil))
110771.494:005c:0080:trace:seh:NtQueryInformationThread (0xfffffffffffffffe,12,0x2e8fe2c,4,(nil))
110771.495:005c:0074:trace:seh:NtQueryInformationThread (0xfffffffffffffffe,12,0x1c3fe2c,4,(nil))
110771.522:00cc:00e0:trace:seh:NtQueryInformationThread (0xfffffffffffffffe,12,0x151fe2c,4,(nil))
110771.522:005c:006c:trace:loaddll:free_modref Unloaded module L"C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\winebus.sys" : builtin
110771.523:005c:006c:trace:loaddll:free_modref Unloaded module L"C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\wineusb.sys" : builtin
110771.524:005c:006c:trace:loaddll:free_modref Unloaded module L"C:\\windows\\system32\\drivers\\winehid.sys" : builtin
110771.524:005c:006c:trace:loaddll:free_modref Unloaded module L"C:\\windows\\system32\\hidclass.sys" : builtin
110771.525:005c:006c:trace:seh:NtQueryInformationThread (0xfffffffffffffffe,12,0x162fe2c,4,(nil))
110771.594:0030:008c:trace:seh:NtQueryInformationThread (0xfffffffffffffffe,12,0x336fe2c,4,(nil))
110771.594:0030:0064:trace:seh:NtQueryInformationThread (0xfffffffffffffffe,12,0x274fe2c,4,(nil))
110771.594:0030:0054:trace:seh:NtQueryInformationThread (0xfffffffffffffffe,12,0x213fe2c,4,(nil))
110771.594:0030:0070:trace:seh:NtQueryInformationThread (0xfffffffffffffffe,12,0x2d5fe2c,4,(nil))
110771.594:0030:0118:trace:seh:NtQueryInformationThread (0xfffffffffffffffe,12,0x3f8fe2c,4,(nil))
110771.594:0030:0044:trace:seh:NtQueryInformationThread (0xfffffffffffffffe,12,0x151fe2c,4,(nil))
110771.594:0030:00d4:trace:seh:NtQueryInformationThread (0xfffffffffffffffe,12,0x459fe2c,4,(nil))
110771.594:0030:0038:trace:seh:NtQueryInformationThread (0xfffffffffffffffe,12,0xf0fe2c,4,(nil))
pid 70842 != 70841, skipping destruction (fork without exec?)
ZAGON117 commented 2 years ago

I could be wrong here, but I found this talking about the arbiter.dll and maybe explaining a bit about it. This was from 2019 tho, either 343 made their own or they use a version of this one. I submit this as a noob that wants to help if he can. I dont see anything useful on this page but maybe someone else can

Ill keep testing and mention anything I find

RadiantOblivion commented 2 years ago

Replying to Is "Arbiter.dll" anti-cheat?

It's most likely an anti-cheat measure for Windows. The VFIO community is currently able to bypass this as they do other anti-cheat with hypervisor.

theunkn0wn1 commented 2 years ago

Has anyone attempted viewing Arbiter.dll through a program such as Ghidra?

Took a good half hour but i am able to load Arbiter.dll into Ghidra. Unfortunately i am very weak with analyzing x86 binaries.

Project File Name:  Arbiter.dll
Last Modified:  Tue Nov 16 11:34:10 PST 2021
Readonly:   false
Program Name:   Arbiter.dll
Language ID:    x86:LE:64:default (2.9)
Compiler ID:    windows
Processor:  x86
Endian: Little
Address Size:   64
Minimum Address:    180000000
Maximum Address:    18124f7ff
# of Bytes: 19183668
# of Memory Blocks: 9
# of Instructions:  0
# of Defined Data:  1472
# of Functions: 0
# of Symbols:   83
# of Data Types:    326
# of Data Type Categories:  4
CompanyName:    Copyright (c) 2021 Microsoft
Compiler:   visualstudio:unknown
Created With Ghidra Version:    10.0
Date Created:   Tue Nov 16 11:34:09 PST 2021
Executable Format:  Portable Executable (PE)
Executable Location:    /tmp/something/Arbiter.dll
Executable MD5: 77ebc2639607d6b571686d5758c97973
Executable SHA256:  1f90f72aa741194c98a9c1ada8209e3df5ecb454dab036e8b28f91aa59ff400b
FSRL:   file:///tmp/something/Arbiter.dll?MD5=77ebc2639607d6b571686d5758c97973
FileDescription:    Arbiter Runtime Library
LegalCopyright: Copyright (c) 2021 Microsoft
PDB Age:    1
PDB File:   loader.pdb
PDB GUID:   922362bf-4ea4-46a7-912b-299d588fc74e
PDB Version:    RSDS
ProductName:    Arbiter Runtime Library
Relocatable:    true
SectionAlignment:   4096
Translation:    4b00409

edit: Now I see what others were refering to with running out of memory. some of the functions do exhaust 32gb of memory trying to disassemble.

ServerOmega commented 2 years ago

Seems like the problem is vkd3d and vulkan

M-Ro commented 2 years ago

There seem to be a few different issues going on here.

Proton Experimental and Proton 6.3-8 both crash on launch. The game generates its own crash log, referencing Media Foundation. steam-1240440.log crashCABN.txt

pReader->SetCurrentMediaType(dwStreamIndex, nullptr, pType.Get()) failed (HR=0xc00d5212): 0xc00d5212 seems to infer a missing codec playing one of the intro videos. There doesn't appear to be anything particularly special about the videos.

Container: MP4
Stream 0 (Video): H264 - MPEG-4 AVC (part 10) (av1)
Stream 1 (Audio): MPEG AAC Audio (mp4a) 48000Hz 3F2R/LFE 32bpp

This can be bypassed by moving the video mp4s into a folder where the game can't find them. This will get the game launching, albeit not looking right and at 1-2fps presumably due to the vkd3d issue above. There is a relevant branch vkd3d execute-indirect-advanced but it appears to be in a draft state, too early for testing. For me a d3d12.dll compiled from this tree causes the game to crash shortly after launching.

Proton-GE (6.21) seems to have an unrelated issue where it can't initialize Arbiter.dll. Not relevant here but I've attached the log anyway steam-1240440.log

Fullbrik commented 2 years ago

Can confirm that removing the videos allows me to launch the game, but I have to RMA my card (for separate reasons) and my integrated graphics don't meet minimum specs to run the game so it crashes.

ErikReider commented 2 years ago

I can also confirm that it now launches with the videos moved. The GPU driver crashed and kinda recovered so I couldn't really do anything. I'll try again :)

l33tlinuxh4x0r commented 2 years ago

The game launches and I can get to the menu(s) however the graphics don't update once I hit the menus and I can't do anything other than make sounds clicking on menu links.

I haven't removed the videos and I'm using an AMD 6900XT on Arch Linux.

For what it is worth: The open radeon vulkan driver loads faster however it has graphics artifacts when trying to close the game (had to restart X) the amdvlk driver seems slower but it doesn't get the artifacts when it closes halo and seems to lock harder than the readon vulkan driver.

mchavarriagam commented 2 years ago

Has anybody tried again now that the campaign has been released?

Rocky43007 commented 2 years ago

Just launched the game. It loads, and you can get past the Microsoft login, but crashes on menu pages. After the first crash, it now crashing passing the loading page

mchavarriagam commented 2 years ago

Just launched the game. It loads, and you can get past the Microsoft login, but crashes on menu pages. After the first crash, it now crashing passing the loading page

:( thanks. Hopefully it's resolved eventually. Too big of a release for Proton to not support it down the line, with Steam Deck coming.

I'll have to boot Windows in the meantime I guess.

Rocky43007 commented 2 years ago

Just launched the game. It loads, and you can get past the Microsoft login, but crashes on menu pages. After the first crash, it now crashing passing the loading page

So, some further research. Deleting the video folder is what boots up the game. But then once the video is tried to be fetched, the game crashes. Keeping the videos folder crashing the game at loading.

Coreforge commented 2 years ago

I still haven't been able to start the game, with or without the videos. On proton experimental, it just does nothing and the log is empty except for the standard header. With proton 6.3-8, it runs for a few seconds and crashed again (no window opens at any time), and I get this log.

kodatarule commented 2 years ago

Just launched the game. It loads, and you can get past the Microsoft login, but crashes on menu pages. After the first crash, it now crashing passing the loading page

I can confirm that I'm experiencing the same behavior also I noticed that in the main menu the performance is horrible it's like ~2fps and just as it tries to show up the menu the game auto closes no errors or anything.

Selmack commented 2 years ago

I also get the "game crashes as soon as I launch it" I get a window that flashes and then goes POOF and then game crashes. I have tried Proton Experimental, Proton 6.3.8, and even GloriousEggroll's latest Proton build, but none work.

zmontross commented 2 years ago

Just launched the game. It loads, and you can get past the Microsoft login, but crashes on menu pages. After the first crash, it now crashing passing the loading page

So, some further research. Deleting the video folder is what boots up the game. But then once the video is tried to be fetched, the game crashes. Keeping the videos folder crashing the game at loading.

Out of curiosity has anyone tried replacing the videos with dummy files (e.g. an empty MP4) rather than deleting them?

ImTheSquid commented 2 years ago

I tried replacing the videos with blank ones from this repo. Specifically I tried blank.mp4 and blank_AVC.mp4 (the encoding of the original videos) renamed to the original video file names. Both of these formats caused to game to crash on launch like the original videos did.

ravager-dk commented 2 years ago

A AAA game like this needs support

braiam commented 2 years ago

For an RX 590 the game takes most of the system with it, it's responsive, but starting a new session via ssh or recovering the xserver seems unreliable, had to REISUB. Relevant dmesg:

[drm:amdgpu_dm_atomic_commit_tail [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Waiting for fences timed out!
[drm:amdgpu_dm_atomic_commit_tail [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Waiting for fences timed out!
[drm:amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* ring gfx timeout, signaled seq=285544632, emitted seq=285544634
[drm:amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Process information: process HaloInfinite.ex pid 1887837 thread 00 MAIN pid 1887900
amdgpu 0000:09:00.0: amdgpu: GPU reset begin!
amdgpu: cp is busy, skip halt cp
amdgpu: rlc is busy, skip halt rlc
amdgpu 0000:09:00.0: amdgpu: BACO reset
amdgpu 0000:09:00.0: amdgpu: GPU reset succeeded, trying to resume
[drm] PCIE GART of 256M enabled (table at 0x000000F400000000).
[drm] VRAM is lost due to GPU reset!
[drm] UVD and UVD ENC initialized successfully.
[drm] VCE initialized successfully.
amdgpu 0000:09:00.0: amdgpu: recover vram bo from shadow start
amdgpu 0000:09:00.0: amdgpu: recover vram bo from shadow done
[drm] Skip scheduling IBs!
[drm] Skip scheduling IBs!
amdgpu 0000:09:00.0: amdgpu: GPU reset(2) succeeded!
[drm] Skip scheduling IBs!
[drm] Skip scheduling IBs!
[drm:amdgpu_cs_ioctl [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Failed to initialize parser -125!
[drm:amdgpu_cs_ioctl [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Failed to initialize parser -125!
amdgpu 0000:09:00.0: amdgpu: GPU fault detected: 147 0x00c00402 for process steamwebhelper pid 1857306 thread steamwebhe:cs0 pid 1857308
amdgpu 0000:09:00.0: amdgpu:   VM_CONTEXT1_PROTECTION_FAULT_ADDR   0x00000218
amdgpu 0000:09:00.0: amdgpu:   VM_CONTEXT1_PROTECTION_FAULT_STATUS 0x04004002
amdgpu 0000:09:00.0: amdgpu: VM fault (0x02, vmid 2, pasid 32780) at page 536, read from 'TC1' (0x54433100) (4)
[drm:amdgpu_cs_ioctl [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Failed to initialize parser -125!
[drm:amdgpu_cs_ioctl [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Failed to initialize parser -125!
[drm:amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* ring gfx timeout, signaled seq=285544636, emitted seq=285544638
[drm:amdgpu_job_timedout [amdgpu]] *ERROR* Process information: process steamwebhelper pid 1857306 thread steamwebhe:cs0 pid 1857308
amdgpu 0000:09:00.0: amdgpu: GPU reset begin!

After that the system was in a irrecoverable state.

hdansin commented 2 years ago

I tried it after the latest update (with renamed intro videos) and was able to load into a training game, but it was 0 fps and nearly crashed my system (Ryzen 5, GTX 1070, Proton Experimental, Solus Mate). Top showed 100% CPU usage while the game was running. Menus were still at 1-2fps. I tried toggling windowed/borderless, HUD effects, Vsync, esync/fsync all with no effect. The proton log is absolutely massive. There was also a message when first starting the game that said: "Unable to connect to Halo Infinite Lobby Service."

I also managed to capture a couple screenshots, and I was able to hear the audio of the training game, including my inputs.

Screenshot at 2021-12-15 19-07-30

Screenshot at 2021-12-15 19-21-45

Edit: tried it a couple more times, and it loads into a training game (map: Live Fire) without crashing. I can hear all inputs as if it is running the game in real time, but the screen is black or stuck on the loading screen. I also noticed that the display adapter option (which should show the GPU, is greyed out and "disabled").

This is the tail of the proton log:

14177.609:0128:012c:trace:seh:dump_unwind_info` **** func 2c9e0-2c9f2 14177.609:0128:012c:trace:seh:dump_unwind_info unwind info at 000000007B63D4DC flags 0 prolog 0x4 bytes function 000000007B62C9E0-000000007B62C9F2 14177.609:0128:012c:trace:seh:dump_unwind_info 0x4: subq $0x28,%rsp 14177.609:0128:012c:trace:seh:RtlVirtualUnwind type 1 rip 000000007BC5E603 rsp 000000000063FE70 14177.609:0128:012c:trace:seh:dump_unwind_info **** func 5e580-5e683 14177.609:0128:012c:trace:seh:dump_unwind_info unwind info at 000000007BC83C8C flags 0 prolog 0x7 bytes function 000000007BC5E580-000000007BC5E683 14177.609:0128:012c:trace:seh:dump_unwind_info 0x7: subq $0x168,%rsp 14177.609:0128:012c:trace:seh:call_stack_handlers found wine frame 000000000063FEA0 rsp 000000000063FFE0 handler 000000007BC68370 14177.609:0128:012c:trace:seh:call_teb_handler calling TEB handler 000000007BC68370 (rec=000000000061ABA0, frame=000000000063FEA0 context=000000000061A0F0, dispatch=0000000000619FC0) pid 39804 != 39803, skipping destruction (fork without exec?)

FiniteReality commented 2 years ago

Riding on the previous comment, I managed to get into the campaign after navigating the slow main menu that now doesn't cause a game crash. As mentioned above, none of the graphics seem to improve this.

Surprisingly though, it seems the main menu is the only place these performance issues exist, from the short period I played. However, almost none of the 3D geometry actually renders, leaving you guessing what's actually happening:

Possible campaign spoilers ![Screenshot_20211218_210042]( ![Screenshot_20211218_210349](

Fortunately, no crashes occured, though while in the main menu my system was very slow (5600X, 3080 Ti, 32GB RAM) which makes almost everything hard to navigate.

ruineka commented 2 years ago

On Intel Iris Xe the game complains about not having a compatible direcx12 device and refuses to start. On Windows you are able to get into the game, but with graphical glitches until Intel releases a driver fix. I'll make a log only if there is an interest in improving Intel gaming on Proton.

RedSoxFan04 commented 2 years ago

I’m also getting that DirectX 12 message, and I have an AMD RX 5600 XT.

On Dec 19, 2021, at 1:51 AM, ruineka @.***> wrote:

On Intel Iris Xe the game complains about not having a compatible direcx12 device and refuses to start. On Windows you are able to get into the game, but with graphical glitches until Intel releases a driver fix. I'll make a log only if there is an interest in improving Intel gaming on Proton.

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HolySoap commented 2 years ago

Does anyone replying here even read what's written before? Its even pinned right on top with a green border!

braiam commented 2 years ago

Does anyone replying here even read what's written before? Its even pinned right on top with a green border!

Are you sure you are on the right issue thread? There's nothing on this issue with a green border, and people looking for solutions would arrive to this issue from a search engine directly, instead of the issue page.

cow-killer commented 2 years ago

Not sure if anyone's aware, but the game is available via Xbox Game Pass; can use this for now while we wait.

HolySoap commented 2 years ago

@braiam my bad, the green border thingy was an add-on (Refined GitHub), but the main complain remains if people even read what's written before.

money123451 commented 2 years ago

i am having fun it seems stable with the d3d12 from here disabling the High res textures, steam overly and disabling winedb.exe once you get into the tutorial that is the main menus love crashing I think its to do with the online services as when its trying to go online it dies but once it switches to offline because you are trying to launch the tutorial it seems to be stable Screenshot_20211231_123337

side note this is on a laptop with a ssd with the game installed on it proton experimental linux tkg and mesa-git with a ryzen 5 2500u and a rx 560x and 16 gb of ram