ValveSoftware / Proton

Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
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Age of Empires IV Technical Stress Test (1015520) #5048

Closed ThaChillera closed 2 years ago

ThaChillera commented 3 years ago

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:



Crashes on launch, don't see anything



kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Hello @ThaChillera, err:module:import_dll Library api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-3.dll (which is needed by L"Z:\\data\\steamlibrary\\steamapps\\common\\Age of Empires IV Beta\\RelicCardinal.exe") not found from your log looks like a line of interest.

ga2mer commented 3 years ago


  1. Use Proton Experimental
  2. Backup api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-1.dll, kernel32.dll and kernelbase.dll from ~/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Proton - Experimental/files/lib64/wine/ or redownload Proton Experimental for other games
  3. Place dlls from this archive to ~/.steam/root/steamapps/common/Proton - Experimental/files/lib64/wine/

Should work, but maybe not

Patch for latest Proton Wine - (for some reason the github does not allow to upload the patch, so zip)

UPD: compiled dlls from proton wine instead master for better compatibility and with localization-1-2-3

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Hello @ga2mer, for the sake of reproducibility, can you describe what you changed to create those dlls or share patches?

ga2mer commented 3 years ago

Hello @ga2mer, for the sake of reproducibility, can you describe what you changed to create those dlls or share patches?

  1. Game want GetUserDefaultGeoName from api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-3.dll (but 1-2-2 works, so looks like doesn't)
  2. Game want GetCurrentPackagePath from api-ms-win-appmodel-runtime-l1-1-1.dll and yesterday it was pushed into Wine, so I just builded latest Wine master and replace changed files

UPD: everything in my previous comment

jr1991-g commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the fix. Game runs, although there are some graphics issues. Buildings, units and world objects are invisible or black. Units are T-pose. Performance is ok, medium settings, a bit stuttery. Game does not run in exclusive fullscreen, use only borderless. Also set resolution scale to 100%.


CeeBeeEh commented 3 years ago

So I got this working also using the steps from ga2mer but it’s not playable. The menu loads and work perfectly. I was able to create a multiplayer game with a single AI (I was expecting issues, so I didn’t want to inconvenience a real player). Audio also works fine (music, unit sounds, building sounds, UI sounds, etc). The issue is the graphics. The trees and ground textures were very low resolution. They actually were pixelated. Units were invisible, but selection highlights worked. Buildings were also mostly invisible with parts of them visible as you moved around with the screen. Ultimately it “works” but is not currently playable.

I tried on Windows also, and funny enough is that screen scroll has a annoying (and UX breaking) lag to it in Windows but on Proton it was butter smooth and responsive.

I'm running an Nvidia laptop, and had to add the following to the game’s launch options otherwise it just closes after 2 seconds:


Proton logs from the session: steam-1015520.log

Fuzzi99 commented 3 years ago

I also have the issue where I can't see anything in the match, the menus are working perfectly but the second I start a match everything is invisible all buildings, units, trees, resources etc are invisible

IlChitarrista commented 3 years ago

Hi, is anyone working on fixing this before the actual release?

DjSapsan commented 3 years ago

How to patch 0001-GetCurrentPackagePath-stub-and-localization-l1-2-3.patch? And how to check if it is successful

ezequielramos commented 3 years ago

I have just installed the game now on the open beta release and I have the same behavior described by @cbstryker Didn't tried it on windows (unfortunately ~or not~ i don't have it installed)

tkamat commented 3 years ago

I found these errors in the logs above, I'm not sure how to approach fixing them but they could be helpful

ntlm_auth was not found or is outdated. Make sure that ntlm_auth >= 3.0.25 is in your path. Usually, you can find it in the winbind package of your distribution

initialize_vr_data Could not load
sulix commented 3 years ago

I can reproduce the missing units, trees, etc here as well. The default "Gameplay Resolution Scale" was set to an unbearably low 25% as well. Increasing it worked fine, though.

Also, on startup I got a message saying my AMD graphics driver was too old (which is slightly strange given I'm running on nVidia hardware). Clicking through worked, and it only showed up the first time. This is probably because of the NvAPI workaround:

info:  DXGI: NvAPI workaround enabled, reporting AMD GPU

Edit: also seeing a bunch of these in the logs, maybe related? Or maybe they're just resetting and doing non-indexed draws, and this is fine:

01a8:warn:d3d12_command_list_IASetIndexBuffer: Got NULL index buffer view, indexed draw calls will be dropped.

It looks like the game isn't trying to do any indexed draws: none of the associated warnings (Application attempts to perform an indexed draw call without index buffer bound) seem to appear anywhere. So this is probably not actually a problem.

Other worrying lines (though more likely to be performance issues or other things, rather than the cause of this issue) include:

0138:warn:vkd3d_is_linear_tiling_supported: Attempting to create linear image, but not supported. usage: 0x1f, flags: 0, fmt: 37, image_type: 1
0138:info:vkd3d_bindless_state_get_bindless_flags: Device does not support VK_VALVE_mutable_descriptor_type.
0114:warn:d3d12_resource_validate_create_info: Ignoring optimized clear value.
0114:fixme:d3d12_swapchain_init: Ignoring swap effect 0x4.
0114:fixme:d3d12_swapchain_init: Ignoring buffer usage 0x30.
0114:fixme:d3d12_swapchain_init: Ignoring swapchain flags 0x2.
warn:  DXGI: MakeWindowAssociation: Ignoring flags
0114:warn:vkd3d_allocate_device_memory: Memory allocation failed, falling back to system memory.
01a8:warn:d3d12_pipeline_state_init_graphics: DSV format is DXGI_FORMAT_UNKNOWN.
01a8:fixme:d3d12_pipeline_state_get_or_create_pipeline: Extended dynamic state is supported, but compiling a fallback pipeline late!
01a8:warn:d3d12_pipeline_state_init_graphics: Unused input element {1,3,4,9,17}
jjcasmar commented 3 years ago

I has the same issue with textures and missing units/buildings. I am running on Proton 6.16 GE

ghost commented 3 years ago

I tried the game out as well. Similar issues as above. Game launches, multiplayer instantly crashes, the tutorial/learning mode is launchable, but buildings and units and other map objects are invisible.

arendtio commented 3 years ago

I have the same problem as @cbstryker but with AMD hardware. The runs fine, but buildings and units are mostly invisible.

SaladinAyyub commented 3 years ago

@sulix thanks for the logs.. I did the stress test today.. The rendering issue are probably because of vkd3d as this game uses Direct X 12 and there are bunch of d3d12 errors. Not sure should I report it to the upstream wine or @HansKristian-Work any idea :)

sulix commented 3 years ago

Here's a screenshot of the issue: the Town Centre and berry bushes (and trees) should all be visible, but only the berry bush I had selected is:

I agree that this looks d3d12/vkd3d-y.

Some more notes:

There were a number of shader warnings as well, when ``VKD3D_SHADER_DEBUG=warn`` was set:

``` 01ac:warn:parse_dxbc: Ignoring DXBC checksum. 01ac:warn:skip_dword_unknown: Skipping 4 unknown DWORDs: 01ac:warn:skip_dword_unknown: 0x6149dfef 01ac:warn:skip_dword_unknown: 0xff9314a5 01ac:warn:skip_dword_unknown: 0x2fc4ddf0 01ac:warn:skip_dword_unknown: 0x8caa30f4 01ac:warn:skip_dword_unknown: Skipping 1 unknown DWORDs: 01ac:warn:skip_dword_unknown: 0x00000008 01ac:warn:skip_dword_unknown: Skipping 1 unknown DWORDs: 01ac:warn:skip_dword_unknown: 0x00000008 01ac:warn:vkd3d_dxbc_compiler_emit_dcl_global_flags: Unhandled global flags 0x1. 01ac:warn:shader_sm4_read_instruction_modifier: Unhandled modifier 0x800000c2. 01ac:warn:shader_sm4_read_instruction_modifier: Unhandled modifier 0x00044443. 01ac:warn:shader_sm4_read_instruction_modifier: Unhandled modifier 0x800000c2. 01ac:warn:shader_sm4_read_instruction_modifier: Unhandled modifier 0x00044443. ```

Most of these seem harmless: the unknown DWORD stuff hits every shader in vkd3d, and are just the aforemention checksum being skipped.

Backporting this change from regular vkd3d to vkd3d-proton does fix this message, but not the bug:

01ac:warn:shader_sm4_read_instruction_modifier: Unhandled modifier 0x800000c2.

According to the DXVK code, the final modifier type, used in 0x00044443 is ResourceReturnType. There's also a 0x00155543 and 0x00199983 like that: none of them seem to be different types per-compoenent, which is the only thing Vulkan should be unable to handle. All of this seems to be handled elsewhere as part of dcl_resource handling.

There are also a bunch of Vulkan validation layer warnings. It took be a while to get these to show (due to needing the pressure-vessel beta, and vkd3d not successfully finding the validation layer itself, and needing to use VK_INSTANCE_LAYERS=VK_LAYER_KHRONOS_validation manually).

On startup, a lot of these are a result of the various limits being exceeded, e.g.:

``` VUID-VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo-descriptorType-03024(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: -349439268 - Validation Error: [ VUID-VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo-descriptorType-03024 ] Object 0: handle = 0x7fc0785501c8, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0xeb2bfadc | vkCreatePipelineLayout(): max per-stage storage buffer bindings count (2000002) exceeds device maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers limit (1048576). The Vulkan spec states: The total number of descriptors with a descriptorType of VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER and VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER_DYNAMIC accessible to any given shader stage across all elements of pSetLayouts must be less than or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties::maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers ( Objects: 1 [0] 0x7fc0785501c8, type: 3, name: NULL VUID-VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo-descriptorType-03025(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: 677655566 - Validation Error: [ VUID-VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo-descriptorType-03025 ] Object 0: handle = 0x7fc0785501c8, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0x2864340e | vkCreatePipelineLayout(): max per-stage sampled image bindings count (2000000) exceeds device maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSampledImages limit (1048576). The Vulkan spec states: The total number of descriptors with a descriptorType of VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER, VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE, and VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER accessible to any given shader stage across all elements of pSetLayouts must be less than or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties::maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindSampledImages ( Objects: 1 [0] 0x7fc0785501c8, type: 3, name: NULL VUID-VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo-descriptorType-03026(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: -1076908350 - Validation Error: [ VUID-VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo-descriptorType-03026 ] Object 0: handle = 0x7fc0785501c8, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0xbfcfaec2 | vkCreatePipelineLayout(): max per-stage storage image bindings count (2000000) exceeds device maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageImages limit (1048576). The Vulkan spec states: The total number of descriptors with a descriptorType of VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE, and VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER accessible to any given shader stage across all elements of pSetLayouts must be less than or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties::maxPerStageDescriptorUpdateAfterBindStorageImages ( Objects: 1 [0] 0x7fc0785501c8, type: 3, name: NULL VUID-VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo-pSetLayouts-03039(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: 2004556686 - Validation Error: [ VUID-VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo-pSetLayouts-03039 ] Object 0: handle = 0x7fc0785501c8, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0x777b1b8e | vkCreatePipelineLayout(): sum of storage buffer bindings among all stages (2000002) exceeds device maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers limit (1048576). The Vulkan spec states: The total number of descriptors of the type VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_BUFFER accessible across all shader stages and across all elements of pSetLayouts must be less than or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties::maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageBuffers ( Objects: 1 [0] 0x7fc0785501c8, type: 3, name: NULL VUID-VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo-pSetLayouts-03041(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: -1762640868 - Validation Error: [ VUID-VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo-pSetLayouts-03041 ] Object 0: handle = 0x7fc0785501c8, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0x96f03c1c | vkCreatePipelineLayout(): sum of sampled image bindings among all stages (2000000) exceeds device maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSampledImages limit (1048576). The Vulkan spec states: The total number of descriptors of the type VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_COMBINED_IMAGE_SAMPLER, VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_SAMPLED_IMAGE, and VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_UNIFORM_TEXEL_BUFFER accessible across all shader stages and across all elements of pSetLayouts must be less than or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties::maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindSampledImages ( Objects: 1 [0] 0x7fc0785501c8, type: 3, name: NULL VUID-VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo-pSetLayouts-03042(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: -2121676734 - Validation Error: [ VUID-VkPipelineLayoutCreateInfo-pSetLayouts-03042 ] Object 0: handle = 0x7fc0785501c8, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0x8189c842 | vkCreatePipelineLayout(): sum of storage image bindings among all stages (2000000) exceeds device maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageImages limit (1048576). The Vulkan spec states: The total number of descriptors of the type VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_IMAGE, and VK_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE_STORAGE_TEXEL_BUFFER accessible across all shader stages and across all elements of pSetLayouts must be less than or equal to VkPhysicalDeviceDescriptorIndexingProperties::maxDescriptorSetUpdateAfterBindStorageImages ( Objects: 1 [0] 0x7fc0785501c8, type: 3, name: NULL ```

Later on, we get a bunch of issues with trying to copy a rectangle from an image which is bigger than the image itself in ``vkCmdCopyImage()``:

``` VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcOffset-00144(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: 578268019 - Validation Error: [ VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcOffset-00144 ] Object 0: handle = 0x7fc00c423758, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER; | MessageID = 0x2277ab73 | vkCmdCopyImage(): Source image pRegion 0 x-dimension offset [0] + extent [4] exceeds subResource width [2]. The Vulkan spec states: For each element of pRegions, srcOffset.x and (extent.width + srcOffset.x) must both be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the width of the specified srcSubresource of srcImage ( Objects: 1 [0] 0x7fc00c423758, type: 6, name: NULL VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcOffset-00145(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: -29873156 - Validation Error: [ VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-srcOffset-00145 ] Object 0: handle = 0x7fc00c423758, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER; | MessageID = 0xfe382bfc | vkCmdCopyImage(): Source image pRegion 0 y-dimension offset [0] + extent [4] exceeds subResource height [2]. The Vulkan spec states: For each element of pRegions, srcOffset.y and (extent.height + srcOffset.y) must both be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the height of the specified srcSubresource of srcImage ( Objects: 1 [0] 0x7fc00c423758, type: 6, name: NULL VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-dstOffset-00150(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: 951450318 - Validation Error: [ VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-dstOffset-00150 ] Object 0: handle = 0x7fc00c423758, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER; | MessageID = 0x38b5face | vkCmdCopyImage(): Dest image pRegion 0 x-dimension offset [0] + extent [4] exceeds subResource width [2]. The Vulkan spec states: For each element of pRegions, dstOffset.x and (extent.width + dstOffset.x) must both be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the width of the specified dstSubresource of dstImage ( Objects: 1 [0] 0x7fc00c423758, type: 6, name: NULL VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-dstOffset-00151(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: 1269922318 - Validation Error: [ VUID-vkCmdCopyImage-dstOffset-00151 ] Object 0: handle = 0x7fc00c423758, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_COMMAND_BUFFER; | MessageID = 0x4bb17a0e | vkCmdCopyImage()): Dest image pRegion 0 y-dimension offset [0] + extent [4] exceeds subResource height [2]. The Vulkan spec states: For each element of pRegions, dstOffset.y and (extent.height + dstOffset.y) must both be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the height of the specified dstSubresource of dstImage ( Objects: 1 [0] 0x7fc00c423758, type: 6, name: NULL ```

This seemed much more likely to be related to the issue, but avoiding vkCmdCopyImage completely by forcing use_copy to false here just made things worse, as it broke copies with src = depth/stencil. This made the terrain invisible, and the objects which previously only rendered when selected still only rendered when selected. At one point when playing with this, I did get the town centre to show up in the wrong spot on the screen at once point, though I think that may have been a coincidence.

Finally, the game just shows a black screen on Intel integrated graphics, and gives off some extra Vulkan validation warnings:

``` VUID-VkShaderModuleCreateInfo-pCode-04147(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: 1028204675 - Validation Error: [ VUID-VkShaderModuleCreateInfo-pCode-04147 ] Object 0: handle = 0x7fb9b0578b60, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0x3d492883 | vkCreateShaderModule(): The SPIR-V Extension (SPV_EXT_physical_storage_buffer) was declared, but none of the requirements were met to use it. The Vulkan spec states: If pCode declares any of the SPIR-V extensions listed in the SPIR-V Environment appendix, one of the corresponding requirements must be satisfied ( Objects: 1 [0] 0x7fb9b0578b60, type: 3, name: NULL VUID-VkBufferCreateInfo-sharingMode-01419(ERROR / SPEC): msgNum: 475737432 - Validation Error: [ VUID-VkBufferCreateInfo-sharingMode-01419 ] Object 0: handle = 0x7fb9b0578b60, type = VK_OBJECT_TYPE_DEVICE; | MessageID = 0x1c5b2d58 | vkCreateBuffer: pCreateInfo->pQueueFamilyIndices[1] is VK_QUEUE_FAMILY_IGNORED, but it is required to provide a valid queue family index value. The Vulkan spec states: If sharingMode is VK_SHARING_MODE_CONCURRENT, each element of pQueueFamilyIndices must be unique and must be less than pQueueFamilyPropertyCount returned by either vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties or vkGetPhysicalDeviceQueueFamilyProperties2 for the physicalDevice that was used to create device ( Objects: 1 [0] 0x7fb9b0578b60, type: 3, name: NULL ```

Edit: Haven't had any further luck.

Click to expand

``` 01b8:warn:shader_sm4_read_instruction_modifier: Unhandled modifier 0x800002c2. 01b8:warn:shader_sm4_read_instruction_modifier: Unhandled modifier 0x00199983. 01b8:warn:parse_dxbc: Ignoring DXBC checksum. 01b8:warn:skip_dword_unknown: Skipping 4 unknown DWORDs: 01b8:warn:skip_dword_unknown: 0x610336f3 01b8:warn:skip_dword_unknown: 0xb6864f24 01b8:warn:skip_dword_unknown: 0xdebb6b05 01b8:warn:skip_dword_unknown: 0x9dcda43e 01b8:warn:skip_dword_unknown: Skipping 1 unknown DWORDs: 01b8:warn:skip_dword_unknown: 0x00000008 01b8:warn:skip_dword_unknown: Skipping 1 unknown DWORDs: 01b8:warn:skip_dword_unknown: 0x00000008 01b8:warn:vkd3d_dxbc_compiler_emit_dcl_global_flags: Unhandled global flags 0x1. 01b8:warn:shader_sm4_read_instruction_modifier: Unhandled modifier 0x800002c2. 01b8:warn:shader_sm4_read_instruction_modifier: Unhandled modifier 0x00199983. 01b8:fixme:d3d12_pipeline_state_get_or_create_pipeline: Extended dynamic state is supported, but compiling a fallback pipeline late! 156203.217:0130:0134:trace:seh:dispatch_exception code=c0000005 flags=0 addr=000000014336DDA1 ip=000000014336DDA1 tid=0134 156203.217:0130:0134:trace:seh:dispatch_exception info[0]=0000000000000001 156203.217:0130:0134:trace:seh:dispatch_exception info[1]=0000000000000000 156203.217:0130:0134:warn:seh:dispatch_exception EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION exception (code=c0000005) raised 156203.217:0130:0134:trace:seh:dispatch_exception rax=0000000000000000 rbx=0000000000000000 rcx=0000000000000000 rdx=0000000000000000 156203.217:0130:0134:trace:seh:dispatch_exception rsi=0000000000000000 rdi=000000000093cb36 rbp=0000000000000001 rsp=000000000093c2a0 156203.217:0130:0134:trace:seh:dispatch_exception r8=0000000000000000 r9=0000000000000001 r10=0000000000000fff r11=000000000093be10 156203.217:0130:0134:trace:seh:dispatch_exception r12=0000000000000000 r13=0000000000000000 r14=00000000af6de190 r15=0000000000000000 […boring seh stuff…] wine: Unhandled page fault on write access to 0000000000000000 at address 000000014336DDA1 (thread 0134), starting debugger... 156203.219:0130:0134:trace:seh:start_debugger Starting debugger L"winedbg --auto 304 204" […boring seh/NtQueryInformationThread stuff from the crash handler…] Unhandled exception: page fault on write access to 0x00000000 in 64-bit code (0x000000014336dda1). Register dump: rip:000000014336dda1 rsp:000000000093c2a0 rbp:0000000000000001 eflags:00010206 ( R- -- I - -P- ) rax:0000000000000000 rbx:0000000000000000 rcx:0000000000000000 rdx:0000000000000000 rsi:0000000000000000 rdi:000000000093cb36 r8:0000000000000000 r9:0000000000000001 r10:0000000000000fff r11:000000000093be10 r12:0000000000000000 r13:0000000000000000 r14:00000003af6de190 r15:0000000000000000 Stack dump: 0x000000000093c2a0: 000000000093c309 000000014074f8b6 0x000000000093c2b0: 0000000145718828 0000000146205f00 0x000000000093c2c0: 0000000000000006 000000000093cda8 0x000000000093c2d0: 44465556448c2aab 0000000003794ee0 0x000000000093c2e0: 000000018c22a550 0000000189807e30 0x000000000093c2f0: 0000000000000006 0000000000000006 0x000000000093c300: 0000000044465556 0000000000000000 0x000000000093c310: 00000000448c2aab 0000000000000000 0x000000000093c320: 0000000044465556 0000000000000000 0x000000000093c330: 00000000448c2aab 0000000000000000 0x000000000093c340: 0000000000000000 0000000115f55330 0x000000000093c350: 0000000003794ee0 000000018c22a550 Backtrace: =>0 0x000000014336dda1 EntryPoint+0x100e1ab39() in reliccardinal (0x0000000000000001) 1 0x00000003af692931 EntryPoint+0x2fffa6880() in ucrtbase (0x0000000000000001) 2 0x00000003af69331e EntryPoint+0x2fffa726d() in ucrtbase (0x0000000000000001) 3 0x00000003af6dfe18 EntryPoint+0x2ffff3d67() in ucrtbase (0x0000000000000001) 4 0x00000003af6e2c42 EntryPoint+0x2ffff6b91() in ucrtbase (0x000000000093ccc6) 5 0x00000003af6e424f EntryPoint+0x2ffff819e() in ucrtbase (0x000000000093ccc6) 6 0x0000000140b38104 EntryPoint+0xfe5e4e9b() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093ccc6) 7 0x0000000140b380b0 EntryPoint+0xfe5e4e47() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093ccc6) 8 0x0000000140b3807e EntryPoint+0xfe5e4e15() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093ccc6) 9 0x0000000140386fca EntryPoint+0xfde33d61() in reliccardinal (0x0000000000000001) 10 0x000000014049dcc5 EntryPoint+0xfdf4aa5c() in reliccardinal (0x0000000000000002) 11 0x000000014049dc3e EntryPoint+0xfdf4a9d5() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093ed80) 12 0x000000014049dbf3 EntryPoint+0xfdf4a98a() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093ed80) 13 0x0000000144645fac EntryPoint+0x1020f2d43() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093ed80) 14 0x000000014464599d EntryPoint+0x1020f2734() in reliccardinal (0x000000014045786c) 15 0x00000001404579ff EntryPoint+0xfdf04796() in reliccardinal (0x000000014045786c) 16 0x0000000140457aa9 EntryPoint+0xfdf04840() in reliccardinal (0x000000014045786c) 17 0x0000000140459ff5 EntryPoint+0xfdf06d8c() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093efb0) 18 0x000000014073979a EntryPoint+0xfe1e6531() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093f240) 19 0x000000014073964d EntryPoint+0xfe1e63e4() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093f240) 20 0x000000014044e6a1 EntryPoint+0xfdefb438() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093f240) 21 0x000000014044e501 EntryPoint+0xfdefb298() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093f3d8) 22 0x000000014044d15e EntryPoint+0xfdef9ef5() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093f3d8) 23 0x00000001407ed0b6 EntryPoint+0xfe299e4d() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093f490) 24 0x000000014088c42a EntryPoint+0xfe3391c1() in reliccardinal (0x0000000000000008) 25 0x000000014088ba70 EntryPoint+0xfe338807() in reliccardinal (0x0000000000000008) 26 0x00000001405427fc EntryPoint+0xfdfef593() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093f720) 27 0x000000014053f99a EntryPoint+0xfdfec731() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093f900) 28 0x00000001405404e0 EntryPoint+0xfdfed277() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093fa70) 29 0x00000001405405c0 EntryPoint+0xfdfed357() in reliccardinal (0x000000000093fa70) 30 0x000000014136ac4b EntryPoint+0xfee179e2() in reliccardinal (0x0000000000000000) 31 0x0000000142553192 EntryPoint+0xffffff29() in reliccardinal (0x0000000000000000) 32 0x000000007b62c9a9 EntryPoint+0xffffffffffffffff() in kernel32 (0x0000000000000000) 33 0x000000007bc5e6a3 EntryPoint+0xffffffffffffffff() in ntdll (0x0000000000000000) 0x000000014336dda1 EntryPoint+0x100e1ab39 in reliccardinal: movl $0,0x0000000000000000 Modules: Module Address Debug info Name (81 modules) PE 940000- 9d2000 Deferred msvcp140 PE 9e0000- 9f9000 Deferred vcruntime140 PE a00000- a0f000 Deferred amd_ags_x64 PE a10000- ae7000 Deferred cell_v140_release_x64_wide_4_0 PE cbb0000- cd8a000 Deferred gameoverlayrenderer64 PE 7b000000- 7b0d5000 Deferred kernelbase PE 7b600000- 7b812000 Export kernel32 PE 7bc00000- 7bc9e000 Export ntdll PE 138000000- 13948e000 Deferred steamclient64 PE 13b400000- 13b44fe00 Deferred steam_api64 PE 140000000- 14bd38000 Export reliccardinal PE 180000000- 180339000 Deferred tensorflowlite_c PE 1c8b40000- 1c8b60000 Deferred msacm32 PE 1c8db0000- 1c8e3c000 Deferred msvcrt PE 1cd860000- 1cd868000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-utility-l1-1-0 PE 1d97a0000- 1d97a7000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-fibers-l1-1-1 PE 1dc810000- 1dc81d000 Deferred schannel PE 1dd3f0000- 1dd4bd000 Deferred crypt32 PE 1e6c10000- 1e6c1d000 Deferred wer PE 1f51e0000- 1f51ef000 Deferred hid PE 21a7e0000- 21a855000 Deferred setupapi PE 228450000- 22847a000 Deferred propsys PE 231ae0000- 231b62000 Deferred rpcrt4 PE 236df0000- 236e49000 Deferred dsound PE 23d820000- 23da48000 Deferred user32 PE 241850000- 241857000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-environment-l1-1-0 PE 262250000- 262259000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0 PE 26b4c0000- 26b642000 Deferred gdi32 PE 2739c0000- 273af6000 Deferred oleaut32 PE 28ba60000- 28ba67000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-time-l1-1-0 PE 29e400000- 29e435000 Deferred msctf PE 2bb750000- 2bb894000 Deferred comctl32 PE 2d4d40000- 2d4d57000 Deferred bcrypt PE 2de970000- 2de9a2000 Deferred rsaenh PE 2e3540000- 2e3591000 Deferred shlwapi PE 2e8f10000- 2e9028000 Deferred ole32 PE 2edf00000- 2ee0e7000 Deferred dxgi PE 2f1fa0000- 2f1fad000 Deferred version PE 2f61f0000- 2f6213000 Deferred explorerframe PE 2f7230000- 2f725d000 Deferred uxtheme PE 2f7f20000- 2f7f2c000 Deferred vcruntime140_1 PE 2fe110000- 2fe11a000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-multibyte-l1-1-0 PE 30a2c0000- 30a2c9000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-stdio-l1-1-0 PE 30c980000- 30c988000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-synch-l1-2-0 PE 3126f0000- 312709000 Deferred shcore PE 327020000- 327072000 Deferred combase PE 32a700000- 32a729000 Deferred sechost PE 330260000- 33029f000 Deferred advapi32 PE 336850000- 33687a000 Deferred mmdevapi PE 33b9e0000- 33b9ed000 Deferred powrprof PE 33ea00000- 33ea09000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-string-l1-1-0 PE 344840000- 344848000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-filesystem-l1-1-0 PE 346ba0000- 346bc0000 Deferred jsproxy PE 350a30000- 350a39000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-convert-l1-1-0 PE 351680000- 351688000 Deferred api-ms-win-core-localization-l1-2-1 PE 355100000- 355107000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-locale-l1-1-0 PE 358120000- 358164000 Deferred winhttp PE 35b570000- 35b598000 Deferred gameux PE 35e4e0000- 35e723000 Deferred d3d12 PE 360a80000- 360a8a000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-math-l1-1-0 PE 361860000- 36191b000 Deferred windowscodecs PE 3785e0000- 3785ec000 Deferred vulkan-1 PE 39b510000- 39b518000 Deferred api-ms-win-crt-heap-l1-1-0 PE 3a93b0000- 3a93c0000 Deferred xinput1_4 PE 3aa4c0000- 3aa4cc000 Deferred dhcpcsvc PE 3af670000- 3af728000 Export ucrtbase PE 3afd00000- 3afd1a000 Deferred imm32 PE 3b8f00000- 3b8fb7000 Deferred winmm PE 7f5c84010000- 7f5c84013000 Deferred winepulse PE 7f5c865c0000- 7f5c865c4000 Deferred xaudio2_9 PE 7f5cb1dd0000- 7f5cb1dd3000 Deferred wineopenxr PE 7f5cb1e30000- 7f5cb1e34000 Deferred winevulkan PE 7f5cb1e90000- 7f5cb1e93000 Deferred kerberos PE 7f5cb1eb0000- 7f5cb1eb4000 Deferred dnsapi PE 7f5cb1ed0000- 7f5cb1ed3000 Deferred netapi32 PE 7f5cb1f10000- 7f5cb1f13000 Deferred secur32 PE 7f5cb40b0000- 7f5cb40b3000 Deferred lsteamclient PE 7f5cb53f0000- 7f5cb53f4000 Deferred winex11 PE 7f5cb5820000- 7f5cb60f7000 Deferred shell32 PE 7f5cb63b0000- 7f5cb63b4000 Deferred ws2_32 PE 7f5cb6620000- 7f5cb6624000 Deferred iphlpapi Threads: process tid prio (all id:s are in hex) 00000020 steam.exe 00000024 0 000000cc 0 00000030 services.exe 00000034 0 00000038 0 00000044 0 00000060 0 00000078 0 00000084 0 000000b0 0 000000f0 0 0000003c winedevice.exe 00000040 0 0000004c 0 00000050 0 00000054 0 00000058 plugplay.exe 0000005c 0 00000064 0 00000068 0 0000006c 0 0000008c 0 000001e4 0 000001e8 0 00000070 winedevice.exe 00000074 0 0000007c 0 00000080 0 00000088 0 00000094 0 00000098 0 0000009c 0 000000a0 0 000000a4 0 000000a8 svchost.exe 000000ac 0 000000b4 0 000000b8 0 000000bc tabtip.exe 000000c0 0 00000114 0 0000011c 0 000000c4 explorer.exe 000000c8 0 000000dc 0 000000e0 0 000000e8 rpcss.exe 000000ec 0 000000f8 0 000000fc 0 00000100 0 00000104 0 00000108 0 00000130 (D) Z:\home\david\.local\share\Steam\steamapps\common\Age of Empires IV Beta\RelicCardinal.exe 00000134 0 <== 00000138 -1 0000013c -1 00000140 -1 00000144 0 00000148 0 0000014c 0 00000150 0 00000154 0 00000158 0 0000015c 0 00000160 0 00000168 0 0000016c 0 00000170 0 00000174 0 00000178 0 0000017c 0 00000184 0 00000190 0 00000194 -1 00000198 0 0000019c 15 000001a0 0 000001a4 0 000001a8 0 000001ac 0 000001b0 0 000001b4 0 000001b8 0 000001bc 0 000001c0 1 000001c4 1 000001c8 1 000001cc 0 000001d0 0 000001d4 -1 000001d8 -1 000001dc 0 000001e0 0 000001ec 0 000001f0 -2 000001f4 -2 000001f8 -2 000001fc -2 00000200 -2 00000204 -2 00000208 -2 0000020c -2 00000218 15 00000254 0 00000264 0 System information: Wine build: wine-6.3 Platform: x86_64 Version: Windows 10 Host system: Linux Host version: 5.13.0-16-generic ```

josefbachmann commented 3 years ago

Same Issues with models not rendering. Using current current Proton Experimental, Mesa 21.2.1, Arch (Linux arch 5.14.5-arch1-1) and Tiling WM. Fullscreen doesn't work either but borderless fullscreen does. Does somebody know where to graphic settings file is located so that i don't have to reinstall every time to try some stuff out?

Beside models not rendering (healthbars are visible), the game crashes suddenly when just collecting berries in the tutorial without doing anything else. EDIT: Game crashes in the tutorial when the additional 50 food are gathered and the next tutorial step should appear. CrashLog

RF5 commented 3 years ago

@josefbachmann Yep, I had the same issue. Only borderless fullscreen does. To edit the settings, the file you're looking can be found by:

  1. Going to the steam library folder where the game is (i.e. the steamapps folder)
  2. Navigate to compatdata/1015520/pfx/drive_c/users/steamuser/My Documents/My Games/Age of Empires IV - Beta/
  3. You should see your local settings and config files saved here. configuration_system.lua has most of the menu settings, including windowmode, which you can set as an int to get back to borderless fullscreen.

Hope that helps, and that you have better luck that I did with the invisible buildings and units.

xsellier commented 3 years ago

Replying to

@RF5 Do you mind sharing your configuration_system.lua pleas,e so the game will start under borderless mode. Also what did you do to get the game working?

For those who are wondering, by default it is in borderless mode:

    [83] =  
        setting = "windowmode",
        variantUInt = 0,
sulix commented 3 years ago

Here's a RenderDoc capture showing the bug:

There's one berry bush selected, which does render (for some reason). All the units seem to be rendered in Colour Pass #2, and one part of the berry bush is event 408.

xsellier commented 3 years ago

How I get AoE IV working on Debian Bullseye.

  1. Download & install Proton-GE 6.16
  2. [optionnal] If you have already installed AoE IV and ran previously then type rm -rf ~/.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1015520/.
  3. Launch Age Of Empires IV (it should work without any launch options)
sangoku116 commented 3 years ago

Crashed for me loading the match with proton 6.3-6

jjcasmar commented 3 years ago

Replying to

This works with textures?

xsellier commented 3 years ago

This works with textures?

Nope, sadly this is what the game looks like atm: image

Since Aoe IV is using DirectX 12, I'm trying with this compatibility layer atm, but doesn't work:

wjlafrance commented 3 years ago

Hi, I don't normally comment on these threads since I don't have too much to add, but I wanted to mention that "out of the box" I have the game running similar to @xsellier's screenshot above. All I did to configure it is to force Proton Experimental mode in Steam and launch the game. No VKD3D or D3D12 hacks or patches.

Hardware specs are RTX 2070, Ryzen 3900X, on an Aorus X570 Ultra motherboard. Software specs are Arch Linux, kernel 5.10.56-1-lts (just got home from a road trip so I'm a few weeks behind), nvidia-dkms (et al) 470.63.01-1, and Proton Experimental, and i3.

The game launches fine, menus work, and the windowing is no more problematic than most Proton games running on i3. I'm able to observe network games and the engine works fine. The only show-stopping bug I'm aware of is the buildings and units not rendering, which reproduces. I occasionally see parts of the models rendering, such as building gates.

I'll be following the thread and trying out suggestions during the Stress Test beta. Shout-out to the folks working on this. You're appreciated.

sulix commented 3 years ago

So, I was able to finish the Intro Tutorial, albeit with everything being invisible.

There was a consistent crash when 50 food had been collected. The game's warning.log had the following messages in it:

(F) [18:02:31.046] [000000312]: Fatal Error: CRT Invalid Parameter passed to unknown function.
(I) [18:02:31.046] [000000312]: DB -- no symbols loaded
(F) [18:02:31.046] [000000312]: -- FATAL EXIT --
 Fatal Error: CRT Invalid Parameter passed to unknown function.
(I) [18:02:31.049] [000000312]: D3DLOG Begin
(I) [18:02:31.049] [000000312]: D3DLOG End

Application crashed.

The Fatal Error: CRT Invalid Parameter passed to unknown function. message, combined with ucrtbase showing up a lot in the crash logs, suggested that it could be worked around using the real VC++ runtime library, which turned out to be the case. My guess is that the function at fault might be __stdio_common_vsnwprintf_s, but I haven't looked further.

As for the invisible units, they do flicker around a bit (including, amusingly, the rocks near cliffs). My hunch is that there's either some weird occlusion query thing, or some data is not being passed properly to shaders (maybe position/orientation data) or is hitting weird NaN issues or something. Or all of the above — it's definitely weird: sometimes the graphics do seem to rotate/shear oddly, too, so it could be a bad matrix(?). To be honest, I have no clue.

jaapz commented 3 years ago

I have the same experience as the above commenters, game launches fine (Proton Experimental), and I can start a game. For some reason it detects my settings as being ultra low and scales everything down to the lowest possible setting which was a bit confusing at first. Unit models are not visible, although sometimes they clip into existence for a while until they magically disappear again. Units can be selected and given commands. Game seems to be working fine for everything else, although I was not able to go much further than producing some villagers because of the invisible units.

I run an nvidia GPU (gtx960) using latest proprietary drivers. For some reason AoE IV alerts me on startup that my "AMD" GPU is not supported, which is a bit weird.

waimus commented 3 years ago

I run an nvidia GPU (gtx960) using latest proprietary drivers. For some reason AoE IV alerts me on startup that my "AMD" GPU is not supported, which is a bit weird.

I got that same warning, the game thinks I'm in unsupported AMD driver while I am on GeForce 920M. But this warning only appears if I launch the game with __NV_PRIME_RENDER_OFFLOAD=1 __VK_LAYER_NV_optimus=NVIDIA_only %command%. Although, if I see the log, the game knows I am on GeForce 920M, but prints unknown driver.

I am on Fedora 34, X11, Nvidia 470, proton experimental (tried proton-6.16-ge results the same), Can only get it launched, sounds playing, but screen is black, nothing shows.

J5cott commented 3 years ago

My friends and I are all really looking forward to playing this game. Is there anything I can do to promote investigation/development of this issue?

SaladinAyyub commented 2 years ago

12 hours for the release, will be testing this with the latest vkd3d upstream changes, they are already in the latest Proton GE and probably proton experimental too.

ezequielramos commented 2 years ago

@jatin-cbs alright! Please update us with new information as soon as you can! :)

I'm really looking forward to be able to play this game on linux too!

tkamat commented 2 years ago

The game is officially released! @kisak-valve the "beta" in the title of this issue could be removed now.

SaladinAyyub commented 2 years ago


Still the buildings and units are missing vkd3d is not able to render them. Everything else and the UI is smooth tho. But unplayable just because of missing buildings and units rendering :(

SaladinAyyub commented 2 years ago

@kisak-valve its not the technical stress test, its stable release on steam. Technical stress test was done last month.

kisak-valve commented 2 years ago

Hello @jatin-cbs, appid 1015520 is definitely still the technical stress test. What's not clear to me is if it's still publicly accessible or if it will stay in lockstep with updates to the main game release in appid 1466860. Since it's not clear, I don't want to summary mangle feedback between the two appids.

SaladinAyyub commented 2 years ago

@kisak-valve 1466860 you can change the app id to this. This is the public release appid. The stress test is now over and was given to some people which was not the complete game. The main game appid is the only one getting updates. 1015520 app id will redirect to 1466860. so the stress test appid is no more publicly accessible.

TheMenko commented 2 years ago

Doesn't launch with experimental proton. Manjaro linux with updated Nvidia drivers.

kisak-valve commented 2 years ago

After looking around some more, and re-reviewing your request, no, I don't think we should mangle feedback between separate appids. If at some point the game devs decide to reuse the technical stress test for a future experiment, we'll want to continue the discussion here, otherwise, feedback for the main game should be in a separate compatibility report.

Feel free to use the feedback here as a reference in the new compatibility report, but in general we shouldn't mix feedback between appids since there can be subtle, but important differences. This is the same reason we track feedback for game demo separately from their main game releases.

Closing because it appears that appid 1015520 is no longer publicly accessible.