ValveSoftware / Proton

Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
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The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion (22330) #718

Open adrianlshaw opened 5 years ago

adrianlshaw commented 5 years ago

It's currently unplayable for me. Did anyone else have any luck with this?

The game crashes to the desktop before the main game menu is displayed.

Specs: Proton 3.7-3, Ubuntu 18.04, NVIDIA Corporation G94GL [Quadro FX 1800] (rev a1) Full specs:

Edit: Switched to the latest NVIDIA proprietary drivers and it all works, albeit at a disappointing framerate (for me about 5fps)

Dexter9313 commented 5 years ago

I dont have any issue with the game whatsoever (I didn't go beyond the introduction though) but at least it launches. I see from your specs : "Video Card: Driver: nouveau NV94" which mean you didn't install the proprietary drivers. Make sure you followed this document :

kisak-valve commented 5 years ago

It's worth noting that the NV94 chipset is in long term support and won't meet the prereqs for dxvk regardless of driver choice, so your mileage will vary.

valeth commented 5 years ago

Works perfectly fine on my machine Arch Linux 64bit, Radeon RX 480 with open source AMDGPU drivers

sakuramboo commented 5 years ago

The game launches but once I get in game the FPS drops to 20 for about 5 seconds and then the game either freezes or crashes.

I'm using an nVidia GTX1080 graphics card with the latest drivers from.

Zero86Sk commented 5 years ago

957 installing. sudo apt install libmpg123-0:i386 should make the game whitelistable.

I cant test it right now. Should fix other issues for other games too.

sakuramboo commented 5 years ago

You are correct. I installed libmpg123-0:i386 and now FPS shot up through the roof and it doesn't crash.

aboutafter commented 5 years ago

The mouse movement is erratic for me. It's like if the mouse cursor is behind the game and when it reaches a corner of the monitor it stops turning the camera (I'm having this problem with more games with Proton by the way). It also moves a bit jumpy instead of smoothly.

trymeouteh commented 4 years ago

Seems to work fine in Wine 4.6 but the Construction Kit is a little buggy, one issue with the Construction set is when you edit an objects position it will set the position to some high integer.

shoober420 commented 4 years ago

Whitelist Request

System Information

Works great out of the box.

kisak-valve commented 4 years ago

Hello, is anyone seeing an issue with this game and Proton 4.11 that would block it from being whitelisted?

sakuramboo commented 4 years ago

Tested with 4.11-12 and made sure that libmpg123-0:i386 was removed before testing and the game was able to launch and I was able to play for about 30 minutes. Tested moving around Cyrodill and went to an Oblivion Gate and passed through it.

Only issue is when walking around, there's frame skip when loading distant objects. But, I'd bet this is a limitation of the game engine. The higher the AA setting the more noticeable it is.

Otherwise, works perfectly.

omicron-b commented 4 years ago

For some reason my Steam won`t update Proton past 4.11-11, but I suppose changelog for 4.11-12 is not relevant for this game.

System Information

No issues at all. Deleted lib32-mpg123 from system before testing.

adrianlshaw commented 4 years ago

@kisak-valve Working perfectly on my ancient Haswell+Mesa machine

Proton 4.11-12 and without libmpg123-0:i386

Nonononoki commented 4 years ago

Oblivion gets stuck at first loading screen with Proton 5.0-2 (Fedora 31, latest Mesa, RX 560), OBSE installed. Works perfectly with Proton 4.11-12 without libmpg123!

kisak-valve commented 4 years ago

Hello @Nonononoki, with Proton 5.0-2, please add PROTON_LOG=1 %command% to the game's launch options and drag and drop the generated $HOME/steam-$APPID.log into the comment box.

Nonononoki commented 4 years ago

Hi @kisak-valve,

here is the log output:

kisak-valve commented 4 years ago

Thanks, can you check if PROTON_USE_WINED3D=1 %command% in the game's launch options has an effect?

Nonononoki commented 4 years ago

@kisak-valve Unfortunately, it changes nothing Edit: New log if it's needed: Edit2: Healthy log from Proton 4.11:

adrianlshaw commented 4 years ago

@kisak-valve on my hardware it's working fine out-of-the-box using Proton 5.0. no launch options. No OBSE.

Nonononoki commented 4 years ago

Hi @adrianlshaw, could you maybe try to use OBSE with Proton 5.0-2? Maybe it's because you have to patch it manually to get it working and it only applies to Proton 4.X, I followed a guide on Steam:

EDIT: I can now confirm that patching Oblivion manually to run OBSE will not work with Proton 5.0-2. Can something be done about that? EDIT2: Okay, found the real source of the problem. It's the popular mod "Oblivion Stutter Remover" that's not compatible with Proton 5.0-2! EDIT3: Any mod that uses the Plugin folder in Data/OBSE is affected!

soredake commented 4 years ago

Game stuck at loading save, libmpg123 installed, no obse, proton 5.0-2. steam-22330.log

kisak-valve commented 4 years ago

Possible line of interest from the log: fixme:gstreamer:source_query_accept (0x1739430) stub

adrianlshaw commented 4 years ago

Been playing for a few hours and I do get the occasional crash on 5.0-2. It does seem like gstreamer is unhappy.

You can see my log here here

dunestorm333 commented 4 years ago

Getting no music at all in game or in the menu with 5.0-2. Meanwhile running using 4.11-13 it works flawlessly, definitely smells of regression to me!

aufkrawall commented 3 years ago

@GloriousEggroll I've noticed that Proton-GE shares a control issue with native Windows 10 in this game, which regular Proton or Proton-tkg do not share: When keeping any movement button pressed to constantly move, it looks like this action is regularly interrupted for a tiny fraction of time, causing micro-stutter. I think it can be visualized like this:

Native Windows 10 / Proton-GE: |xxxxx0xxxxx0xxxxx0|

Regular Proton /-tkg: |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|

This seems to just affect moving, not rendering (frame times) or mouse look. It also doesn't seem to matter which refresh rate + vsync is used. In this case it doesn't seem desirable to me to match native Windows behavior, as it really looks bad in motion. :)

AsciiWolf commented 3 years ago

@kisak-valve Any chance The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion could be added to the Proton whitelist? :-) It works out-of-box without any issues at all with Proton 6.3-3 and Mesa 21.0.3 (on Radeon RX 550).

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Hello @AsciiWolf, friendly reminder that I'm a moderator for Valve's issue trackers on Github and not a Proton developer myself. That said, this issue report is already requesting that the game be put on the whitelist.

AsciiWolf commented 3 years ago

Who should I contact then? :-) It would be great if the "Regression" flag could be removed and "Need Retest" added instead.

AsciiWolf commented 3 years ago

It looks like that since Proton 6.3-4 or 6.3-5, game music started having issues: It gets cut after ~20 seconds and starts playing again, then the same thing happens. It worked absolutely fine before.

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion [22330]: Music skipping Proton 6.3-5

Issue transferred from @katawful posted on 2021-07-21T23:04:34:


On Proton version 6.3-5, the music to this game skips every 5-10 seconds to the next track in the music queue

Steps to reproduce:

Install Oblivion from Steam normally, making sure that Proton 6.3-5 is the Proton version use. Set up graphics setting as you like and then play the game. Music will skip repeatedly when in-game. Proton 5.13-6 does not have this problem

aufkrawall commented 2 years ago

On native Windows with standard German keyboard layout, you can skip the intro videos by pressing escape. This is not possible with Proton Experimental, pressing escape is ignored. Standard German keyboard layout (without accent keys) is configured via KDE Plasma 5.22.3 system settings user interface.

aeikum commented 2 years ago

Proton Experimental was updated today to fix the audio problem reported by @katawful.

kisak-valve commented 2 years ago

Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY cannot launch game

Issue transferred from @C01NoP posted on 2021-08-16T21:51:15:

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:



Game launcher window opens and a game cannot be started. The following options are greyed out: play, data files, options, technical support, uninstall. Only available options are "" and "exit." You should be able to configure graphics settings/etc in options and then click "play" to launch the game.


Install the game and launch using the Proton compatibility tool. The launcher window will appear with the aforementioned issues.

aufkrawall commented 2 years ago

Did you try with a clean prefix? Do other 32 bit games work correctly with DXVK? lib32-nvidia-utils is installed and matches the version of the 64 bit packages?

C01NoP commented 2 years ago

Did you try with a clean prefix? Do other 32 bit games work correctly with DXVK? lib32-nvidia-utils is installed and matches the version of the 64 bit packages?

There are no Proton versions that make the game launch correctly. TES III Morrowind (appid=22320) works without issue. lib32-nvidia-utils is installed and matches the 64-bit version.

warning: lib32-nvidia-utils-470.63.01-1 is up to date -- reinstalling resolving dependencies... looking for conflicting packages...

Packages (1) lib32-nvidia-utils-470.63.01-1

$ pacman -Ss nvidia-utils
extra/nvidia-utils 470.63.01-1 [installed] NVIDIA drivers utilities

mk011 commented 2 years ago

The game now launches properly in Proton 6.3-6.

C01NoP commented 2 years ago

I have found a solution to the problem from post #5080, merged here. Here are the steps:

alasky17 commented 2 years ago

@C01NoP I think the problem might be this line from the log: "err:winediag:WS_getaddrinfo Failed to resolve your host name IP"

I had this problem recently after reinstalling Arch, and the solution was to fix my /etc/hosts file. Mine was empty, and I added this (replace [archand] with your hostname, which is the bit after the @ your terminal): localhost.localdomain localhost [archand] ::1 localhost.localdomain localhost [archand]

techmouse commented 2 years ago

I'm doing a completely fresh install and I tried to apply the 4GB Patch (as suggested by pcgamingwiki) but I just keep getting a "couldn't open executable" error.

Looking through all of the comments, I saw somebody say they needed to use winetricks dotnet35 to get the patcher to work with MacOS. This didn't work for me because dotnet won't install. The error I got was: Note: command wine dotnetfx35.exe /lang:ENU returned status 1. Aborting.

But I'm wondering something. Is this even necessary? Does PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE=1 accomplish the same thing? All that patcher does is modify the executable to be large address aware, right? So can I skip this step? Or are those two different things?

godofgrunts commented 2 years ago

I'm posting this for another user post on Reddit:

The user claims that it is because DirectX isn't being installed. After installing another game with DirectX it begins working.

kisak-valve commented 1 year ago

Elder Scrolls Oblivion and Ubuntu Mate 20.04, Worked before, now doesn't detect Nvidia

Issue transferred from @a1872 posted on 2022-08-07T03:59:32:

Hi. I have the Geforce 1030 and have played Oblivion on this computer many times. The only OS I have is Ubuntu Mate 20.04. The game does not detect the Geforce, and after clicking play, there is an error about not detecting a renderer I have attached the screenshots of both issues--there is nothing to select for the card or resolution. I have tried to uninstall and purge all Nvidia files, reboot, install the Nvidia-470 driver files, reboot, then start the game again with no luck. On the Additional Drivers screen, Nvidia-515 driver is listed, but with this version, I get stuck in a Login Loop. Since the 470-version was the one that worked for a long time, I removed the 515 and went back to Nvidia-470. After this process, the game worked normally, but then when started again, gave the error you see. I also have SpaceEngine, and that game works fine--I haven't found any other game besides Oblivion and a Vietnam game that has a problem.

Error after clicking play Nvidia not detected ;

kisak-valve commented 1 year ago

Hello @a1872, please add PROTON_LOG=1 %command% to the game's launch options and attach the generated $HOME/steam-$APPID.log to this issue report as a file. (Proton logs compress well if needed.)

This sounds like you're using Proton Experimental with the game. The DXVK build in Proton Experimental recently had its minimum driver version changed to NVIDIA 510.47 or newer.

Eoin-ONeill-Yokai commented 1 year ago

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this or if steamlink-sdk is more appropriate, but...

I've been using the Deck in a pretty unique way when playing games in my living room where I'm using my steam link application on my TV (through a raspberry pi, specifically) to broadcast from the deck to my TV. Most of the time, this works flawlessly and games work as expected, with at worst having some overscan on the TV due to my TV settings. This is a great way to play the deck atm without a real dock, since it allows playing untethered while also sharing the device with friends or family to take turns.

However, for Oblivion this has been rather error prone in ways that other games haven't. When playing the game, there are huge black bars on the left and right side of the screen. This also happens on my desktop client as well, through which I took a screenshot:


I'm not exactly sure where the failure lies here, but my guess would be that it's connected to the launcher that boots before the game since the aspect ratio matches the launcher. Trying to force gamescope to boot in different resolutions didn't help either, though it would change the nature of which part of the screen was visible (but didn't solve the underlying problem.)

Anyway, again, this could be the wrong place to post this -- but it didn't seem reasonable to post this in the steamlink-sdk github tracker as it's really not an API issue but rather a specific issue for a specific game when running on Steam OS and broadcasting to another display w/ a different resolution.

Eoin-ONeill-Yokai commented 1 year ago

As a follow up, I was able to determine that it was the launcher that caused the streaming issue above where connecting a steam link to the deck would show only a subset of the screen. My guess was that it was erroneously trying to capture the output of the launcher even after the game is launched, so I decided to test it out.

If you bypass the launcher by doing the following in your Oblivion steamapps folder:

mv ./OblivionLauncher.exe ./OblivionLauncher.exe.bak
ln -s ./Oblivion.exe ./OblivionLauncher.exe

You'll notice that the above streaming issue is resolved and you can once again see the whole picture when connecting a steam link. I'm not sure why this confusion is happening when connecting a steam link, as the display on the deck itself is basically perfect -- it's almost as though the steam link is trying to broadcast the application directly and not using the gamescope output from the deck. As a result, it's accidentally capturing the launcher, which gives us that 4:3 aspect appearance.

AJuujarvi commented 1 year ago

@Eoin-ONeill-Yokai Hello. I took some time to look into this, testing it on a Linux machine (native resolution and tried 1280 x 800), a Windows machine (same resolution as Linux machine) and a Steam Deck. The only Steam Link I have available to test is the App version on my TV. I was not able to replicate this issue. I tried multiple boots with Proton 7.0-4, the current Experimental release and the latest BE Experimental as of this comment. Things I noticed was that the Linux Desktop did display the adapter settings prompt on first boot as full screen on first boot, but it corrected itself shortly afterward.

I can see in your screenshot that the MangoHUD is also offscreen. This does make me think it's not streaming the entirety of the Steam Deck Window for some reason.

Are you using the original hardware version of the Steam Link or are you using a TV with the App? Is your Steam Link and Steam Deck fully up to date? Can you try changing Oblivion between Fullscreen/Windowed Mode and see if that fixes your issue?

Additionally, please add PROTON_LOG=1 %command% to the game's launch options and attach the generated $HOME/steam-$APPID.log to this issue report as a file. (Proton logs compress well if needed.)

kisak-valve commented 8 months ago

The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion — Unable to skip launch cinematics

Issue transferred from @jonkoops posted on 2023-11-10T14:25:05:

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:


On Windows it is possible to skip the intro cinematics (logos, etc) when launching the game by pressing the Escape key. Doing the same in Proton does not work.


Press the Escape key upon launching the game.

JustinMurray37 commented 4 months ago

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:



Physics objects do not make sounds when moved. Occasionally items will make a sound when picked up and dropped many times, but the sound is often cut off. Issue is not present on Windows. Bug fix mods don't help either.


Start a new game, create a character. Pick up and move items in the cell using the Z key. When tossing these items around they will rarely make a noise. To better see the effect, open the console (~) and enter "coc testinghall". Here, enter the weapons or armor testing room and start tossing things around. This happens on the Steam Deck as well.