ValveSoftware / Proton

Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
22.9k stars 1k forks source link

Athanasy (1769320) #7644

Open EmilED358 opened 1 month ago

EmilED358 commented 1 month ago

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:


Game boots and you are able to interact with the main menu with no issues. Once the game starts, the app freezes up after a minute or two playing, with no option for recovery except exiting the app forcefully from the game mode overlay.

I tried with Proton 8.0 and proton experimental, and there wasn't any difference. I am not able to repro the issue on windows, which is the same build proton should be using.


-Open the game -start a new game. -play for around a minute or two (usually it happened to me when I reached either the second or third image.)