ValveSoftware / Proton

Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
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IMG GPU Vulkan Driver can not load from /usr/lib/. #7645

Open HorribleCavalry opened 1 month ago

HorribleCavalry commented 1 month ago

System Information


Hi, I am a linux gpu vulkan driver engineer, and now I am trying run some windows games with Proton. But in my driver, a .so file( need to be loaded when calling vkCreateInstance. And whatever I tried, file can not load success even using absolute path.

If I run some other vk programs, always be loaded correctly. For example, vkcube. Here is a part of driver code:

define PVR_MESA_WSI_LIB ""

... VkResult IMG_vkCreateInstance(const VkInstanceCreateInfo pCreateInfo, const VkAllocationCallbacks pAllocator, VkInstance pInstance) { ... void handle = dlopen(PVR_MESA_WSI_LIB , RTLD_NOW); ... }

And I also made a try to load success but in a weird way. If I using absolute path, can not be loaded. But if I move from /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ to ~/.steam/steam/linux64/ , and also changed driver source code to this absolute path, then this .so file is finally loaded success.

Is anyone know how Proton load some .so files from /usr/lib/ required by gpu driver?