ValveSoftware / Proton

Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
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Slave Zero X (1903910) #7658

Open m0rb opened 3 weeks ago

m0rb commented 3 weeks ago

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:


I've been having a heck of a time trying to figure out why this game continues to have issues saving its configuration and savestates to the Proton VFS.

Post-installation, and after a few gameplay sessions over time, the game will eventually start displaying an error message "Could not save settings. Please check that you have some free disk space. (> 50 Mb)"

Said error message appears when trying to change settings in-game, as well as trying to start a level / load a savestate.

This happens regardless of whether I've set the PROTON_SET_GAME_DRIVE=1 environment variable in launch options.

It also seems that the game isn't syncing saves/settings with Steam Cloud.


1) Install the game through Steam on a Linux distribution 2) Attempt to play numerous sessions over time 3) Error message eventually appears



simifor commented 3 weeks ago

@m0rb I played for 40 minutes, completed the first three stages and loaded the fourth one, changed some settings and didn't get that error. Checking on a second device, the save file was synced as expected. Just to be clear, after the error started popping up you became unable to keep playing the game, save settings and get cloud sync? How long or how many levels would you say were needed for the error to start happening?

Also, I would appreciate it if you capture new logs as it seems you have WINEDEBUG=-all set somewhere in your system, which affects proton logs as well.

m0rb commented 2 weeks ago

The issue started after the second time I loaded up the game after the original installation.

Afterwards, I wiped and reinstalled varied versions of Proton as well as the game itself. The error eventually reappeared after a few sessions. (Wasn't sure if I hosed any of my prior Proton installs, wanted a clean slate)

Found that setting PROTON_SET_GAME_DRIVE=1 before first launch got me further along, but it eventually started erroring out again after a few sessions.


... capture new logs ...

Forgot I had WINEDEBUG=-all in my profile. D'oh. Sorry about that. Unset it for this round. (Popped the error up in Settings, popped the error up on level load / continue);


dir steamcloud

m0rb commented 2 weeks ago

Earlier I upgraded my distro and decided to give this another round of attention.

I made backups of my previous prefix and szx directories for yucks.


Set "Compatability -> Run other titles with [Proton 8.0-5]"

Reinstalled the title

For some reason it didn't create the dosdevices directory and its softlinks under the prefix. No big deal.

Title ran after remedying that.

...and apparently it synced with Steam Cloud after this run.



I'll be ecstatic if it continues working.

m0rb commented 1 week ago

Update: Celebrated too soon. Still cropping up with the same error.

Anyone have $0.02 on which extra WINEDEBUG traces I should consider without making it log excessively? Can't see anything obvious with the current ones.