ValveSoftware / Proton

Compatibility tool for Steam Play based on Wine and additional components
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Elex (411300) #855

Open master-caster opened 6 years ago

master-caster commented 6 years ago

The game works like a charm. The only issues for me right now are some weird facial animations during dialog. But nothing you can't stand for a while.

I played the game for four hours now and it didn't crash and is set to the highest quality settings.

If it's possible to fix the animations you can whitelist the game ;-) (So I never played it on windows so maybe it is a game bug?)

nstgc commented 6 years ago

This came up in a search. Does it look like this?

master-caster commented 6 years ago

no it's definitely some sort of glitch. i may take a screenshot tomorrow.

it looks like the moving parts get teared/stretched in the wrong direction i couldn't find an example in a quick search on the net so i think i have to attach one

master-caster commented 6 years ago

Ah okay here we are

In this dialog look at the eyebrows. For me it's okay but i wouldn't say you can whitelist it

nstgc commented 6 years ago

Ah okay. I was just trying to rule would a bug in the game itself since you said that you hadn't played it on Windows. I have that same issue with some games.

hasezoey commented 6 years ago

The only issues for me right now are some weird facial animations during If it's possible to fix the animations you can whitelist the game ;-) (So I never played it on windows so maybe it is a game bug?)

I played it on Windows ~80 hours, and this never happened to me (i played since the game came out)

kisak-valve commented 6 years ago

Hello @master-caster, please copy your system information from steam (Steam -> Help -> System Information) and put it in a gist, then include a link to the gist in this issue report.

master-caster commented 6 years ago

Hello kisak-valve,

here are my system information

master-caster commented 6 years ago

I tested the game with the new appeared Proton version 3.7-4 Beta and the glitches remain.

master-caster commented 6 years ago

on 3.7-5 the same

master-caster commented 5 years ago

I played the game for 79 hours now and finished the main quest and lots of side quests.

I faced 5 hang ups during the whole game. The current software version steam play/nvidia driver even fixed the glitches from the start.

So ready for whitelist xD

ekkia commented 5 years ago

I'm unable to run it in Kde Neon, proton 3.16 beta (same with other versions) and Nvidia 970 with 396.54 drivers.

Only black screen after intro videos.....

Any suggestion??

master-caster commented 5 years ago

@ekkia I didn't choose a special proton version i just left it set to default and I'm running it on Ubuntu 18.04.

Maybe it's some sort of compositing issue? Have you tried to turn compositing off in the kde settings?

ekkia commented 5 years ago

Very curious...i discover that i get black screen only if i've steam controller plugged. No problem, without controller...i can play with mouse and keyboard (i don't like...but at least is playable for me)

@master-caster ...thanks for suggestions.

DPTJKKVH commented 5 years ago

Please see my bug report below that kisak-valve moved here from my original ticket. I deleted my other posts to avoid redundancy.

kisak-valve commented 5 years ago

ELEX AppID: 411300 / Game locks up from spawning particle effects

Issue transferred from @DPTJKKVH posted on 2018-11-14T17:06:18:

Compatibility Report

System Information

I confirm:

Proton log: steam-411300.log

Additional error logs produced by the game itself with potentially interesting graphics card information: ELEX_35.log ELEX_36.log

I also have a DMP file produced by the game but I cannot decode/read it to check if it contains sensitive information. If you want @kisak-valve i will send it to you over a non-public channel.


The game runs fine as long as no particle effects are shown/spawned. When using the jet-pack, firing an energy weapon or doing other activities repeatedly that spawn particle effects the game quickly locks up. The music continues to play normally but the sound effect tied to the particle effect (e.g. rocket blast of the jet-pack) loops continuously. The game (or wine) must be closed forcefully with ALT+F4 and then confirming a force close. Here is a picture of one of the particle effects in question:



The quickest way to reproduce the bug is to start the game and fly around with the jetpack repeatedly. After 10 to 15 minutes tops the game will lock up in the above described way.

Bibamus0268 commented 5 years ago

@DPTJKKVH if not already solved, i got the exact same problem: Created dxvk.conf in the same folder of the DXVK log files and inserted the line: "dxgi.deferSurfaceCreation = True", after that everything worked fine. You could add "dxgi.syncInterval = 1" to the dxvk.conf file, which force Vsync, to test if DXVK uses your dxvk.conf file. For more information: Hope that will solve your problem.

DPTJKKVH commented 5 years ago

@Bibamus0268 I will try this out today and will report back if it works for me. I will also read your refrence then. Thank you very much in advance.

PS: If it works we should both post this solution to so others can enjoy this game as well.

EDIT: Will try it tomorrow. Had no time today.

Bibamus0268 commented 5 years ago

@DPTJKKVH After some time playing i could say, that the game crashes not so often as before. Without the dxvk.conf my game crashes as soon, as i start my Jetpack. With it i could use it at least for some time, but after a while it still crashes, so its better but not perfect. I am using wine, because i never get my controller worked under proton, but tested it today with proton, same there: For Proton just drop your dxvk.conf in your ELEX folder, not the system folder where the .exe is.

EDIT: I'd tried other versions of dxvk and it seems that i found a stable one: v0.53 works fine, no crash so far, but with this version the face animations are a bit broken. I will test it tomorrow for a longer time period and with proton too

Bibamus0268 commented 5 years ago

@DPTJKKVH sry for the delay, but i was a bit busy the last days. For me the game works now very well with DXVK v0.53, played over 8h with no issues so far, tested the JetPack and the Mg-light very often and no crash, have no weapons, which using particle effects, so couldn't test that, but should be fine as well. But i have to say that i am using wine and not Proton, but will test that in the future.

At first i installed the v0.94 of DXVK and then v0.53: after that i just started the game with the DXVK HUD enabled The strange thing is, that everything works fine, when the DXVK HUD is on (DXVK_HUD=devinfo,fps,version) without the HUD it still crashes, i am still very new to Linux and Wine, so i cant say why the game have this strange behaviour, hopefully anyone else could explain this.

But anyway, if the HUD shows up in the upper left corner, everything should be fine and you could enjoy this awesome game. When you dont know how to use wine, i will give more introductions or feel free to ask if something isnt clear. And as mentioned above i will test this on Proton, where it should be easier, as you only have to copy paste the right .dll's in the DXVK directory and turn the HUD on

DPTJKKVH commented 5 years ago

@Bibamus0268 Hey thanks for coming back and adding new information on this.

I actually had not time to test it myself so no harm done. :relaxed:

Do I understand this correctly: You downgraded to a lower DXVK version and activated the HUD to make it run stable? I thought they added the full HUD just recently with the newest DXVK release?!

If DXVK really is the issue (or solution :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: ) then getting this to work with proton should be easy. Steam allows for custom Proton/Wine setups after activating it in Steam options.

Still, it is strange why displaying the debug HUD should make a difference. Also if DOWNgrading DXVK actually improves compability then there must be a regression in newer releases that needs fixing.

I will report as soon as I have time to test around with it. If you could try to produce some log files the crashes that happen without the HUD that would be great. Are there DXVK specific logs or is their debug info logged within Wine/Proton logs?

Bibamus0268 commented 5 years ago

@DPTJKKVH Tested it today with Proton: Burned a full mg-light and used the Jet-Pack around 15 times and no crash like in Wine I just renamed the d3d11.dll and dxgi.dll and copied the .dll's from the downloaded DXVK v0.53 file in /home/username/.steam/steam/steamapps/common/Proton 3.16 Beta/dist/lib64/wine/dxvk every wine prefix in proton uses these .dll's, its the easiest way, you could replace the dll's in the prefix for ELEX itself, but then you have to change the user.reg to use these dll's as native. And then i enabled the DXVK_HUD through the game launch parameter in steam: "DXVK_HUD=devinfo,fps,version %command%"

Solved my Problem with my gamepad too, which i mapped with x360ce --> just edited the user.reg in the wine Prefix for ELEX to load the "xinput1_3.dll" native. Now i could use my gamepad too in Proton

To answer your questions: Yes, i just downgraded it and turned the HUD on. I tested a lot of different DXVK-Versions till i found one which worked. As i replicated all steps the new prefix still crashed! I had no clue what went wrong, till i turned the DXVK HUD on, surprise: It just works :-)

Think you talking about that line: "DXVK_HUD=full can now be set to enable all HUD elements (#842)" the option for turning on all HUD-Elements, in previous versions the HUD was already available with different options see:

Yes that with the HUD is extremely strange and i have no idea why it works like this, but i tested it five times and always the same result, my system could be the reason, but i don't know, you could test it with or without, maybe for you it works without the HUD.

In the logs are nothing strange when i do not use the HUD, tried various WINEDEBUG channels. The game does not really crash, it just freezes, with one kernel of my cpu 100% used, music is still playing

EDIT: I still use the fix from my first post too, so will test it without it too in the future

doitsujin commented 5 years ago

@Bibamus0268 can you test whether the game is stable for you with wined3d?

Unfortunately I'm unable to even start the game on Linux, which makes debugging it impossible.

Bibamus0268 commented 5 years ago

@doitsujin with the normal wine d3d11.dll the game starts: Show the THQ Logo with very low fps, at least for the first start-up, but after the Piranha Bytes Intro i get a black screen, so no, for me it doesn't work. With the DXVK it works fine as long as i don't use a Jet-Pack, but i solved this problem, as mentioned in the previous posts.

Be careful: Even with DXVK the game crashes after the Piranha Bytes intro, when you are running an driver, like xpad or xboxdrv, for your gamepad, when you killall them, it should work. I am using xboxdrv and forced the xinput1_3.dll in wine as native, with that i could use my gamepad too.

EDIT: Sry, i didn't recognize your name. Shame on me! Thank you very much for your effort and contribution!

debug log (used always the same savegame): v0.94 with HUD till the game freezes: ELEX_d3d11.log ELEX_dxgi.log

v0.53 without HUD till the game freezes: ELEX_d3d11.log ELEX_dxgi.log

v0.53 with the HUD (DXVK_HUD=devinfo,fps,version) --> stable version ELEX_d3d11.log ELEX_dxgi.log

To reproduce the freeze, you need some item which uses particle effects (Jet-Pack, Magnesium-light, or a particle weapon) for which you have to play 5 min or so, when you need a savegame i could post one. If you need something more just ask

doitsujin commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the tip with disconnecting the game controller, with that I'm able to start the game. Will investigate.

doitsujin commented 5 years ago

@Bibamus0268 I tested this on both my RX 480 and a GTX 670, and on both systems, I can use the jet pack and magnesium torch just fine. I used the Nvidia driver version 415.27.

Is there anything special needed to reproduce?

DPTJKKVH commented 5 years ago

@doitsujin I totally missed as well that it is YOU! Thank you so much for picking this up!

Other than for @Bibamus0268 my game does not crash immediately when using the jetpack or other items with particle effects. I have to use them repeatedly to crash the game but it is absolutely reliably reproducible! It usually takes no more than 15 minutes of repeated jetpack usage to crash the game. If I use it conservatively I can get up to 2 hours of gameplay no problem. I also noticed that the game can crash when NPC are spawning particle effects, e.g. in the clerics base where patrolling guards are using jetpacks.

I want to volunteer helping you debug this issue together with @Bibamus0268 .

Here are my specs and my crash logs: I upgraded to the newest stable Proton and NVidia drivers meanwhile but everything else is the same. Maybe they are useful for you now or later.

So just tell us what to do and we will deliver you the data. :+1:

btw: Without modified .dll files and wined3d flag I get the same results like @Bibamus0268

DPTJKKVH commented 5 years ago

Just tested it: 11 Minutes and 26 seconds until crash. I notice btw that my screen always flickers once (1 frame to black screen and then back to the game) before it soon freezes. Then a couple of seconds after the freeze eventually happens I get teleported back (or just see) exactly that moment when the 1 frame flicker happened. It's kinda like the game breaks when the flicker happens and then it deteriorates until it freezes.

Proton 3.16-4 (stable) Using no Proton flags, so normal Vulkan mode and no wined3d.

Processor Information: CPU Vendor: GenuineIntel CPU Brand: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2600K CPU @ 3.40GHz

8 logical processors
4 physical processors
HyperThreading:  Supported
FCMOV:  Supported
SSE2:  Supported
SSE3:  Supported
SSSE3:  Supported
SSE4a:  Unsupported
SSE41:  Supported
SSE42:  Supported
AES:  Supported
AVX:  Supported
CMPXCHG16B:  Supported
LAHF/SAHF:  Supported
PrefetchW:  Unsupported

Operating System Version: Ubuntu 18.10 (64 bit) Kernel Name: Linux Kernel Version: 4.18.0-13-generic X Server Vendor: The X.Org Foundation X Server Release: 12001000 X Window Manager: GNOME Shell Steam Runtime Version: steam-runtime-beta-release_2018-11-28

Video Card: Driver: NVIDIA Corporation GeForce GTX 680/PCIe/SSE2 Driver Version: 4.6.0 NVIDIA 415.27 OpenGL Version: 4.6

Number of Monitors:  1
Number of Logical Video Cards:  1

Primary Bus: PCI Express 16x
Primary VRAM: 4096 MB
Supported MSAA Modes:  2x 4x 8x 16x 

Sound card: Audio device: %s1

Memory: RAM: 16023 Mb

Miscellaneous: UI Language: English LANG: en_US.UTF-8

Here are the log files: steam-411300.log ELEX_36.log

Bibamus0268 commented 5 years ago

@doitsujin: I use a mg-torch equipped and do some full Jet-Pack-Boosts. Normally after one to three jumps, the game freezes, sometimes it needs some more jumps. I have only one PC, so can't test it on another setup, but when DPTJKKVH test my workaround and it works for him as well, we have at least the same problem on two different machines. I tested different graphic driver versions as well, but i will test it with exact the same driver you are using, after the weekend and will report back.

DPTJKKVH commented 5 years ago

@Bibamus0268 I will try to test this weekend if I am able to do the technical stuff. It seems not too complicated though.

JanGalek commented 5 years ago

System Information

I confirm:


It start game, and when it should show a menu, it crash.

Bibamus0268 commented 5 years ago

@doitsujin tried the 415.27 driver, but no difference. When you could not replicate the freeze, even after extensive use of the mg-flare and/or Jet-Pack, it must be a problem, which only occur on special system configurations. At least the game works for me with v0.53, the face-animations, a problem which the first posts here had too, are a bit broken, but that does not disturb me, at least the rest is working very well.

DPTJKKVH commented 5 years ago

I'm sorry but I feel uncomfortable in modifying the Steam provided proton installations. Can I simply copy and rename the current Proton Beta folder, do the modifications there and then point steam to it without losing access to my unmodified proton installs?

poVoq commented 5 years ago

Can confirm that it only works with the controller unplugged. But also the Keyboard input is quite buggy... when controlling the character seems it is often not registering inputs of gets stuck on running forward etc. Also in the menu it seems to only register every second enter-button press etc. Mouse input works fine though.

Bibamus0268 commented 5 years ago

@DPTJKKVH you cant break anything, you just rename the d3d11.dll and dxgi.dll (like d3d11.dll.bak) in your steam folder for the proton version you are using (see the path in my previous post) and copy the .dlls from the DXVK v0.53 into the same folder. To undo the changes just delete the d3d11.dll and dxgi.dll from the folder and rename the old versions. When something went wront you can just delete your YourSteamFolder/steamapps/common/YourProtonVersion/ folder, then steam just create a new one, your games aren't touched because steam uses for every game a separate wine prefix (which you could find under YourSteamFolder/steamapps/compatdata/SteamGameNumber). In the prefixes for ELEX (SteamGameNumber: 411300) you could force the d3d11.dll and dxgi.dll through the user.reg, but that is much more complicated, especially without winetricks :-) You could rename your Proton folder too and let steam create a new one and change the dll's there or just save your folder by renaming it and copy it and work with the copy...

Bibamus0268 commented 5 years ago

@poVoq got the same issue, because i am using xboxdrv for my gamepad, which does not support plug and play (or at least i haven't configured it to work with plug'n play), so it does not stop, when i am unplug my controller, but when i manually kill the driver for my gamepad everything works fine. I could use my Xbox360 controller, when i map it with x360ce and force elex to use the xinput1_3.dll as native -->

Bibamus0268 commented 5 years ago

@JanGalek Hi, could you specify what you mean when you say that it crash, when it should show the menu: Do you mean the main menu of the game or the in game inventory for the game and what kind of crash: blackscreen, freeze?

JanGalek commented 5 years ago

@Bibamus0268 I mean the main menu, it freeze (blackscreen) and wine show under game error with task if I want open dumps. I played before, but I'm not sure on which version of wine I used.

I tried with lutris (use wine, when you can setup configurations) and I set turn off dxvk and turn off esync, Than main menu open, but game shut down.

@Bibamus0268 sorry for 2 days response, I will check it every day ;)

Bibamus0268 commented 5 years ago

@JanGalek I had this problem with the dumps (wanted to open these dumb dumps, but always got the message, that i have not declared a program for these files )too under Proton, think that that was a problem with my gamepad, to check this just unplug your gamepad and kill the program for your gamepad too and try again. The first start needed some time to load the main menu, some other people declared, that that is an issue with the shaders, which have to load for the first time, but after the second start the main menu should show up soon after the intro.

I am using Proton 3.16 Beta, but think that it should work for other versions too. Tested it with wine rc3.0 and rc5.0 and DXVK too and had no problem to start the game. I haven't tested it with the newest wine 4.0 and DXVK 0.95 version but should be no problem too. Didn't try Lutris, but as it is only an overlay, which sets up some settings for wine, it should work too.

When the workaround with the gamepad does not work, just report back, then i try to reproduce this issue once more on my system and will try to find another solution

JanGalek commented 5 years ago

@Bibamus0268 Oh thanks, I uninstalled xboxdrv and now it works. Very much thanks

Bibamus0268 commented 5 years ago

@JanGalek Np, you could still use your controller when you are using this workaround: I had to start xboxdrv with the option "--mimic-xpad" to use my Xbox360-gamepad ingame
Have fun

Oschowa commented 4 years ago

@aeikum Since you where interested in fixing controller related issues recently, ELEX still 100% reliably crashes when a controller is plugged in with Proton 4.11-6. Steam Input enabled/disabled makes no difference.

Here is a log with +timestamp,+pid,+tid,+seh,+debugstr,+loaddll,+mscoree,+xinput,+dinput,+rawinput,+plugplay,+hid,+hidp,+setupapi and a DS4 connected:


aeikum commented 4 years ago

Here's our problem:

23540.651:0031:0032:trace:xinput:XInputGetState (index 0, state (nil))!

We don't check for NULL in XInputGetState. I've fixed that and my controller works now, but the game doesn't react to button presses, just the axes. I'm looking into it.

Oschowa commented 4 years ago

Controller input works fine with proton 4.11-12

jarrard commented 3 years ago

Game more or less works fine for me with proton however I've noticed some specific areas where graphical glitches and triangles spontaneously appear. Such as looking at the lavafall outside Castle Ruins outside West of Ignadon.

Mesa-git and 6800XT.. Could be AMD thing. DXVK1.9

I managed to capture one of the glitches, these appear and last for a few ms and are numerous up and down this lavafall. They occur on the pause screen also.

ELEX artifacting

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Hello @jarrard, please copy your system information from Steam (Steam -> Help -> System Information) and put it in a gist, then include a link to the gist in this issue report. Also, please share a screenshot of the graphical corruption.

jarrard commented 3 years ago

Sure, these artifacts do appear throughout the game in areas, but this is one of the worst I've seen.

PS. I noticed someone else mentioned this issue here. Switching to p6.3-5 didn't help in my case.

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

If the hint on ProtonDB is reliable and related to the behavior you're seeing, then Proton 6.3-5 may be too new a reference point to establish a baseline to compare to. Can you test if you see the same graphical corruption with Proton 5.13? If it's reliable with that, then that hints at a possible DXVK regression, otherwise, there might be a video driver issue.

As a side note, having extra vulkan layers (mangohud / vkbasalt) that might be manipulating the rendered image doesn't particularly inspire confidence. It's probably not the root cause of what you're seeing, but is added noise. Also, seeing dri_create_context: glthread isn't thread safe - missing call XInitThreads in the OpenGL section of your system info is abnormal, but again, most likely more unrelated noise.

jarrard commented 3 years ago

RADV_DEBUG=llvm removes the flickering surfaces but creates a different problem where terrain surfaces are blackish.

So the flickering issue may be ACO related. Not sure whats wrong with LLVM.

I'll try 5.13.. Tested. Still happens with 5.13 it seems. (I tested with proton ge's also)

I did have Mangohud and VKbasalt enabled but I disabled them during testing to see if they had caused the issue. Also have reshade but I disabled the dxgi.dll file during testing also. (disabled via env values in launch options, confirmed disabled in-game)

Unsure why LLVM has broken surface shaders which cause terrain surfaces to have this dark shadow on them. (not completely black)

PS. I've been deleting all my mesa/steam/dxvk cache files in between tests. Hopefully that isn't causing issues.

kisak-valve commented 3 years ago

Thanks for testing, can you see if RADV_DEBUG=invariantgeom helps?

jarrard commented 3 years ago

I think that resolved it. I don't see any with 6.3-5 atm. Will keep a eye out but I believe it resolved also the odd flicker you see in the lavalakes.

There is another issue with this game which is in-game video and flashbacks (videos) don't play. They do play with Proton-GE thanks to its video converter thing but not with normal Proton; the flashbacks or videos just instantly skip.

I've installed the mf-cab thingo but haven't tested it yet. It seems this video converter thing GE uses may be a legal way to get around the whole MF issue. (assuming that is the issue here)