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Source 1 based games such as TF2 and Counter-Strike: Source
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[HL:S] Helicopter does not drop down Marines into shaft towards the end of We've Got Hostiles #1469

Open dscharrer opened 11 years ago

dscharrer commented 11 years ago

The shaft where marines are supposed to drop down

Two marines at a time should repeatedly rope down from a helicopter into the shaft the player is in. Most of the time however the bombardment that breaks down the ceiling either completely destroys the helicopter or moves/confuses it so that the marines are dripped onto ledge or roof instead and don't attack the player.

You don't belong here!

It also looks like the first pair of marines is dropped onto the ceiling before the bombardment - their weapons fall down with the rest of the debris.

Here is a save file right before the buggy sequence - just touch the door to trigger it.

] status
hostname: Half-Life 1
version : 1745010/24 1923675 insecure
players : 1 (1 max)

map     : c1a3c at: -1363 x, -1103 y, 224 z
# userid name                uniqueid            connected ping loss state  adr
#      6 "dscharrer"         STEAM_ID_PENDING    11:27       15    0 active loopback

(curiously the order of the lines printed by the status command is not fixed)

I am playing with HD content enabled.

system information

alfred-valve commented 11 years ago

Sounds like a job for super pepper314!

Koterminus commented 4 years ago

This issue still persists in 2019. Like dscharrer said, sometimes the soldiers are dropped onto the roof before the bombardment and are blown up, causing only their weapons to fall down with the debris, and other times they land on the sides of the top of the shaft, which prevents them from engaging the player.