ValveSoftware / Source-1-Games

Source 1 based games such as TF2 and Counter-Strike: Source
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[GIT HUB] [ALL GAMES][1000 open issue's] #1816

Closed 1157 closed 7 years ago

1157 commented 10 years ago

1000+ open issue's? last issue reviewed (Nov 27, 2013). Random label's on the issue's?

Yes some of these "issue's" are quackery but a fair amount are legit.

if you sell the game, you need to support the game, (HLDMS) For those that have worked at Valve a long time its good to remember how Valve got to where they are now. (It was the half-life series)

Maybe hire someone just to maintain the Valve titles bugs,updates, ect

It will be two years in a couple month's hldms beta.

NothingMuchHereToSay commented 10 years ago

Things do take time, though I think Valve should open source some aspects of the Source engine since Source 2 is on the way out I think.

Half-Shot commented 10 years ago

Could you use paragraphs next time, its really hard to read what you're saying.

NothingMuchHereToSay commented 10 years ago

I think Valve's working on Steam for Linux, as I still have problems with that frickin' focusing and unfocusing by right clicking.

DaMadOne commented 10 years ago

I hate to bash anything that has helped linux gaming so tremendously... but, I kind of have to agree with 1157.

I posted a report on portal 2 issues that it refuses to play nice with ultra wide setups. I run 3 1080p monitors, so I game @ 5760x1080. while I did get a response, it went no further once it was realized it was really an engine problem and not a "support issue". After not really getting any kind of response there I posted another in the Source 1 issues area since the problems do affect any and all Source engine games I have tried. Even once I figured out some xorg.conf trickery to FORCE them to work, more problems popped up that simply make them unplayable.

I get that people with similar setups to mine are a minority, but c'mon.. EVERY other linux game I own spans my monitors no problem, even the few win games I play with wine. Another person popped into my P2 bug report to say he/she had the same exact problem with their multi monitor setup and source engine games. So I am not alone, and this is not distro specific either... same issues with Xubuntu and now Arch linux.. two comlpetely different animals.

After I posted to the source 1 issues I started looking and noticed exactly what 1157 has stated.. It looks like nobody is even looking at these things. Please take some time to go through these issues Valve.

ElectricTriangle commented 10 years ago

Agreed. Comments on open issues by people working on the projects and even issues being marked as reviewed and tagged have all fallen dramatically (after around August 2013). I don't know what's going on, but it should be fixed... This is the community here, tell us what is going on!

jwcalla commented 9 years ago

I have to agree as well. It almost seems like Valve has abandoned GitHub here and it's sort of become an echo chamber of players reporting bugs and trying to help each other out, just like the Steam forums.

And worse, there really aren't any game updates any more. Even small (and big) bugs in, e.g., L4D2 are just left to wither on the vine.

It's almost like they've completely lost interest.

ElectricTriangle commented 9 years ago

And on it goes... these bugs aren't just gonna go away.

danielzdunich commented 9 years ago

Valve would rather announce hardware instead of actually fixing their games and announcing games :(

1157 commented 9 years ago

Sales sells the first of anything, Service always sells the second.

BreakinBenny commented 9 years ago

I couldn't care any less about Steam on Linux, but Valve indeed needs to fix their shit... Maybe we should shove this GitHub into Robin Walker and the team's faces? I have nothing against showing my issue reports to Chet FAIL-szek.