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[TF2][Suggestion] Balance Bot System - Making a Balance Bot System instead of Autobalance System #2704

Open RoonMoonlight opened 5 years ago

RoonMoonlight commented 5 years ago


Hi, I can see someone is trying to evade autobalance (Issue #2697), but some people dislikes Autobalance system because when you have been moved to opposing team when your team is winning, they will be angry because of that Autobalance System.

So I'm introducing the new System, Balance Bot System!

Okay, so what is Balance Bot System?

Balance Bot system is when the player disconnected from match, the Bot with left player's name will be spawned. They will fight for your team until someone joins the game. If other player joins the server, the bots will be removed and player will join the team. This will make the game fair without making players ruins their gaming experience by moving to the team. But this only works on Pregame, Midgame and does not works when match ends.


This system was inspired on this plugin, Advance Bot Balance ( and the game Heroes of the Storm.

Sweddy commented 5 years ago

I endorse this request.

RoonMoonlight commented 5 years ago

EDIT: This will explain why the Autobalance system is unfair. Thank you Delfy for making this video :)

LoneLantern commented 5 years ago

I also think that if we do this, bots need to be reworked. Currently they act pretty dumb, all running in a straight line and really close to eachother. The difficulty ramp up changes their behavior only slightly and all it does it change how quickly they will perfectly aim at you. Bots who replace players should be able to at least be a barely accurate substitute, so their difficulty setting should be matched to player skill and they should be updated to fix some of the major issues they have.

The bigger problem would probably be the fact that not all maps have navmeshes for bots yet, which could make the bots useless on most maps. This definitely needs to be fixed before this can happen.

RoonMoonlight commented 5 years ago

@LoneLantern Here is why the TF2 bot is stupid: 1. TF2 Bots NEVER uses any Unique weapons. At least, the new players can use any Unique weapons even they equip Gibus, Mercenary Badge, Pyro Goggle. But, the Bot(s) appears to be a normal appearance with no personality.

2. Moves less. The important first reason why the TF2 Bots must be improved. On TF2, moving is important. But the TF2 Bot(s) cannot teach them about movements. When the enemy comes they moves at that time, only then. Another class bots doesn't move except medic who moves to use Übercharge.

3. Defective programming makes bot an inhumane fool. The important second reason why the TF2 Bots must be improved. Bots going forward while leaning against the wall, jumping on same condition, if your team Sniper stands still, enemy Sniper even stands still.

4. Shows inhuman behaviors such as jumpscares. As you can see in the video, even if you shoot a rocket from behind the Pyro, you can see the crazy response speed of a computer that suddenly turns around and reflects the projectile to you.

5. TF2 Bots always suspects users who participate in bot match with high priority. Indeed, most bots always have an eyes on you. Then they didn't spot players who plays Bot match, they changes the priority to enemy bots. And bot medic always heals users rather than healing other bots.

6. Classes who are overly aggresive. You can often see the Engi, Medic, Sniper are going battlements without any reasons and be killed by enemy bots.

7. Bots ignores Heal/Ammo Kits. The important third reason why the TF2 Bots must be improved. TF2 Bots ignores Health/Ammo Kits placed everywhere. In this case, all supplies are left to the user and they(Users) cannot be learned how to hand over to them.

8. TF2 Bots always stay together and focus on one objectives. The important fourth reason why the TF2 Bots must be improved. If troops get together on same place, the enemy can focus on same place easier, and just focus on one objective, just like the Number 5 I mentioned earlier. Don't think that you can win when getting together. So that's why new players shouldn't have habit of getting together with their teammates.

Source: Warning)

Make sure you to watch this video too:

Yetoo1 commented 4 years ago

I want a bot system as well, but they don't really need improved AI. Their purpose in this case is to fill in a player slot so the team doesn't autobalance. Sure for a long amount of time the faults of the bot shows, but usually an empty player spot (that a bot would fill in) only lasts for a relatively little amount of time and due to this the issues with the bot don't really matter. Sure, it may affect the match, but given the inactivity of the current TF team and depending on the skills of the other players it beats auto balance.