ValveSoftware / Source-1-Games

Source 1 based games such as TF2 and Counter-Strike: Source
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Steampipe games are incompatible with the pre-steampipe Source SDK #287

Closed Jacka18l closed 11 years ago

Jacka18l commented 11 years ago

Since the Steampipe conversion of Half-Life 2:Deathmatch:

Problem 1: HL2DM is now looking for assets in the new /common/ location, meaning that for a custom texture or model to appear ingame our files need to be here.

Problem 2: But Source SDK is still looking for assets in the old /username/ location. Meaning if we want our custom content to be visible in Hammer we need a second copy here.

Outcome: Meaning that anyone wishing to make maps for DM (even with Source SDK configured via Tools > Options) has to have two copies of their materials folder - causing multiple gigabytes of wasted space.

Problem 3: Going to Tools > Options in Hammer and reconfiguring it to look in the new /common/ location does not work, because when Hammer is next loaded a msgbox error saying about a missing sourcescheme.res file pops up and then Hammer force closes.

Problem 4.1: Going to Tools > Options in Hammer and setting it up so its partly in /common/ and partly in /username/ seems to be a way to work around this. Once Hammer compiles, and DM loads then it crashes again with a missing texture console/background01.vtf. Opening DM seperatly and typing map mapname in console works, but is much more labour intensive than previously - especially when combined with the need to edit the /common/ and /username/ folders as mentioned above.

Problem 4.2: Some people have been mapping with the Episode 2 singleplayer setup, and then using the hl2mp.fgd setup and changing custom assets over after. However this is still much more labour intensive.

Outcome: Both of these methods are incredibly time consuming and waste diskspace- something which is completely against the point of Steampipe in the firstplace.

Steampipe is a great idea to save us time, but without Source SDK looking in the same folder locations as HL2DM it is a lost cause.

At the moment a great many talented mappers and true fans of Valves games have abandoned projects and there is much dissapointing word on forums and in steamchats about this update and new set of errors - and lack of communication if a manual fix is posible without having to bypass the bugs.

Please could somebody look into this very serious set of errors.

Thankyou - yours truly, a fan.

Jacka18l commented 11 years ago

Note: here is a .jpg screenshot of how I configured Hammer, as mentioned in Problem 4.1.

Thank you for acknowledging this so promptly, If you require anymore specific information on this matter please ask.

juju831 commented 11 years ago

Untitled 2 Since the update on the third of April source sdk hammer is not working. As I try to configure the directory for Half-life 2 Deathmatch MP I receive a missing scheme file error. I have tried to configure with the common folder and the new layout of vpk. I have looked all over the internet in hopes of direction or a solution to this problem. I have found no answers. I have enjoyed building maps for the past 6 years and miss it greatly.

Perhaps when the conversion for Counter Strikes happens on the the 18th of April a fix could be included for the missing scheme file. As it is sdk can not locate the VGUI_set up and is just simply not configured correctly.

I am truly hoping that someone who has the authority and the know how can please read my post and give some direction. Please do not tell me that I will not be able to map for hl2mp.. I have been playing steam games since the company started and enjoy the cloud and the community. Please help fix SDK. Thank you, JuJu

Jacka18l commented 11 years ago

Excellent juju831 for posting that error with Source SDK too to bring it to attention. You are just one other ray of light amongst the others who are too lazy to post :(

I'm almost certain that to fix the things mentioned in this issue only two things need to be done:

  1. Making custom assets load/appear in Hammer or tell us how to, when our asset files are placed in /common/ (to fix the double diskspace problem)
  2. Telling us where to place the crash related sourcescheme.res file, even though one already exists in common\Half-Life 2 Deathmatch\platform\resource. Or allowing an automatic update to set it up for us to be compatible with HL2DM so that we only need one copy of assets - like we all had pre-steampipe. (So we can map with our Hammer newly configured to /common/ - as I'm sure it was intended to already?)


obidm commented 11 years ago

Don't have additional technical details, but not too lazy to post. Ha. Also eagerly awaiting an SDK patch...

ibscotty commented 11 years ago

Also have this issue please fix asap, it's the mappers and modders that have been keeping Deathmatch alive over the years and now they need your help!


gtamike commented 11 years ago

This problem needs to be fixed!

sdk-user-76 commented 11 years ago

Jepp, this Topic needs attention.

Working with the SDK/Hammer Editor for about 6 years now.

I have to fully agree with ibscotty. Would be very sad, if the community lose the possibility to create maps for HL2DM. We invest alot of time n love, to keep HL2DM alive, cause its still an attractive game.

So far, i wanted to confirm all the issues above-mentioned for the SDK.

Realy hope a fix will follow, as soon as possible.

Regards, sdk-user76

QMD commented 11 years ago

I've been mapping for years with Hammer in HL2DM and this problem makes me so sad, I can't do things in Hammer now and this needs a fix as soon as possible.


have a nice day QMD

gtamike commented 11 years ago

Also for our custom maps the "menu_thumbs" that get downloaded separately from servers won't display anymore in the map server browser list. This is because the thumb icon files (.vft and .vmf) now get automatically downloaded to "common\Half-Life 2 Deathmatch\hl2mp\download" folder (This makes the icons useless). The only way to get them to work is to put them manually in the "common\Half-Life 2 Deathmatch\hl2mp\custom" folder.

This also needs to be fixed as Steampipe has broken automatically custom map thumb icon support for servers...

Pricetx commented 11 years ago

In a sense, it's a relief to see this thread as I was thinking it was just me having these issues (despite trying it on two PCs). It would be great to have this working, as there has been a surge of interest since the port to Linux, and I already have at least one person wanting to produce maps for me now, although I suppose at least we do have the workarounds for now, so I can't complain too much.

Also, just to check, is it just me that doesn't get HL2MP as an option in Source SDK by default? On every Steam installation of mine, by default it doesn't exist, and I have to create it under Source Engine MP

KyleSanderson commented 11 years ago

It appears this regression wasn't fixed for the CS:S sync, and is now live (if @Jacka18l could adjust the title that would be grand, if not, I can totally create a new bug)... The current hack they've (Kaemon) found is to map for HL2, which should work until that's moved to the VPK system as well. Please fix this, it's very disruptive, and destructive.

Jacka18l commented 11 years ago

Since HL2DM Steampipe:

  1. The console has been filling up with Pre-cache loading model errors.
  2. HL2DM noticably loads up slower than before, especially on maploads.
  3. Player models automatically switch back to combines when changed to a rebel.
  4. Source SDK is not working without having to waste diskspace as mentioned in my first post on this thread.
  5. Editing a custom texture and looking at it in hammer, then compiling and going ingame takes twice as long because we now have to place our custom texture file in two locations - adding workload.
  6. Sourcescheme.res file is not found and force crashes hammer when setup with the new /common layout.
  7. Counter-strike source was just changed to steampipe and already CSS mappers are noticing the same fatal bugs as mentioned in this thread which could of been avoided and fixed.
  8. People are getting VGUI error msgs boxes which force close hammer since the steampipe update.

VALVe and all of its staff, I really respect you as game designers, being an amatuer one myself, but its hard to find faith in you when this manditory update has caused so many problems for the community which are also sitting there daily working on projects.

I know this may seem a bit of an unorthadox method of contacting a VALVe employee, but I'd really like to put myself forward to you as a United Kingdom based QA tester for HL2DM or Source SDK updates - who has thousands of hours of logged playtime - and is an active mapper and member of the community who is in daily talks with people who are the end users and friends who always feel the brunt of the updates which cause many flaws.

If Half-life 3: Deathmatch is coming out, and you are gradually trying to phase this game out to be replaced - please at least tell us, or email me at so we can focus our attention elsewhere - for the time being - and more importantly feel hope that there will be a functional hl3dm.

One way or the other there are definitely alot more errors, diskspace wastage and time consuming tedious tasks which were not there before the steampipe update.

Are we the minority percent, who was better to downgrade and cause hardship for while upgrading the marjority percent through steampipe - a calculated risk for an outcome?

VALVe please get in touch, I will not charge for my time, or ask for any credit - and I will be truthful and respectful with you and share all knowledge of bugs and suggestions from the community to make this a truly great multiplayer game.

HL2DM may not be the apple of your eye, but it is mine.

(@KyleSanderson, If you follow the setup in the screenshot below - it's slightly less labour intensive than mapping in singleplayer. But still not the ideal solution)


juju831 commented 11 years ago

Hi ?, We're going to fix the SDK. We've no intention of discontinuing it. We should have most of the problems related to SteamPipe fixed in the next week or so. Please bear with us. Thanks for your patience, ?

This is a real response. We all just need to be patient. But at least we have a response. I am so happy that a request can still be heard. Thank you so much everyone. A special thank you to Jack181

carlslowgravity commented 11 years ago

Really hoping for a fix for this problem too. Been mapping for 5 years for HL2DM and can no longer do it with the current state of the sdk.

Jacka18l commented 11 years ago

Yes @Juju831, the rest of the team and community can hopefully relax now for a bit

Enjoy your fresh air while you can, then become a zombie again as you become stuck to the computer once its fixed.


STKDrEvil commented 11 years ago

Being a mapper for the STK clan since 2007, I was very disappointed that the SteamPipe update made mapping that much harder, though I have been able to continue working on on my map by moving all my custom content to HL2:EP2, it is still a very tedious and time consuming process to compile my map, then copy the map back to my hl2dm folder to run it... plus not to mention a drag on my disk space ussage, having custom assets in 2 locations.

MASnake commented 11 years ago

SDK SOURCE HAMMER PROBLEM ERRORS To Valve I have been using sdk source hammer for years never seen so many problems and updates i hope you fix this problem this is great program for people to draw and make maps. I started playing hl1 when it was first was developed it was a great game for it time and still is fun to play. You have to remember this all started from hl1. Don't let a good thing die. Some of the problems i have found with sdk source hammer are. The configuration information for the game you're trying to edit is invalid or missing this message comes up everytime you try to load hammer it does'nt mattter what you select from hammer this message appears. You can load hl2 editor it seems to load to hammer but nothing else will load the model viewer will not load either. When i was playing hl 2 deathmatch multiplayer game you can't select a game charactor in the game that is what have notice. here is screen shots of the errors i have found.

Last Note: Don't let a good thing die [M@A]~Snake~

zpostfacto commented 11 years ago

Hi all. Just to confirm: we are going to fix the SDK. Just give us a couple of days.

STKDrEvil commented 11 years ago

If anyone wishes to contribute, I have started a thread on my website for this ->

MASnake commented 11 years ago

screen untitled1 shot

MASnake commented 11 years ago

Find interesting since the steampipe update i only have steam program installed and halflife 2 deathmatch /sdk source hammer i have used up hard drive space at 7.2 gigs no other games installed please explain

juju831 commented 11 years ago

To whom it may concern, I find it absolutely in excusable that the customer (us) have not gotten any update to fix the latest update. It has been 21 days and counting. The last update was for "the big picture". That is much more important. I just can not believe that with all of the out pouring of solutions and concerns and information that we the gamers and mappers have provided there is no fix. We have helped create steam./source/valve and make it one of the leading providers of games and tools in the industry. If you have no intent on fixing this just let us know. I just can not believe how rotten this is. You give us the candy and than take it away. Please get a fix, or let us know that nothing is coming down the pipeline from Steam. I am sorry if this sounds rude, just really frustrated with steam/source. We have provided so much info. Regards,

KyleSanderson commented 11 years ago

@juju831 @fletcherdvalve already confirmed they're intending on fixing this (mind you it was a week ago). They delayed the TF2 release by a week (probably longer, if they don't fix this), but apparently it's on their agenda. The fact that they're not concerned about breaking products other than TF2 is concerning, but it's nothing new.

juju831 commented 11 years ago

Thank you.

Sent from my Samsung smartphone on AT&T

KyleSanderson wrote:

@juju831 @fletcherdvalve already confirmed they're intending on fixing this (mind you it was a week ago). They delayed the TF2 release by a week (probably longer, if they don't fix this), but apparently it's on their agenda. The fact that they're not concerned about breaking products other than TF2 is concerning, but it's nothing new.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub:

zpostfacto commented 11 years ago

I'm gonna close this as a duplicate of #8.

zpostfacto commented 11 years ago

If anybody is still watching this bug, please note that a very early beta has been released. See the comments in Bug #8.

powerlord commented 11 years ago

Since bug #8 is closed now, should this bug be reopened?

johndrinkwater commented 11 years ago

491 is being used to track the sdk refresh, if you want to get updates, there is a button below the comment field on that bug to watch the thread, no need to add comments!

JimPartridge commented 11 years ago

It seems that TF2, DOD, HL2:DM, CS Source have all been addressed with their own local versions of the SDK toolset. Why have we HL2 SP mappers seen this? I'm currently about a days work away from finishing an EP2 Project and I have no way of editing my maps.

XantisGaming commented 10 years ago

6 months and no Fix really?! wow. PLEASE GEt this working like cmon!