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[HL2: EP1] Typo for VCD to play in ep1_c17_00 (Lowlife intro) #3747

Open BreakinBenny opened 2 years ago

BreakinBenny commented 2 years ago

I've included the fixed ep1_c17_00.pat file contents, I picked this issue up after noticing the lcs_duckdown entity tried playing a scene that was ALMOST correct if it weren't for that space at the end... making it read al_tunnel_01a .vcd:

    "origin" "4930.31 -5905.47 -108"
    "targetname" "lcs_duckdown"
    "SceneFile" "scenes/episode_1/c17/al_tunnel_01a.vcd"
    "busyactor" "1"
    "classname" "logic_choreographed_scene"
    "hammerid" "1843024"
    "OnCompletion" "al_c17_00_fieldhack,Start,,0,-1"
    "OnTrigger1" "ss_alyx_walllean,BeginSequence,,0,-1"
Yetoo1 commented 2 years ago

If the .pat file is unrelated to the issue presented in the beginning make these separate issues. What has been fixed in the .pat file?

BreakinBenny commented 2 years ago

If the .pat file is unrelated to the issue presented in the beginning make these separate issues. What has been fixed in the .pat file?

You're right. The point entity tries to play the scene named "al_tunnel_01a .vcd", but the existing file is without a space at the end and this stops Alyx from emoting before scene al_tunnel_01.vcd plays.

"origin" "4930.31 -5905.47 -108"
"SceneFile" "scenes/episode_1/c17/al_tunnel_01a .vcd"
"targetname" "lcs_duckdown"
"busyactor" "1"
"classname" "logic_choreographed_scene"
"OnCompletion" "al_c17_00_fieldhack,Start,,0,-1"
"OnTrigger1" "ss_alyx_walllean,BeginSequence,,0,-1"

I've tried to replace the trigger_once entity with one that has the correct output, but I failed to do so because of something I don't know about... Maybe because I didn't have the hammerid for that brush.

Yetoo1 commented 2 years ago

@BreakinBenny I mean to open two issues on this issue tracker. Modify this for idle_close/idle_closed issue and make another issue for the .pat file or vice versa.

BreakinBenny commented 2 years ago

No problem Yetoo1, I split them.