ValveSoftware / Source-1-Games

Source 1 based games such as TF2 and Counter-Strike: Source
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[CS:S] CT - SAS skin- tossing weapons is bugged #3786

Open Brand0nnnnn opened 2 years ago

Brand0nnnnn commented 2 years ago

If on CT team and with SAS skin selected, if you toss guns the guns travel less distance then if you select any other skin. This is not working as intended.

Here's a video thats shows this issue.

AzureWoof commented 2 years ago

That's one of the weirdest bugs I've seen in awhile. I'm sure there's some wonky reason behind it.

shaiko2k commented 2 years ago

Checked it out and I noticed that the gun appears to drop from a different position (noticeable in first-person view) when using the SAS model.

1ci commented 2 years ago

I have attached the fixed model binaries and source code in a ZIP archive.

Here is how I fixed it: I extracted the model files from the .vpk using gcfscape186 and decompiled them using Crowbar v0.71.

I decompiled the other CT models too and spotted the differences between them using a diff tool called Meld. Then I made adequate corrections to the SAS model and compiled it back using Crowbar. My assumptions are that there was an improper bone configuration which caused the issue. If I had to guess, it would be this one:

$definebone "ValveBiped" "" 0 0 0 0 0 89.999982 0 0 0 0 0 0