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[TF2] [exploit] Pre-Existing VAC Bans can be bypassed with console commands. #3911

Open elf-XNSR opened 2 years ago

elf-XNSR commented 2 years ago

A VAC banned account is able to join a VAC secured server by setting their fps_max to 1, host_timescale to ~25, and sv_cheats to 1, almost 100% of the time.

relevant link 1 relevant link 2 relevant link 3 relevant link 4

puppygirlcoded commented 2 years ago


notbemji commented 2 years ago


AnAkkk commented 2 years ago

It's probably that the ValidateAuthTicketResponse_t callback must arrive too early, and then CGameClient::Disconnect fails to work because the client has not been fully initialized yet.

FuckingStealingNames commented 2 years ago

This is also working outside of casual, but I do not wish to tell how it works here, is there someone I can PM to avoid community servers also having this sick move?

elf-XNSR commented 2 years ago

I would assume it works with the exact same method as from my knowledge VAC doesn't work differently on community servers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

FuckingStealingNames commented 2 years ago

I would assume it works with the exact same method as from my knowledge VAC doesn't work differently on community servers,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Yes, but also kinda no. Since you include a couple of other commands to actually have an entrance to community servers, since just spamming connect to a server will not go.

A few tests with it and a few hours down the drain, it seems that doing a connection attempt multiple times lets it connect, but I'm not sure that it works if it requests a content download from the server, or if it just bans you for having VAC on the account, since every disconnect message is just the same.

FuckingStealingNames commented 2 years ago

But since I thought about this slightly outside the box, I wouldn't assume one would know how to replicate this without some knowledge of the Developer Console and the Source Engine commands.

Brain-dawg commented 2 years ago

This also connects to the item server???

You'll be locked to 30fps after connecting due to fps_max being restricted while connected. So using this to temporarily circumvent an old vac to play with friends is not going to be enjoyable.

fps_max desc isn't true in tf2 either, afaik you cannot change it even in spec

FuckingStealingNames commented 2 years ago

This also connects to the item server from what I remember in testing, I mean, it always did outside of VAC servers, IIRC. Like the only thing it couldn't do is let you do is trade the items away, or buy anything in the Mann.Co. store.

elf-XNSR commented 2 years ago

This also connects to the item server???

You'll be locked to 30fps after connecting due to fps_max being restricted while connected. So using this to temporarily circumvent an old vac to play with friends is not going to be enjoyable.

fps_max desc isn't true in tf2 either, afaik you cannot change it even in spec

cheats can easily change the value of fps_max after you've joined a game, and it's likely anyone using this exploit would also be cheating.

JSSilverhand commented 2 years ago

this shit's workin' but it makes ya crash every 5 minutes or somethin' like that do we have any way to prevent that fuckin' bastard of vac kickin'?

w7rus commented 2 years ago

Clientside Innovations LLC

imaginaryvision commented 2 years ago


Aws0mee commented 2 years ago

Have you ever considered it's because valve developers don't want to be bigots? Preventing banned users from playing would be discriminating against them!

elf-XNSR commented 2 years ago

Have you ever considered it's because valve developers don't want to be bigots? Preventing banned users from playing would be discriminating against them!

so true

gir489returns commented 2 years ago

Now you can say the N word to your VAC bans.

sapphonie commented 2 years ago

This is also working outside of casual, but I do not wish to tell how it works here, is there someone I can PM to avoid community servers also having this sick move?

here, thanks

FuckingStealingNames commented 2 years ago

This is also working outside of casual, but I do not wish to tell how it works here, is there someone I can PM to avoid community servers also having this sick move?

here, thanks

I gotchu