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Source 1 based games such as TF2 and Counter-Strike: Source
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[TF2 Bug] Heavyweapons class dormancy state broken. #4362

Open RicochetYT opened 1 year ago

RicochetYT commented 1 year ago

Going to preface with this: I did not find this, I was told about this a long time ago.

In TF2 (and other Source Engine games), there is dormancy. This, to my understanding, is a state in which an entity (in this case, a player) is not networked to other clients under certain conditions (occluded, etc). This seems to be a method to reduce wasted resources on the client and server, as well as prevent cheaters from seeing across the map with traditional ESP methods. Every class in TF2 goes into a dormancy state, except the Heavy (heavyweapons) class. This means that, no matter where a heavy is on the map, he is constantly rendered for everyone. This wastes resources (bandwidth and rendering) and is almost certainly a bug or oversight of some sort.

I feel like I may have also seen dormancy break on healers of the heavy at some point, or just healing entities in general, but I could not reproduce this.

This occurs on every map, regardless of anything. However, keep noted that this issue was tested on a Linux server, not a Windows server. I do not know if this dormancy issue is also on the Windows server hosting side, but I assume it is.

(This was tested on an insecure server with a free cheat program for higher visibility.)

getchoo commented 1 year ago

reproducible on windows local listen server

wgetJane commented 1 year ago

heavy update

Whurrhurr commented 1 year ago

the only possible way i see this being intentional is so you can hear their minigun when they are firing it at all times, but if this was the case, aren't there better ways of doing this that doesn't involve disabling dormancy on player entities playing as heavy?

AzureWoof commented 1 year ago

Yup. Almost forgot about this.

condor00fr commented 1 year ago

The more optimisation that dosn't involve visually downgrading everything like it as happend in the past 15 years, the better. Right now my game lags when playing on Halloween maps and better optimisation might be the best (and only) way to give us at least 60 fps at all times. Wich would be great

HurricanePootis commented 1 year ago

reproducible on windows local listen server

fancing seeing you here, fardchoo