ValveSoftware / Source-1-Games

Source 1 based games such as TF2 and Counter-Strike: Source
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TF2 x64 breaks Plasma desktop Xorg on Debian 12 #5649

Open Basiliotornado opened 2 months ago

Basiliotornado commented 2 months ago

Launching the game causes my primary display to stop working completely, and my second display to become a sort of sliding image? Works fine on Wayland.

(hit enter early sorry about that)

JulianHeuser commented 2 months ago

I'm getting a similar issue on Mint (X11). In fullscreen the game seems to "take over" the display, which causes weird behavior.

Alt+tabbing out of the game caused this to happen: IMG_20240418_210458

Unplugging and re-plugging in the monitor fixes it. Logging out does not.

Detailed info: Mint 21.3 DE: Cinnamon 6.0.4 (X11) CPU: AMD Ryzen 5 3600 GPU: Radeon RX 6600XT

Display is 1080p, 16:9, 75hz and connected by HDMI.

Basiliotornado commented 2 months ago

Launching in both Windowed and OpenGL comparability mode fixes the issue Don't know if systemCTL will help as a debugging tool or not, but here's the output from playing the game in windowed and swapping to fullscreen

Apr 25 20:39:32 Basil plasmashell[1204]: libpng warning: profile matches sRGB but writing iCCP instead
Apr 25 20:39:32 Basil plasmashell[1204]: libpng warning: known incorrect sRGB profile
Apr 25 20:39:32 Basil plasmashell[1204]: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile
Apr 25 20:39:29 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 55357, resource id: 29360397, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:29 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 55356, resource id: 29360397, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:29 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 55355, resource id: 29360397, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:29 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 55354, resource id: 29360397, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:29 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 55353, resource id: 29360397, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:29 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/KickoffListView.qml:187:33: QML ScrollBar: Binding loop detected for property "visible"
Apr 25 20:39:29 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/KickoffListView.qml:187:33: QML ScrollBar: Binding loop detected for property "visible"
Apr 25 20:39:25 Basil plasmashell[2397]: reaping pid: 3545 -- gameoverlayui
Apr 25 20:39:15 Basil gameoverlayui[3545]: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' failed
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Uploaded AppInterfaceStats to Steam
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUser::BLoggedOn : 6
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUser::GetSteamID : 1286
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUser::GetAuthSessionTicketV2 : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUser::CancelAuthTicket : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUser::AdvertiseGame : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUser::BIsSubscribedApp : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientFriends::GetPersonaName : 118
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientFriends::HasFriend : 1221
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientFriends::GetFriendRelationship : 163
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientFriends::GetFriendPersonaState : 1271
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientFriends::GetSmallFriendAvatar : 65
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientFriends::GetMediumFriendAvatar : 17
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientFriends::GetFriendCount : 23
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientFriends::GetFriendByIndex : 391
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientFriends::GetFriendGamePlayed : 923
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientFriends::RequestUserInformation : 155
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientFriends::SetRichPresence : 40
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientFriends::GetFriendPersonaName_Public : 1057
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUtils::GetServerRealTime : 16
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUtils::GetIPCountry : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUtils::GetImageSize : 82
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUtils::GetImageRGBA : 82
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUtils::GetAppID : 165
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUtils::GetAPICallResult : 138
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUtils::AllocPendingAPICallHandle : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUtils::SetAPICallResultWithoutPostingCallback : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUtils::InitFilterText : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUtils::FilterText : 6446
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUtils::RecordSteamInterfaceCreation : 154
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientMatchmaking::GetFavoriteGameCount : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientMatchmaking::GetFavoriteGame : 224
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientMatchmaking::AddFavoriteGame : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientMatchmaking::GetLobbyOwner : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientMatchmaking::BeginGMSQuery : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientMatchmaking::PollGMSQuery : 42
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientMatchmaking::GetGMSQueryResults : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientMatchmaking::ReleaseGMSQuery : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientMatchmaking::EnsureFavoriteGameAccountsUpdated : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientAppManager::GetAvailableLanguages : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientAppManager::BIsDlcEnabled : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientAppManager::GetAppStateInfo : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientAppManager::GetLaunchCommandLine : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientAppManager::GetCurrentLanguage : 5
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUserStats::RequestCurrentStats : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUserStats::GetStat : 775
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUserStats::SetStat : 1234
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUserStats::StoreStats : 4
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUserStats::GetAchievement : 520
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUserStats::FindLeaderboard : 132
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientRemoteStorage::FileWrite : 7
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientRemoteStorage::FileRead : 4
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientRemoteStorage::GetFileSize : 4
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientRemoteStorage::FileExists : 4
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientRemoteStorage::GetQuota : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientRemoteStorage::IsCloudEnabledForApp : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientConfigStore::GetInt : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientConfigStore::GetString : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameCoordinator::SendMessage : 23
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameCoordinator::IsMessageAvailable : 107
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameCoordinator::RetrieveMessage : 53
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameStats::GetNewSession : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameStats::EndSession : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameStats::AddSessionAttributeInt : 5
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameStats::AddRowAttributeInt : 17
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameStats::AddRowAttributeString : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameStats::AddNewRow : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameStats::CommitRow : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameStats::AddRowAttributeInt64 : 7
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientHTTP::CreateHTTPRequest : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientHTTP::SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientHTTP::SendHTTPRequest : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientHTTP::GetHTTPResponseBodySize : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameStats::AddRowAttributeString : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameStats::AddNewRow : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameStats::CommitRow : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientGameStats::AddRowAttributeInt64 : 7
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientHTTP::CreateHTTPRequest : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientHTTP::SetHTTPRequestHeaderValue : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientHTTP::SendHTTPRequest : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientHTTP::GetHTTPResponseBodySize : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientHTTP::GetHTTPResponseBodyData : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientHTTP::ReleaseHTTPRequest : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientAudio::StopVoiceRecording : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientAudio::GetVoiceOptimalSampleRate : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUGC::CreateQueryUGCDetailsRequest : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUGC::SendQueryUGCRequest : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUGC::SetReturnMetadata : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUGC::SetAllowCachedResponse : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUGC::GetNumSubscribedItems : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUGC::GetSubscribedItems : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUGC::GetItemState : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientUGC::GetSerializedQueryUGCResponse : 1
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientControllerSerialized::GetActionSetHandle : 4
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientControllerSerialized::GetDigitalActionHandle : 49
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientControllerSerialized::GetAnalogActionHandle : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientNetworkingSocketsSerialized::GetSTUNServer : 2
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 method call count for IClientNetworkingUtilsSerialized::GotLocationString : 3
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamUtils010 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamUtils002 / Utils
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamUser023 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamUser021 / User
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamNetworkingUtils004 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamNetworkingSockets012 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamNetworking006 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamMatchMakingServers002 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamMatchMaking009 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamMatchGameSearch001 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamInput006 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamGameStats001 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamGameCoordinator001 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamFriends017 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface SteamController008 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface STEAMVIDEO_INTERFACE_V004 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface STEAMUSERSTATS_INTERFACE_VERSION012 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface STEAMUGC_INTERFACE_VERSION017 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface STEAMSCREENSHOTS_INTERFACE_VERSION003 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface STEAMREMOTESTORAGE_INTERFACE_VERSION016 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface STEAMPARENTALSETTINGS_INTERFACE_VERSION001 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface STEAMMUSIC_INTERFACE_VERSION001 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface STEAMMUSICREMOTE_INTERFACE_VERSION001 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface STEAMINVENTORY_INTERFACE_V003 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface STEAMHTTP_INTERFACE_VERSION003 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface STEAMHTMLSURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION_005 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface STEAMAPPS_INTERFACE_VERSION008 /
Apr 25 20:39:14 Basil plasmashell[2397]: Game 440 created interface STEAMAPPLIST_INTERFACE_VERSION001 /
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 13 (BadGC), sequence: 11282, resource id: 29360283, major code: 60 (FreeGC), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 4 (BadPixmap), sequence: 11281, resource id: 29360282, major code: 54 (FreePixmap), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 13 (BadGC), sequence: 11280, resource id: 29360281, major code: 60 (FreeGC), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 4 (BadPixmap), sequence: 11279, resource id: 29360280, major code: 54 (FreePixmap), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 13 (BadGC), sequence: 11278, resource id: 29360295, major code: 60 (FreeGC), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 4 (BadPixmap), sequence: 11277, resource id: 29360294, major code: 54 (FreePixmap), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 13 (BadGC), sequence: 11276, resource id: 29360293, major code: 60 (FreeGC), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 4 (BadPixmap), sequence: 11275, resource id: 29360292, major code: 54 (FreePixmap), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 13 (BadGC), sequence: 11274, resource id: 29360291, major code: 60 (FreeGC), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 4 (BadPixmap), sequence: 11273, resource id: 29360290, major code: 54 (FreePixmap), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 13 (BadGC), sequence: 11272, resource id: 29360289, major code: 60 (FreeGC), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 4 (BadPixmap), sequence: 11271, resource id: 29360288, major code: 54 (FreePixmap), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 13 (BadGC), sequence: 11270, resource id: 29360287, major code: 60 (FreeGC), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 4 (BadPixmap), sequence: 11269, resource id: 29360286, major code: 54 (FreePixmap), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 13 (BadGC), sequence: 11268, resource id: 29360285, major code: 60 (FreeGC), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 4 (BadPixmap), sequence: 11267, resource id: 29360284, major code: 54 (FreePixmap), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[3498]: Unable to remove /home/basil/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf/textwindow_temp.html!
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/Footer.qml:155:5: QML LeaveButtons: Binding loop detected for property "shouldCollapseButtons"
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33853, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33852, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33851, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33844, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33843, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33842, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33828, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33827, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33826, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33819, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33818, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33817, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33806, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33805, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33804, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33795, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33774, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33773, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33772, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33765, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33764, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33763, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33752, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33751, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33750, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33743, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33742, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33741, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33730, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33729, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33728, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33721, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33720, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33719, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33708, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33707, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33706, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33697, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33686, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33685, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33684, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33677, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33676, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33675, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/plasmoids/org.kde.plasma.kickoff/contents/ui/Footer.qml:155:5: QML LeaveButtons: Binding loop detected for property "shouldCollapseButtons"
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33343, resource id: 29360288, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33342, resource id: 29360286, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 9 (BadDrawable), sequence: 33341, resource id: 29360284, major code: 14 (GetGeometry), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: DesktopGridConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: KscreenConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: OverviewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: SlideConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: SlidingPopupsConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: WindowViewConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: ZoomConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: BlurConfig::instance called after the first use - ignoring
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: Virtual Machine:                        no
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: Texture NPOT support:                   yes
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: GLSL shaders:                           yes
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: Requires strict binding:                no
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: Linux kernel version:                   6.1
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: X server version:                       1.21.1
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: GLSL version:                           1.40
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: OpenGL version:                         3.1
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: GPU class:                              Unknown
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: Driver version:                         525.147.5
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: Driver:                                 NVIDIA
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: OpenGL shading language version string: 1.40 NVIDIA via Cg compiler
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: OpenGL version string:                  3.1.0 NVIDIA 525.147.05
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: OpenGL renderer string:                 NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3060 Ti/PCIe/SSE2
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: OpenGL vendor string:                   NVIDIA Corporation
Apr 25 20:39:13 Basil kwin_x11[1139]: qt.qpa.xcb: QXcbConnection: XCB error: 3 (BadWindow), sequence: 33241, resource id: 140509186, major code: 15 (QueryTree), minor code: 0
Apr 25 20:39:03 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xrandr: Emitting configChanged()
Apr 25 20:39:03 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:18: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
Apr 25 20:39:03 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:17: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
Apr 25 20:39:03 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:16: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
Apr 25 20:39:03 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:84: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
Apr 25 20:39:03 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:83: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
Apr 25 20:39:03 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:82: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
Apr 25 20:39:03 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:81: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
Apr 25 20:39:03 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:80: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
Apr 25 20:39:03 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:78: TypeError: Cannot read property 'pluginName' of null
Apr 25 20:39:03 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:75: TypeError: Cannot read property 'configuration' of null
Apr 25 20:39:03 Basil plasmashell[1204]: file:///usr/share/plasma/wallpapers/org.kde.image/contents/ui/main.qml:20: TypeError: Cannot read property 'pluginName' of null
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:    Exclusive FS: 0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:    Image count:  3
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:    Buffer size:  1920x1080
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:    Present mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR (dynamic: no)
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:    Color space:  VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:    Format:       VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:  Presenter: Actual swap chain properties:
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xrandr: Output 474 : connected = true , enabled = false
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]:          Connection: 0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]:          MODE: 0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]:          CRTC: 0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]:          m_crtc QObject(0x0)
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]:          m_connected: 0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xrandr: XRandROutput 474 update
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xrandr: Output 474 : connected = true , enabled = false
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xrandr: Disconnected output 474 from CRTC 440
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[1204]: Checking screens: available: (QScreen(0x56261a773390, name="DP-2")) redundant: QHash() fake: QSet() all: (QScreen(0x56261a773390, name="DP-2"), QScreen(0x56261a7733d0,>
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]:          Connection: 0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]:          MODE: 0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]:          CRTC: 0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]:          m_crtc XRandRCrtc(0x563ab19d4de0)
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]:          m_connected: 0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xrandr: XRandROutput 474 update
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xrandr: XRandRCrtc  440  m_configTimestamp update 16331  =>  16470
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         SizeMM:  706 393
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Size:  2560 1440
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Size ID: 65535
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Rotation:  "Rotate_0"
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Root: 492
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Window: 44040197
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Config_timestamp:  6340
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Timestamp:  393080
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper: RRScreenChangeNotify
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Subpixel Order:  0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Connection:  "Connected"
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Rotation:  "Rotate_0"
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Mode:  0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         CRTC:  0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Output:  474
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Timestamp:  16470
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper: RRNotify_OutputChange
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Geometry:  0 0 0 0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Rotation:  "Rotate_0"
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Mode:  0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         CRTC:  440
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Timestamp:  16470
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper: RRNotify_CrtcChange
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         SizeMM:  1237 393
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Size:  4480 1440
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Size ID: 65535
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Rotation:  "Rotate_0"
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Root: 492
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Window: 44040197
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Config_timestamp:  6340
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Timestamp:  16470
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper: RRScreenChangeNotify
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: err:   D3D9: EnterFullscreenMode: Failed to enter fullscreen mode
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: err:   SDL2 WSI: enterFullscreenMode: SDL_SetWindowFullscreen: X11_XRRSetCrtcConfig failed
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Subpixel Order:  0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Connection:  "Connected"
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Rotation:  "Rotate_0"
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Mode:  0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         CRTC:  0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Output:  474
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Timestamp:  16470
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper: RRNotify_OutputChange
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Geometry:  0 0 0 0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Rotation:  "Rotate_0"
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Mode:  0
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         CRTC:  440
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper:         Timestamp:  16470
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil kscreen_backend_launcher[1285]: kscreen.xcb.helper: RRNotify_CrtcChange
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:      - Swap effect:        1
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:      - Windowed:           false
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:                  ^ Format: D3D9Format::D24S8
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:      - Auto Depth Stencil: true
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:      - Format:             D3D9Format::A8R8G8B8
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:      - Height:             1440
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:      - Width:              2560
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:    Requested Presentation Parameters
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:  D3D9DeviceEx::ResetSwapChain:
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: info:  Device reset
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: Unable to remove /home/basil/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/Team Fortress 2/tf/textwindow_temp.html!
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: GlobalMemoryStatus: 4294967295
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: CShaderDeviceMgrBase::GetRecommendedConfigurationInfo: CPU speed: 4661 MHz, Processor: AuthenticAMD
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: GlobalMemoryStatus: 4294967295
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: CShaderDeviceMgrBase::GetRecommendedConfigurationInfo: CPU speed: 4661 MHz, Processor: AuthenticAMD
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: GlobalMemoryStatus: 4294967295
Apr 25 20:39:02 Basil plasmashell[3498]: CShaderDeviceMgrBase::GetRecommendedConfigurationInfo: CPU speed: 4661 MHz, Processor: AuthenticAMD
kisak-valve commented 2 months ago

Hello @Basiliotornado, are you able to easily test a newer NVIDIA release series like 545.xx or 550.xx? I've seen various other issues in the past that were attributed to the 525.xx release series.

Basiliotornado commented 2 months ago

Hi. Thanks for the suggestion, I wouldn't be surprised if it did fix it. Unfortunately, without switching my Debian branch over to Sid (nvidia 535.161), I won't be able to try a newer version until it's brought to Release (Bookworm-backports/updates maybe?) as I don't trust my linux skills enough to recover my system if it causes problems, but I will update whenever I do get an update for my drivers.

Bakeshop9358 commented 2 months ago

Updating to version 550.76 fixed the problem for me, previously my whole system would hang when starting the game in fullscreen on X11

Edit: Tested this again due this comment, at the time of posting this I didn't notice that I had the -refresh parameter set in the launch options, now when testing without this parameter, the whole system hangs again, adding the refresh rate avoids the crashes on KDE.

Currently my launch options are: mangohud %command% -novid -refresh 240

Basiliotornado commented 2 months ago

-refresh parameter set in the launch options

Also fixes the crash for me. Hopefully this narrows it down somehow, bad default? Still breaks the compositor (kwin I believe) when I open the game :)

Awesomerly commented 1 month ago

I am having a similar issue, but the refresh rate trick doesn't work for me. It only happens when I try joining a server too