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[TF2] [Vulkan] [HDR] vulkan not playing nice with windows HDR? #5918

Open GentlePuppet opened 2 months ago

GentlePuppet commented 2 months ago

When I had Vulkan enabled it didn't play nice with my HDR being enabled on the latest version of windows 10. Note this doesn't happen with Vulkan is not enabled.

It made the screen darken when I alt-tabbed like it was forcing HDR off and it did the same when I closed the game. I haven't had any other HDR games do that to me.

The game will blackout my screens and would make the screen darker if alt-tabbed and I would have to turn hdr in both my monitor osd and windows off and on again to restore the normal expected brightness.

I am playing tf2 in borderless windowed if that matters.

That is the only reason I'm not turning vulkan on all the time. It does make the game feel smoother to play but if it's blacking out my screens anytime I alt-tab and breaking hdr when I close the game it's not worth the trade-off.

It's difficult to really tell the difference from the video but the screen is noticeably darker in-person after closing the game. Apologies for the quality I had to compress it a bit to upload it here.

treacherousfiend commented 2 months ago

Potentially worth noting, the HDR in the game has absolutely nothing to do with the HDR on your monitor or on windows. the game does not support HDR rendering, and what the "HDR" setting does is essentially just enable light adaption (you know how you go from a dark area to a lighter area and your eyes have to adjust? its that) and bloom.

lalo311 commented 1 month ago

Hello, I fixed this issue by following this guide :, combine that with ForceAutoHDR and and you can enjoy TF2 in proper HDR and with the new swap chain so alt tabs aren't a torture.

GentlePuppet commented 1 month ago

Yeah that might work for you on 11 but as stated I use windows 10 so autoHDR isn't a thing I can use.

lalo311 commented 1 month ago

You can still try the swapchain thing