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Source 1 based games such as TF2 and Counter-Strike: Source
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[TF2] Manmelter faulty crit charge consumption #6059

Open Gangren3 opened 3 months ago

Gangren3 commented 3 months ago

By holding down alt-fire first, then primary fire, the Manmelter consumes it's critical charges without launching it's fireball. This happens once per frame/tick, until it's altfire is released. Presumably the crits are instead being consumed on the alt-fire? There's no error information in the console; a player can be flamed by a flamethrower and extinguished by the Manmelter and nothing new will appear in the console.

Tiagoquix commented 3 months ago

Also noted on the TF Wiki:

While holding down alt-fire after having saved up charges, trying to fire while still holding alt-fire instantly depletes the Manmelter of all its saved charges, and the crits counter is reset to 0. The weapon does not actually fire anything while this happens.