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[TF2] [Bug] Prop box_cluster03 references incorrect material, all box_clusters have incorrect surface properties #6281

Open AzureWoof opened 3 months ago

AzureWoof commented 3 months ago

There are 3 box cluster props in TF2: box_cluster01. box_cluster02, and box_cluster03. While the first two are used in many different maps, the third one is only used once, which is on Junction.

The first two box cluster props reference models/props_farm/shelf_props01 as their material, which is an atlas. Using the same material as the other box clusters on box_cluster03 causes it to still look incorrect, which leads me to believe that it was never intended to use this material, but a separate one that currently does not exist in the game files.

Looking at the prop in the game, it doesn't even use the same atlas material that the others use. It uses models/props_farm/hand_truck01, which causes it to look like this:


Edit: Additionally, as mentioned by others in this thread, the surface property of all three box clusters are also erroneously set to "metal" instead of "cardboard".

If this gets fixed, I'm sure we'd see this prop used a lot more in future maps.

LedariYT commented 3 months ago

Replying to

You took all of this information from a video I posted not even 24 hours ago and are passing it off as though these thoughts and observations are your own. I have no problem with stuff like this getting fixed (in fact, that would be incredible), but this is plagiarism.

Here's my video explaining the background and issue with box_cluster03: And here's a link to the fixed asset:

You also failed to mention that the surface property for box_cluster03 (and the other two variants) is set to "metal" instead of "cardboard." I also fixed this.

The next time you make a post like this, please show where you sourced the information from.

Platina6978 commented 3 months ago

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Next time you find and report on a bug, do it here yourself instead of only on your youtube channel for profit?

JoriKos commented 3 months ago

You took all of this information from a video I posted not even 24 hours ago and are passing it off as though these thoughts and observations are your own.

Nobody owns bug reports, it's a collective effort. Unless there is an actual fix included (does not seem the case), there's nothing to "own" here.

BreavyTF2 commented 3 months ago

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This actually appears to be an issue with how the prop (box_cluster_handtruck.polymsh_detached) was separated from props_farm/hand_truck01.mdl, the original model was replaced and moved to prop_well/hand_truck01.mdl, while the original texture (props_farm/hand_truck01.tga) was removed. This updated texture no longer contains the texture for box_cluster_handtruck.polymsh_detached The original texture meant for the box itself is no longer present, in psd or tga form within the repository.

KaelaSavia commented 3 months ago

Replying to #6281 (comment)

You took all of this information from a video I posted not even 24 hours ago and are passing it off as though these thoughts and observations are your own. I have no problem with stuff like this getting fixed (in fact, that would be incredible), but this is plagiarism.

Here's my video explaining the background and issue with box_cluster03: And here's a link to the fixed asset:

You also failed to mention that the surface property for box_cluster03 (and the other two variants) is set to "metal" instead of "cardboard." I also fixed this.

The next time you make a post like this, please show where you sourced the information from.

What no gf does to mfer 😔

AzureWoof commented 3 months ago

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So, to you, reporting an issue to the public issue tracker for a game isn't okay because you just so happened to upload a video on the same issue a day prior (instead of reporting it yourself), but yet you think it's acceptable to take a serious exploit directly from this issue tracker and post it publicly to your Youtube channel for people to "abuse" it, in your own words:


There is no world where your actions are acceptable. You don't have your priorities straight at all. It seems like you value being in the spotlight more than wanting issues to be actually fixed, and you cannot blame anyone for coming to that conclusion. You've done this to yourself.

matty4kek commented 3 months ago

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n1 - You don't own the map or the prop or the rights to the game, It's absolutely mind boggling that you are asking someone to "quote" you as source.

n2 - It's a bug, don't go wild because someone "seen" your video and reported it, That's how it works.

If you don't want to report the bug, don't. But don't start getting active at someone who did.

CRD716 commented 3 months ago

Unnecessary drama is unnecessary, nobody owns a bug report. @AzureWoof please do edit the original issue to include the additional mistake mentioned by Ledari

the surface property for box_cluster03 (and the other two variants) is set to "metal" instead of "cardboard."

AzureWoof commented 3 months ago

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tmob03 commented 3 months ago

For clarifcation, it has been broken since at least junction first released. image

ethanholt1 commented 3 months ago

Ledari, while I understand that it can be frustrating that this person appears to be copying your bug report, please understand that nobody owns bug reports and the game is broken for all of us, not just you. This forum is intended to be a group effort, not to be a competition, and nobody has been rewarded nor most likely will ever be rewarded for their actions on this tracker.

Even if it was stolen (which is debatable at best,) putting it on the tracker is the best course of action for it to be fixed.

Additionally, thank you for correcting the bug report.

NULLYUKI commented 1 month ago

According to patch 230932

Recompiled props_farm\box_cluster03.mdl to fix a problem with the material

Please retest this issue.

JoriKos commented 1 month ago

Prop appears to be correctly mapped, but still has the incorrect surface property. afbeelding

kisak-valve commented 1 month ago

Hello, per "Fixed some props_farm models using an incorrect surfaceprop setting" in the 2024-10-24 Team Fortress 2 update, please retest this issue.

JoriKos commented 1 month ago

Surface property seems to be correct now, couldn't find any wrong ones