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Source 1 based games such as TF2 and Counter-Strike: Source
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props do not collect the correct stored Lightmaps ambience/radiosity #652

Open PaulDixon opened 11 years ago

PaulDixon commented 11 years ago

large props like the combine wall appear to be all dark in Half Life 2 2013-05-13_00005 2013-05-13_00006 2013-05-13_00011

can be all bright or all dark, and has been since the 2010 update, steampipe just made some worse, and it's affecting small props and characters. 2013-05-13_00004 2013-05-13_00003 2013-05-13_00002

Fix it to the way it was BEFORE the Orange box update, otherwise, you could alway use portal2 static prop lightings, and/or CS:GO dynamic light :)

johndrinkwater commented 11 years ago

Happens on most items - furniture, weapons, pre-killed bodies, sysinfo

2013-05-10_00391 2013-05-10_00098 2013-05-11_00041

stevethepocket commented 11 years ago

Most of what you're describing looks normal to me. Prior to the Orange Box engine, prop lighting had to be calculated from the origin, with the entire prop either in light or shadow depending on the condition at that point. They later added the ability to calculate a separate light level for each vertex, which is generally more realistic but tends to lead to visible triangular shadows. But that's only available for static props, since it's a precompiled thing. Some of the props in your screenshots are physics props, so they wouldn't be affected by that. And assuming the maps haven't been recompiled with the setting on, it shouldn't affect the static props either.

I could be wrong. There might be something weird about prop lighting that was dialed back between 2006 and 2010, but it doesn't seem too likely that they would do that. I would kind of like to see what the game would look like recompiled with the new static prop lighting system enabled, since they're going to have to recompile the maps anyway if they want to fix issues like #577 and #632, but that would add quite a bit to the file size and, honestly, I never noticed anything too wrong with how the older games are lit.

Freeman-AM commented 11 years ago

same here, stevethepocket.

ar-lex commented 11 years ago

I agree with @stevethepocket too. @johndrinkwater, have you tried to set 'Shadow details' to 'Medium'? Most probably the scenes from your screenshots will look a lot like in non-Linux versions with the same settings, so the #635 problem is very likely specific for 'Shadow detail' parameter.

Freeman-AM commented 11 years ago

There is some crate in kanal that are overshadowed, i forgot to take a screen. same for some pipes in the manhacks nest area. (with all the exploding bareels.)

strange shadow.

d1_canals_05 : 2013-05-15_00019

Freeman-AM commented 11 years ago

d1_canals_08 : these crates at full light brightness 2013-05-16_00001 d1_canals_10 : this crate 2013-05-16_00005

PaulDixon commented 11 years ago

I'm an old time half life fan, been lurking on the forum 81 for many a year , and the original half life threads - I'm known as many as the "source defender" - (which is inaccurate vernacular)
So when I tell you that how source figures out prop lighting from the origin, is annoying - I hope you can appreciate how i've kept this issue into close observation and in every new update I check the lighting.
Props like the combine wall, had some level of ambient lighint attributed to them in the orignal Half life 2. Now they are pitched black since the orange box update in 2010. Now in 2013, those issues have carried through, BUT, now certain props and characters are picking up the similar issues. I know because I play half life2 regularly, if some prop one week was the same ambient lighting in the room as all the characters and props, and the week afterwards it's pitch black - i would notice (probably).

Some characters REFUSE to pick up lighting even in the flashlight. Here is the zombie that attacks you in ravenhold when you turn off Grigori's big fire, it's allblack, all the time, in flashlight, and when you nudge the headcrab into the lit lightmap....still black.

2013-05-14_00005 2013-05-14_00006

SpotEnemyBoats commented 11 years ago

Yep, I'm getting this too. Along with weird coloring in the light maps.

stevethepocket commented 11 years ago

I wonder if this is also connected to #529, now that I'm seeing that issue in this game as well.

PaulDixon commented 11 years ago

Looks like this is a Mac Rendering issue with Source - I just upgraded memory to (gb and osx to 10.8.3) and started to try other games, and this is from Dear-esther.

Here is doctor klieners lab, note how the HEV container actually changes from full-bright