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Steamcmd multiple servers autoupdate block #760

Open riemers opened 11 years ago

riemers commented 11 years ago

Steamcmd does not support multi servers on 1 base install correctly. If 10 servers auto update at the same time it goes in a constant loop because of the way it updates the files. (when updating the same appid)

Best solution would be to update the that it also makes a file/pid that includes the install dir or appid that is being updated. Then if a second process comes by that wants the same update, it would just wait untill the pid is gone. But, since it knows another process has updated it (hence the pid) it would not update again and just start up. We do want the appid/install dir known because cs:go could update while tf2 updates too on the same box (although chances are small this happens at the same time)

Any attempts i make to change the are overwritten by the download again, so even if i want to make something "less smart, but working" i cannot because the file keeps on downloading. Perhaps i can chmod 400 the file, but that is not a good solution.

powerlord commented 11 years ago

A better question is "why are you running 10 auto-updating servers from 1 base install?" Why not run 9 non-autoupdating servers and 1 autoupdating server?

Or better yet, use nemrun to update the directory then restart all 10. I have a modified version of nemrun that works with SteamCMD that can be used for this.

riemers commented 11 years ago

I use my own tooling (SSMS) and i could just tell it to only update 1 server instead of 10, but that is not the point here. I am just asking if they can build support into it or allow a person to be able to update that script. They want most to work from a vanilla instance, they already made the search_paths to make this easier on server operators so it would be only logical they add this type of feature in there too.

moxie2020 commented 11 years ago

powerlord any chance you could share your modded nemrun? Also were you able to get the update before server restart to work?