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[Bug] GamepadUI/SteamOS3 not properly switching focused non-steam game window focus with multiple applications open on launch. #1464

Open isaboll1 opened 1 month ago

isaboll1 commented 1 month ago

Your system information

Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible:

Since the last SteamOS stable update, Steam will not properly switch Gamescope window focus in the event that you launch multiple non-steam games. If you attempt to launch a secondary non steam application, the screen will instantly focus to the previously opened application, rather than focusing on the non-steam application you are opening. This isn't a gamescope issue, as the issue is replicated on non Steam Deck systems using a similar configuration regardless of the gamescope version utilized. It seems purely based on how Steam sets the xprops for opened apps within gamescope, and non-steam games.

Steps for reproducing this issue:

  1. Launch a steam game, or a non steam game in SteamOS
  2. Go back to the main menu, and select a non-steam game
  3. Click "play" on a non-steam game/application.
    • Test Case: you should instantly be taken back to the previously opened application, rather than seeing a loading screen and having the new non-steam application open up in the foreground.