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Feature suggestion: Use builtin IMU and/or mic to self-test haptics #1469

Open TiagoTiago opened 1 month ago

TiagoTiago commented 1 month ago

I expect it should be possible to collect to some reference data for the readout (in a anechoic chamber for optimal quality), and just in case, collect both with the unit in hand and resting on a variety of surfaces, and with the user having different grips, touching and not touching the pads, pressing at various pressures and different points on the pads etc. And then, when running the controller diagnostic (or even on boot and such), perform a few sweeps of both frequencies and intensities (and maybe different waveforms too, square, triangle, saw-tooth, and not just sine), and compare with the standard measurements.

Might need some extensive testing on a large number of units in different conditions (maybe even test in different air temperatures and pressures just in case) and after confirming the data was collected from well behaved units, use those variations to determine what, if any, range of deviation from readings under ideal conditions should still be considered to pass the test.

Pressing A to say apple when Left and then Right haptics buzz doesn't seem like a logical way to perform haptics diagnostics when there's more objective ways to measure what haptics are doing and possibly even how well they are doing it.

TiagoTiago commented 1 month ago

On a side-note, I'm still unsure whether I got a bad unit or if the haptics really are that stealthy for all Decks. Might be a software issue though, since they seem to buzz very emphatically during the boot video while being almost unnoticeable in most games and even in the controller diagnostic test...

And on an even further side note; you might wanna consider evaluating the resonance frequencies of the Deck and use the speakers to assist with haptics, as occasionally I've noticed some games managing to produce more noticeable vibrations with the speakers hitting certain frequencies than the haptics themselves can do (and yes, I'm sure it's not the haptics doing, I had my thumbs on the haptics on some of those occasions and they were not what was buzzing). Should I file a separate issue for this suggestion?

TiagoTiago commented 1 month ago

Oh, wait, just noticed the name of the repo, is this the right place or should I look for a Deck specific repo and repost this?