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Steamdeck desktop no way to reset theme #1485

Open lifeiscontent opened 3 weeks ago

lifeiscontent commented 3 weeks ago

Your system information

Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible:

Describe what you expected should happen and what did happen.

Steps for reproducing this issue:

  1. go to global theme
  2. see that defaults apply appearance settings, but not window settings
  3. see theme update, but steam start menu icon is lost
manuelafm commented 2 weeks ago

I changed themes, to all of the 6 available by default, and didn't see anything strange. I assume that with "steam start menu icon" you mean the one in the bottom-left corner in the panel, the one that opens the main menu.

The icon changes slightly among themes, for some the outer part (half-circumference) is white, with other it is black.

lifeiscontent commented 2 weeks ago

@manuelafm yeah, I'm not sure how, but between the default themes I've managed to completely break the UI customizations by fully resetting to the I believe the theme was called breeze? its one of the defaults that comes with the OS and not sure how to "Undo" it

bertogg commented 1 day ago

This sounds like a bug in the Plasma desktop. If you manage to reproduce the problem again and know the exact steps we could try to narrow it down. Or you can try to see in a KDE users forum if anyone had the same problem, as I said this sounds generic and not specific to SteamOS.

Anyway, I think that the theme configuration is in /home/deck/.config/kdeglobals and /home/deck/.config/kdedefaults, if you feel confident you can have a look there and see if there is anything suspicious.

lifeiscontent commented 1 day ago

@bertogg cool, when I get some downtime to goof around with it again, I'll report back.