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[Feature request] Ext2+ base support for installer #594

Open WillWallace opened 7 years ago

WillWallace commented 7 years ago

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Please describe your issue in as much detail as possible:

I'm trying to boot directly from the SteamOSDVD.iso to install using a multiboot grub usb. I included a redacted excerpt from my grub file below. It boots and gets to the initial "Checking CDROM" step, but I am unable to go any further. Attempted remounting the partition [mount -t ext4 /dev/sdX# /media/usb && mount isofile.iso /cdrom] to then mount the iso but I'm getting "filesystem does not exist errors"

Deeper inspection shows that that while init is popping up, the iso wont remount due to the fact that its kept on a ext partition. (Tries to read as FAT part?) Cat-ing /proc/filesystems at this point shows a lack of ext support. My kernel knowledge may be lacking but, I'm thinking that having support for ext at this step wouldn't be too bad of an idea.

Reading the regular steamos-installation-from-zip instructions recommends a FAT partition (I'm guessing this is why). While trying not to whine, I really don't want to have to make seperate FAT partition for one ISO.

I'm going to try remixing the initrd once I get copy of Steam up and running and can take a look at the modules being used down the road. That being said, Debian has no problem booting in a similar fashion, so I am a bit confused on why it is this way.

To Summarize: Tried booting from iso located on a ext4/ext3/ext2 partition,SteamOS doesn't like the filesystem, as a linux user, I don't like that SteamOs doesn't like it.

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Abridged Grub


submenu 'SteamOS' { probe -u $root --set=rootuuid set isofile='/path/to/steamOSDVD.iso' loopback loop $isofile if loadfont $prefix/font.pf2 ; then set gfxmode=800x600 insmod efi_gop insmod efi_uga insmod video_bochs insmod video_cirrus insmod gfxterm insmod png terminal_output gfxterm fi

set theme=(loop)/boot/grub/theme/1

menuentry 'Automated install (WILL ERASE DISK!)' {
    set background_color=black

    set imgdevpath="/dev/disk/by-uuid/$rootuuid"
    linux    (loop)/install.amd/vmlinuz preseed/file=/default.preseed DEBCONF_DEBUG=developer desktop=steamos boot=live config auto=true priority=critical partman/confirm=true partman/choose_partition=finish vga=788 --- quiet 
        initrd   (loop)/install.amd/gtk/initrd.gz


Steps for reproducing this issue:

1.Create a working ext4 /boot partition with grub2 steamOSdvd and place in that partition [curl] 3.add excerpt above grub.cfg and replace isofile with actual path 4.reboot and boot usb, selecting SteamOS and automated install menu options 5.try mounting grub+iso partition

mdeguzis commented 7 years ago

You have to follow the instructions and image the iso to a CD or FAT32 drive. I wouldn't waste more time on this. Did you read the instructions? If you are trying to mix some weird multi-installer, that is not supported and shouldn't be treated as a bug. Some USB drives work fine, others have odd issues (in the dozens of times I have tested and installed this for my repository testing).

Also see the community wiki:

WillWallace commented 7 years ago

I did read the buildyourown directions and have made a steam machine before, but I prefer having a multiboot USB for Linux installs. Prior to this, I havent run into too many problems with adding the iso to an ext before this but I will make a separate fat partition for this 1 flavor. I realised it is in the directions which is why I thought the [feature request] tag was more appropriate here.

P.s. I didn't read your writeup from two years ago until just now, which does cover exactly what I am doing. Thanks for making more clearer instructions and I appreciate the quick response.