ValveSoftware / gamescope

SteamOS session compositing window manager
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Super key for shortcuts considered harmful #391

Open DanMan opened 2 years ago

DanMan commented 2 years ago

Currently these exist:

"  Super + F                      toggle fullscreen"
"  Super + N                      toggle nearest neighbour filtering"
"  Super + U                      toggle FSR upscaling"
"  Super + I                      increase FSR sharpness by 1"
"  Super + O                      decrease FSR sharpness by 1"
"  Super + S                      take a screenshot"

The meta/super key should only really be used by OS level commands, not by applications. My suggestion would be to use the F# keys for this, maybe in combination with Ctrl/Shift/Alt, if you're worried about interfering with others. Browsers like to use F11 for fullscreen, for example. Would make it easy to remember/discover, too, because we all use those daily.

Here are the default KDE shortcuts, since Steam Deck will use it: They probably use F# key shortcuts for legacy reasons and really ought to use the super key for those. Gnome is more consistent in that regard:

Anyway, just a thought.

bluelightzero commented 2 years ago

The thing is, it can interfere with game bindings as well.

RobertMueller2 commented 2 years ago

I'd strongly suggest to provide a config file for this. Sure, this adds considerable overhead, but I doubt there is ANY default that is 100% safe for all users, environments and games.

nonetrix commented 2 months ago

Totally agree really annoying for me since I want my file manager to open with meta + f in Hyprland

RobertMueller2 commented 2 months ago

@nonetrix When running nested compositors within sway, it's possible to use something like this:

bindsym $mod+$alt+p mode "Passthrough (mod-alt-p to exit)"

mode "Passthrough (mod-alt-p to exit)" {
    bindsym $mod+$alt+p mode "default"

I've not used Hyprland much, but I think something similar could be achieved by submaps?