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animation skip during m4/ak spray #1183

Open ghost opened 11 years ago

ghost commented 11 years ago

Its been going on since updates that happend 2 weeks ago. when u are doing full on spray. 5-7+ bullets. i think in between animation skips or there is a lag. my ping to server is around 20 ms and i never had that problem. i also came across this topic -> which i think was created around updates time as well. i myself know 2 more people dealing with same issue

hadig commented 11 years ago

yes thank you, this is very annoying. also lag when i shoot.

MaximilianKohler commented 11 years ago

Interesting... I started experiencing this recently too and have been trying to figure out why it's happening... I never thought it might be due to a cs update...

ghost commented 11 years ago

Yes, i also created a community post on my forums, and got few more players verifying it. It isnt happening to everybody. Its happens to about 1 out 5 players. I have about 20 ping to my server, so i do notice it skipping, but i can still control it. A buddy of mine is has about 75-80 ping to that same server and to him its almost unbearable. So I am guessing problem worsens or is more noticeable to high pingers.

alcohol1 commented 11 years ago

Yep... this happens all the time, in multiple servers. Either spraying or trying to spam, it constantly skips shots.

maf1aboy commented 11 years ago

This has been an issue with many players. It only recently started happening since the last update. Ping never spikes and choke and loss are minimum, but when you spray it goes all over the place and you can't hear half the bullets coming out. It seems the lower your ping is the less you experience it. BTW, I have no issues with any other games.

JECM commented 10 years ago

Yes! I thought it was me...It's been going on for a while, assuming it was the server(s) problem.

hadig commented 10 years ago

it got a little bit better after reinstalling cs and my graphics driver, disableing steam community in game and following this tutorial :

HallifeUser commented 10 years ago

im having the same issue on m4,ak 47 , if burst on m4 or even in ak 47 or just fallout i just get animation rcoil skipping or bug, excuse me for my english

zp commented 10 years ago

This happens to me as well, it's fairly random but happens enough to be extremely annoying.

I play on west coast servers (I'm central), so I get around 70-90ish ping usually.

I'm going to guess that it might have something to do with this changelog.

Improved firing behavior in Counter-Strike, Counter-Strike:Condition Zero and Half-Life Deathmatch, it is no longer dependant on client or server frame rate. This change needs both your client and server updates to see the improvements.

ghost commented 10 years ago

yes, everybody is having this issue. Engine 6132 Windows. Valve please fix this in the next update!

kNowo commented 10 years ago

I'ts been happening to me on HLDS build 6027 and above. The bullet is skipping and lagging everytime i spray in any 6027 and above server. With cl_lw turned off, the lag effect seems to be minimized but with cl_lw on, 2 or 3 bullets skips on every 10 or so bullets shot. It's so hard to play like this. @alfred-valve please put this issue as a high priority because this issue really happens and it is caused by the code changes somewhere.

johndrinkwater commented 10 years ago

@kNowo how to post politely and encourage a reply rather than a ban: ‘@alfred-valve Hi, are there any updates for this issue?’

ghost commented 10 years ago

I just wish there was some response from valve about it. Between svc_bad errors, /connect thing getting disabled, and this, it is getting really hard to keep populated servers. @wbyokomo would you mind uploading that dll somewhere? also would you happend to have linux version of it?

kNowo commented 10 years ago

@johndrinkwater yeah, let's see when will the guy respond. My guess is wont be any soon. Mark my words.

@sylar0214 5758's mp.dll will also fixed it. Apparently 6027 and above only will have this issue. As for linux, it wont work. I tried using 5758's and whenever a player joined, the server crash with segfault on hlds_run line 255 (run function). Also 5758's is only 2.5mb while 6027's is ~12mb but on windows(mp.dll) the difference is only ~6KB.

hadig commented 10 years ago

Is this a laptop only issue? Im playing on an Asus laptop with both intel and Nvidia graphics but managed to Start cs with Nvidia Card, but there is still the bullet lag.

maf1aboy commented 10 years ago

No, this isn't a laptop issue. I am using a custom desktop and it does the same thing.

I have tried everything and nothing works, still same issue. Alfred all you do is close this issue anytime it gets brought up. We have posted on Steam support, no answer, then we post here and you say post on Steam support, and we keep going in circles. You updated the game after so long and it broke it, please fix it. If you don't want to fix the game and don't care to fix it then make it open source so we can do your job and fix and continue to enjoy the game. Thanks buddy.

hadig commented 10 years ago

Anyone tried it on Linux with the same Hardware ?

ghost commented 10 years ago

This issue should be on high priority, but they keep ignoring us....

kNowo commented 10 years ago

I just tried these cvars on my cs client and it greatly reduce the bullet lag

sv_maxrate "100000" sv_minrate "100000" sv_maxupdaterate "102" sv_minupdaterate "102"

To those having this problem try use this and see if it fixes the lag. It's weird that those cvars affect client because they are supposed to be server's setting

WaSaAa commented 10 years ago

Changing server command minimally decreased the bug, but many players can not use these "commands rates" for your connection.

The solution is on the side of VALVE, and hand of alfred.

We need a solution now, please.

hadig commented 10 years ago

Fix please

Am 02.10.2013 um 10:13 schrieb WaSaAa

Changing server command minimally decreased the bug, but many players can not use these "commands rates" for your connection.

The solution is on the side of VALVE, and hand of alfred.

We need a solution now, please.

— Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub.

ghost commented 10 years ago


Those are server side rates and yes, I have them on all of my servers. and as @WaSaAa pointed, those rates might not be always best for people with slow connection. I have servers in N.America, so its fine for me since majority of my players do have at least 1mb downstream, which is a common isp package

I honestly would just like to hear some response from valve about this, if its a bug, then at least acknowledge it.

WaSaAa commented 10 years ago


What you say makes no sense, I've done over 100 tests with different people and servers, the result is always the same for a lot to do and / or change, the game this broken! U.U

PS: 80% of the players of the tests had 100 fps.

ghost commented 10 years ago

@wbyokomo idk about that, some people say fps should be at 99.5, some say it should be 100.5. I never heard it should be over 100 fps though.

currently, I tried your settings, fps_overide 1, with cmdrate 102 and updaterate 102, fps is locked at 101.5. It still did bullet skipping on guns (not always), but I was regging much better (idk, it could be one of those days when u own people without trying :)).

edit: previously my fps was 99.5

MaximilianKohler commented 10 years ago

Man... this is super frustrating... it feels like every server has 50 ping added to it...

MaximilianKohler commented 10 years ago

I can only think they want to break the counter strike 1.6 for us to spend all the cs:go

You know, I was defending Valve in the beginning against accusations like this. But now I'm fully agreeing with them.

There have been no replies from Valve on this issue and it's not even marked "high priority". They've broken the game and aren't doing anything to fix it.

Instead of fixing CSGO and making that game enjoyable to play, they choose to break the most popular CS game ever, in order to force people to play a game they don't like.

hadig commented 10 years ago

Im still optimistic that valve will fix this till Christmas or at least early 2014.

joropito commented 10 years ago

I guess this is not a discussion forum. The bug is reported so just wait and stop writing just because it's free...

MaximilianKohler commented 10 years ago

Very well. I took it to the steam forums

WaSaAa commented 10 years ago

There are more post on the subject, I leave here: (MaxKohler)

Where else is there to put it so we take heed?

None get help or solution, only valve can fix what is broken.

Skoddd commented 10 years ago

this is really annoying, please fix asap

ADIGAshameL commented 10 years ago

I only created an account @github since complaining on steam is not getting any attention at all , Yes this problem still occurs until this day , I have 70-90ms in almost all servers ( some of us are just not that lucky to be born in nice ping location , or not lucky enough to be born in a rich family who have good net) , can't spray at all without the animation skip or lag when firing , ( Didn't have this problem before the updates) please fix this problem OR at least just say something or comment here that you even care about this :/

MaximilianKohler commented 10 years ago

@alfred-valve could you please comment on this?

HeadshotDeluxe commented 10 years ago

Please tell me how to reproduce this bug?

ADIGAshameL commented 10 years ago

well it might not happen to you but try to stimulate my current situation

Find servers with your ping above 90ms ( I think players with really low ping ( <40ms ) Don't have this problem

and go for BOTH Ak and M4 (some servers no bug in Ak but bug in M4 and vice versa) and try to spray ( Hold down fire button) until you finish all bullets , lol just do a full spray :P see if the spraying feels like bursting or bullets come out but With no sound or even no fire animation and no bullet holes as well :\ Also make sure server have players >10 since I noticed the bug doesn't occur or occur but with less effect on an empty server or low number of players <5

Try a bunch of servers , because some servers don't have this bug ( maybe as kNowo and wbyokomo said that old mp.dll doesn't have this issue )

@kNowo ,@wbyokomo would please upload working mp.dll's somewhere ? thanks in advance :D

maf1aboy commented 10 years ago

Yes, the bug seems be present when your latency is higher than 60ms. When I play on a Chicago server and my ping is 40-50 I do not see the bug. It is only on servers where I ping above 60ms that I can see this issue.

MaximilianKohler commented 10 years ago

Actually, I went in a server where I have 20 ping. I was the only person in the server and the bug happens still.

Something like 20% of people seem to not notice the bug in any server.

hadig commented 10 years ago

Just ridiculous how valve complains about other companies but is too stupid to fix such an old game!

MaximilianKohler commented 10 years ago

@wbyokomo I replaced my mp.dll file in the SteamApps\common\Half-Life\cstrike\dlls with this one and this one but neither of them removed the problem. I put them on read only too.

ADIGAshameL commented 10 years ago

@MaximilianKohler I think what wbyokomo meant by replacing the latest mp.dll with the 5758mp.dll should be done on the server side , so that means the owner of the server must do the replacing of the mp.dll via FTP access , I believe that's what he meant !

ADIGAshameL commented 10 years ago

well I have been toying with the fps_max ( because wbyokomo suggested to play at fps>100) for a while in bugged servers, I have found that the ak well spray better (as okomo said, at fps_max 103 with fps_override 1 of course , but surprisingly the Galil at 103 fps now have the bug O.o , can anyone confirm this ? or it's just me ?

WaSaAa commented 10 years ago

After multiple tests confirming that the bug still occurs on the server side, regardless of the settings of the player or commands, the bug exists since version 6027 and higher, this last fact cause confusion comes when playing on outdated servers no bug, it does not matter that this server in chicago or in China and in the same way it does not matter the ping or configuration, server is a bug from the 6027 version and I repeat that only valve can fix it.

Sk0da commented 10 years ago

try me mp.dll I think it`s ok ;)

WaSaAa commented 10 years ago

I guess with that file, there is no bug in the bullets, but will be vulnerable to old exploits...

PS: It is best to valve fix what's broken and everyone is happy. ;)

ghost commented 10 years ago

I was able to reduce animation skip by having my fps 101.5 after override ofc. and my ping to the server is <25. Replacing a build as far as 5758 is not a good idea since there were few exploits back then. Also, @wbyokomo i think prior to hg80 had a ham module bug. My servers would always crash till i updated to hg 140.

WaSaAa commented 10 years ago

I bring some interesting facts about famous bug.

At first he thought it was just a bad effect on the animation but after tests rule out this hypothesis because when there is lag in the animation does not do damage to the enemy so it is a bug where it occurs overall animation and success of bullets.

Also announced that the first versions of the update were not broken.

In early versions, registration of the bullets was good and no lag when shooting. (From these version, something broke and it does not go well.)

First version without lag when shooting: Protocol version 48 Exe version (cstrike) Exe build: 14:59:51 Feb 13 2013 (5956)

First beta version without lag when shooting: Protocol version 48 Exe version (cstrike) Exe build: 11:28:47 Mar 27 2013 (5998)

ADIGAshameL commented 10 years ago

@WaSaAa so if we play at buged servers with builds 5956 and 5998 we will not have the bug ? and speaking of builds , even the old trustful perfect build of 4554 have the bullet lag issue :/

WaSaAa commented 10 years ago

@ADIGAshameL Again, the bug started from 6027 onwards version, for example version you mention, the 4554 did not have this bug, people confused by their lack of knowledge as you make the subject more tangled, the bug is generated randomly to shoot regardless of ping (from version 6027 onwards), but the common lag is generated in any online game when you have approximately over 200 ping.

PS: Mentioned versions (5956 and 5998) had no bug, although new generation and created with steamcmd, and do not understand why there are versions as old in 4554 to use as many vulnerabilities and bugs ... I advise you to create servers with steamcmd when steam fix the bug.

MaximilianKohler commented 10 years ago

maf1aboy commented 10 years ago

@alfred-valve I have already bought CS-GO and many other games through Valve. I don't play CS-GO because I like to play 1.6. This is my choice. I tried CS-GO and other games but I will always play 1.6. Can you at least respond with something?