ValveSoftware / halflife

Half-Life 1 engine based games
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[CS 1.6] Certain maps crash on loading after last build #1349

Closed xCuDi closed 10 years ago

xCuDi commented 10 years ago

So, as the title suggests the issue at hand is a matter of maps no longer working upon loading them. As soon as I enter the server after precaching all resources cs crashes with no error report. (That is, when clicking "New Game" and picking a map.) So, I began exploring what the possible problem could be. I looked through all of the map files, sound, models and maps alike and couldn't seem to figure it out. That's when I then discovered that the problem persisted with two other maps, and ironically enough all of which were created by the same person.

Looking more into the issue I spoke to the creator and he had told me there wasn't anything added to these maps in terms of entities or files that could be considered 'out of the ordinary'.

Here is a download link to the map "kz_brickfacility" which was the map i originally noticed the problem with:

Here is my current build as well:

Protocol version 48 Exe version (cstrike) Exe build: 13:14:12 Aug 29 2013 (6153)

So, continuing my story, I then abandoned the idea that it was something the mapper had done to/with his maps and began wondering if it had something to do with the most recent build added to the game. I checked my version of cs and compared it to this mapper and another buddy of mine who for some reason could load the map with no problem.

This is the build my buddy has:

Protocol version 48 Exe version (cstrike) Exe build: 16:05:41 Jun 15 2009 (4554)

That lead me to believe it must have something to do with the new build and that it only seems to affect newer cs users. So I added the launch option '-condebug' to create a qconsole file in order to log what was happening in console before the crash actually happened. I did so by enabling sv_cheats as well as developer 1, and then clicking 'New Game'. here is a copy of that log:

I then restarted cs and enabled sv_cheats and developer 1 and this time started the map by entering 'map kz_brickfacility'. Here is a copy of the log after doing so:

Lastly, here is my system information just in case that is required with looking into his issue:

Processor Information: Vendor: AuthenticAMD CPU Family: 0x15 CPU Model: 0x1 CPU Stepping: 0x2 CPU Type: 0x0 Speed: 3120 Mhz 8 logical processors 4 physical processors HyperThreading: Supported FCMOV: Supported SSE2: Supported SSE3: Supported SSSE3: Supported SSE4a: Supported SSE41: Supported SSE42: Supported

Network Information: Network Speed:

Operating System Version: Windows 7 (64 bit) NTFS: Supported Crypto Provider Codes: Supported 311 0x0 0x0 0x0

Video Card: Driver: AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series

DirectX Driver Name:  aticfx32.dll
Driver Version:
DirectX Driver Version:
Driver Date: 19 Dec 2012
OpenGL Version: 4.2
Desktop Color Depth: 32 bits per pixel
Monitor Refresh Rate: 60 Hz
DirectX Card: AMD Radeon HD 6700 Series
VendorID:  0x1002
DeviceID:  0x673e
Number of Monitors:  1
Number of Logical Video Cards:  1
No SLI or Crossfire Detected
Primary Display Resolution:  1920 x 1080
Desktop Resolution: 1920 x 1080
Primary Display Size: 26.65" x 15.00"  (30.55" diag)
                                        67.7cm x 38.1cm  (77.6cm diag)
Primary Bus Type Not Detected
Primary VRAM: 1024 MB
Supported MSAA Modes:  2x 4x 8x 

Sound card: Audio device: Speakers (Realtek High Definiti

Memory: RAM: 16365 Mb

Miscellaneous: UI Language: English Microphone: Not set Media Type: DVD Total Hard Disk Space Available: 1907626 Mb Largest Free Hard Disk Block: 1036467 Mb OS Install Date: Dec 31 1969 Game Controller: None detected


zp commented 10 years ago

Just downloaded the map in the OP (kz_brickfacility) and it also crashes my game after selecting it in the new game option or using map/changelevel

] version
Protocol version 48
Exe version (cstrike)
Exe build: 13:14:12 Aug 29 2013 (6153)

Link to crash dump:

I've also noticed that the server owner of a server I play on frequently was complaining about certain custom maps that used to work fine not working / crashing his server after one of the 2013 updates.

alfred-valve commented 10 years ago

The res file distributed with the map you linked is broken, it has this at the end: sprites/splash.spr steaÌúG·›@

I'll look at making the engine behave better when fed garbage data.

zp commented 10 years ago

Even when commenting out / deleting the garbage line at the end of .res file or deleting the .res file entirely, the map still crashes the game.

xCuDi commented 10 years ago

@alfred-valve I'm aware that the line is causing another issue, but that is in fact another issue. Even if I remove the line from the .res file and clear that up, I still have the issue of cs crashing upon entering the server. Even completely removing the .res doesn't change anything, as stated by @zp .

It just so happens too that the other two maps (kz_emblem and kz_abstract_plane) also have those lines added at the bottom of those .res files. So I'm left to assume a resgen program was used and it is faulty now because of the most recent build.

xCuDi commented 10 years ago

@alfred-valve Are you closing the issue because of the .res line or because of the actual issue I was posting about?

alfred-valve commented 10 years ago

The issue is fixed by the beta update we just released, the issue was tracked down to a change in a particular buffer size. Please check the fix with your local ways that you reproduce the bug to verify it.

xCuDi commented 10 years ago

The fix worked and all three maps are working with no issue now. Thank you very much!


finzer commented 10 years ago

Hi, it seems like its not working anymore. Any idea why?

xCuDi commented 10 years ago


You have to enable beta participation whilst in your steam library by right clicking Counter-Strike and clicking properties. From there you switch to your beta tab.

When will the update be released so beta participation isn't required to play these maps? @alfred-valve

finzer commented 10 years ago

Yeah I've done that. But everytime I restart Steam, I have to disable the Beta, then it updates Counter-Strike. And then enable again the beta so it updates Counter-Strike again. That's kind of odd.

2014-02-07 6:25 GMT+02:00 xCuDi


You have to enable beta participation whilst in your steam library by right clicking Counter-Strike and clicking properties. From there you switch to your beta tab.

When will the update be released so beta participation isn't required to play these maps? @alfred-valve

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

xCuDi commented 10 years ago

You shouldn't have to restart Steam. Once you enable beta participation you close the window and CS should update right then and there. After it's complete you can launch it and play the maps that have the issue.

finzer commented 10 years ago

What I mean is whenever I restart steam, the map issue comes back and I have to disable and re enable the beta participation. Which is really weird.

2014-02-11 10:40 GMT+02:00 xCuDi

You shouldn't have to restart Steam. Once you enable beta participation you close the window and CS should update right then and there. After it's complete you can launch it and play the maps that have the issue.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub .

xCuDi commented 10 years ago

You always have to re-enable it upon restarting Steam. The question is, why aren't the maps working if the issue has been fixed?