ValveSoftware / halflife

Half-Life 1 engine based games
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HTTP download aka FastDL downloading files in root dir (valve_downloads) as a empty folder #160

Closed R4to0 closed 11 years ago

R4to0 commented 11 years ago

When i download some files from some server, i noticed that files in main downloads folder, such as textures *.wad, are downloaded as a empty folder instead of a file. Images below...

Client side: 20130213013544

Server side (to compare): 20130213013606

Files into other folders like maps, sounds, sprites, etc are not affected, only pure files in root dir of valve_downloads are afected. Mods are also affected, and old version of Half-Life was working fine.


misfire commented 11 years ago

I can confirm this happens with my HTTP fast download as well. WADs get downloaded into a folder named the wad...

the clients then crash when they join because they can't find the .wad files

alfred-valve commented 11 years ago

Can you post the IP address of a server that is hosting a .wad file so I have something to reproduce the problem with.

R4to0 commented 11 years ago

Here is:

password is 'brbr'

Also, you put 'Counter-Strike" but the game i tested is "Half-Life" :P

sokoladeq commented 11 years ago

I can confirm it on CS to, server downloads the wad, but it saves as folder and when connecting to servers I get error, that I don't have that wad file and got kicked out of CS everytime.

But my friend doesn't have such a problem, because He got he's old cstrike map, while I made clean install of cs.

aduzsardi commented 11 years ago

same as reported here

Anonymous45 commented 11 years ago

Same issue with Ultra Core Protector anti-cheat. It download ucp.cmd as a folder not executable file. we have 25 - 30 servers running Ultra Core Protector. We cant join any server because we dont have any ucp.cmd in our directory, please fix it.

Ejz85 commented 11 years ago

It seems like fastdownload is much slower now than before.

alfred-valve commented 11 years ago

Thanks @R4to0 , the next update will have a fix for this.

R4to0 commented 11 years ago

Thank you Alfred!

R4to0 commented 11 years ago

When will be the next update? D:

BeerslamR commented 10 years ago

I'm not using fast DL. My server still won't download .wad files.... still leaves a blank folder with wad name and crashes clients. I'm running (ver 6132 / proto 48 with CS ver They worked fine before.

djearthquake commented 10 years ago

I was duplicating issue until I added a fast download system. FACTS: Linux server and client. OP4 and CS1.6.

BeerslamR commented 10 years ago

I also went to a fast download setup, which works fine. Just hate to see admins having to jump through hoops to keep their servers running. Especially when they were working great before. Not being able to download .wads to a client across a closed network or LAN is a really big issue. It's a shame they are letting a top 5 game take a plunge. If anyone has any workaround for a non-fast download setup, please let me know.

djearthquake commented 10 years ago

My previous workaround was to remake the RES file and give the WAD it's own folder along with a readme. It got the WAD over but in the wrong place. User still has to copy it from new WAD directory to root download folder. I broadcast the message on my server and avoided certain maps. I opened a ticket with Steam and it was closed without resolution. An NGINX web server can run soundly off thumb drive only (no HDD) and do your fast downloads on otherwise outdated machine with hardly any RAM even. If you get a chance go for it. I already had an apache up and did not realize what fixed this issue for now. The NGINX machine is for redundancy.