ValveSoftware / halflife

Half-Life 1 engine based games
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Scoreboard Tags #2462

Open hashnimo opened 5 years ago

hashnimo commented 5 years ago

Is it possible to make the VIP tag visible for any team in the scoreboard? Because some mods can use this feature and currently it's only visible for the players in the Counter-Terrorist team. If there's a VIP in the Terrorist team that's being added by an amxx plugin for an example, it won't be visible correctly.

Same goes for any other tags if it's possible to be shown for all teams, this was also suggested here.

Also would it be better if the dead player rows in the scoreboard gets darken out from the alive players? I think it would be useful to easily get an idea about who's alive while in the middle of a combat, and in all situations.

Need more opinions.

twisterniq commented 5 years ago

I think a CVar should be added, as this was made for Health and Money:

PartialCloning commented 5 years ago

It's visible for both teams. Blocked for alive terrorists. An addition of a Cvar to allow alive terrorists to see the VIP would be welcomed . It would be fun in assassination game mode too.

Mistrick commented 5 years ago

Does it make any sense to hide vip/bomb for opposite teams? VIP has own model we always know who is vip. Bomb has same effect. Tag in scoreboard don't make any advantages for opposite team.

perforatorRU commented 5 years ago

When a dead CT sees BOMB tag in TAB, this is a gameplay bug. Fix this.

afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re commented 5 years ago

Бомбу лучше не трогать, а VIP, не знаю, если голосовой чат общий и VIP говорит что он в определенной точке - ТТ пойдут туда, из-за того что это VIP. В принципе сейчас все логично. Работает правильно.

Google Translate: It’s better not to touch the bomb, but VIP, I don’t know, if the voice chat is common and the VIP says that it’s at a certain point - the TT will go to this point, because it’s a VIP player and the mission implies to kill him. Now everything work's well.

@kisak-valve thx, xD.

GiovaniFerraroTrivelli commented 5 years ago

Does it make any sense to hide vip/bomb for opposite teams? VIP has own model we always know who is vip. Bomb has same effect. Tag in scoreboard don't make any advantages for opposite team.

A CVAR to show Bomb and another to show VIP for both teams is not a bad idea.

Forcing who has the bomb to be seen for CT's will change default gameplay. This shouldn't be, under any circumstances, the default behavior.

ghost commented 5 years ago

Don't kick the corpse!

OciXCrom commented 5 years ago

The ability to input custom text instead of the default tags via an AMXX plugin or other method would be a welcome addition. The VIP and BOMB tag are useless in many mods and both can have much more usefulness if replaced with the mod's custom attributes instead.

afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re commented 5 years ago

And then we would be able to play on servers with 'd*ck sucker' status in tab. Nice. That's stupid idea.

Splatt581 commented 5 years ago

In competitive mode, the player does not need to know the state of bomb / d. kit / VIP in enemy team.

I believe that sending these flags can be set by cvars mp_forcecamera / mp_forcechasecam on server.

When value of mp_forcecamera / mp_forcechasecam cvars is set to 0 or 3, the “Free Look” mode is available to dead player during observation, in which case the server may display flags of enemy teams.

But when value of the mp_forcecamera / mp_forcechasecam cvars is set to 1 or 2, the "Free Look" watch mode is not available to dead player, in this case server should not send flags of enemy teams.

Spectators / unassigned clients should in any case see flags of both teams.

OciXCrom commented 5 years ago

And then we would be able to play on servers with 'd*ck sucker' status in tab. Nice. That's stupid idea.

If AMXX can do this, this will of course be controlled from the server owner who actually adds the plugin. If he wants to put 'd*ck sucker' on the screen so bad, he can do it right now with HUD messages, sprites on screen and all sorts of other creative methods - in fact, he can even dress the players as little suckers themselves!

What I'm trying to say is, your argument is quite irrelevant. This can only improve the game. For example, in Zombie Plague mod, players can have "Zombie", "Human", "Nemesis", "Survivor" and simillar tags depending on the server's plugins; chat prefixes can go on a new level, etc.

The only "cool" addition with the scoreboard right now that we can use with plugins is the "VIP" tag, and we all know that even this isn't working very well, since live terrorists can't actually see it.

afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re commented 5 years ago

It's not official mod's.

afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re commented 5 years ago

Why should I see in tab that some player is 'super VIP 1337 1000 hp '? It's useless and irrelevant to me. Leave the game clean. Leave your improvments for amxmodx. This is unofficial game extensions as well as metamod.

Seem's like a kiddy ideas.

Also your statuses will not be displayed on old clients, why do they need them? After all, your server will consist of 90% non-steam players with an old game client, which hasn't any algorithms for parse this packet type.

OciXCrom commented 5 years ago

@afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re I don't think you understood my idea right. I'm not talking about adding custom tags in the game itself. I'm talking about changing the game's code in order to make AMXX capable of modifying the tags themselves. This doesn't change anything in the game - the tags remain the same. Even installing AMXX in its current state won't change anything - only third-party plugins will be able to do it, so nobody is obliged to use or see them.

AMXX right now can't modify the tags because they are hard-coded in the game's code. My suggestion is to make room for custom modifications.

afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re commented 5 years ago

Rly? For what? Which additional tag's you wanna? Now you can use ScoreAttrib.

afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re commented 5 years ago

Rly? For what? Which additional tag's you wanna? Now you can use ScoreAttrib.

'super VIP 1337 1000 hp '?

I'm not talking about adding custom tags in the game itself.

Im not talking 'bout this too. Im talking 'bout serverside change the tag.

This doesn't change anything in the game - the tags remain the same.

AMXX right now can't modify the tags because they are hard-coded in the game's code.


My suggestion is to make room for custom modifications.

It's useless and irrelevant to me. Keep the tab clean.

OciXCrom commented 5 years ago

I already explained everything you asked, so I don't think there's any need for further explanations. If you don't like mods, simply play in unmodded servers. There's not need to get salty over a simple discussion.

afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re commented 5 years ago

You contradict yourself.

OciXCrom commented 5 years ago

Whatever, you have your opinion and I have mine, so let's not argue for nothing.

Regarding the actual thread:

I think the right solution would be to add a cvar that controls the behavior. Putting the default game aside, AMXX plugins can benefit from this, as they tend to use the "VIP" tag as a common player extra to make some players stand out from the rest.

Of course, this doesn't work very well at the moment, because the "VIP" tag can't be seen all the time from all players, so a cvar that can make it visible 100% of the time would be a nice addition.

Here's a little idea of how the cvar could work:


hashnimo commented 5 years ago

Putting a CVAR for this really necessary? Because according to this comment, it's not required.

Mistrick commented 7 days ago Does it make any sense to hide vip/bomb for opposite teams? VIP has own model we always know who is vip. Bomb has same effect. Tag in scoreboard don't make any advantages for opposite team.

I think if this issue gonna go with the possibilities of what AMXX can do if the game had this and that, it will end up as a messy game in my opinion. So the first focus should be about the default game, bug fixes and optimization.

Secondly comes the mods and mod developers will have to stay within game limits. I'm not against modding or anything, I myself use AMX MOD X but this is how I see it.

OciXCrom commented 5 years ago

Tag in scoreboard don't make any advantages for opposite team.

It does actually. Here's a simple situation that can demonstrate an advantage:

The same advantage can be used from the terrorist team on VIP maps.

GiovaniFerraroTrivelli commented 4 years ago


Regarding the actual thread:

I think the right solution would be to add a cvar that controls the behavior. Putting the default game aside, AMXX plugins can benefit from this, as they tend to use the "VIP" tag as a common player extra to make some players stand out from the rest.

Of course, this doesn't work very well at the moment, because the "VIP" tag can't be seen all the time from all players, so a cvar that can make it visible 100% of the time would be a nice addition.

Here's a little idea of how the cvar could work:


* 0: players can see tags only for players in their team (default)

* 1: players can see tags only for players on their team + for all players when they are dead

* 2: players can see tags for all players at any time

I think it's better if values are similar as scoreboard columns (money and HP) and settings are applied individually for each tag.

mp_scoreboard_tag_bomb 0/1/2/3 mp_scoreboard_tag_dkit 0/1/2/3 mp_scoreboard_tag_vip 0/1/2/3 and why not mp_scoreboard_tag_dead 0/1/2/3 ?

0 = disable tags for everyone 1 = players can see tags only for players on their team 2 = players can see tags for all players at any time (dead and vip default) 3 = players can see tags only for players on their team + for all players when they are dead (bomb and d. kit on 8308 build) 4 = players can see tags only for players on their team and spectators can see all (bomb, d. kit default)

Right now (last stable version, 8308 build), Bomb (if you are CT) and D. Kit (if your are Terrorist) are displayed if you are dead. You should see those tags only if you are Terrorist or CT, respectively.

Does it make any sense to hide vip/bomb for opposite teams? VIP has own model we always know who is vip. Bomb has same effect. Tag in scoreboard don't make any advantages for opposite team.

A CVAR to show Bomb and another to show VIP for both teams is not a bad idea.

Forcing who has the bomb to be seen for CT's will change default gameplay. This shouldn't be, under any circumstances, the default behavior.