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GoldSrc games should be free to play. #2748

Open metita opened 4 years ago

metita commented 4 years ago

Now that the scene is getting development, we should take into consideration that Counter-Strike/Half-Life and probably the entire GoldSource library has a No-steam version.

There are several issues/feature request that are considered to be implemented in the future but will break the game for "illegal clients" such as the famous No-steam client.


Extending the engine limits will for sure break the game and is a high-priority feature request and has been considered to be added but should not based on Mike comment from another issue made by me.

As Mike said, any changes made to the game should take into consideration any sort of client even if that's illegal or not.

CS:GO is already Free To Play, Dota 2 is Free To Play and Dota Underlords is Free To Play (They are all Valve games), I am sure its the right time to make all the GoldSrc library Free To Play or at least start with CS 1.6/HL.

No-steam clients will for sure start playing on Steam version (active development, bug fixes, VAC) and will decrease the Slowhacking/Fake servers/Cheating.

More legal servers will start appearing, the Internet tab will be more clear than now and fake servers will do less damage.

There are a lot of valid points why the GoldSrc library should be Free To Play now that we are on the Twenty years of this saga. (and for sure SDK will be released in the future)

@mikela-valve is there a chance or has been talked on Valve if GoldSrc games can be Free To Play in the future?

ghost commented 4 years ago

I was wondering why could you play Source Mods without owning any Base Game but you could not play GoldSource mods unless you owned exactly Half-Life. (MP at least)

I know it has to do something with TF2 going F2P but this quirk still bothers me to this day.

dystopm commented 4 years ago

Note that we're talking about making goldsrc-based games "Free to play", mentioning nothing about the source code of the game, so ID software has nothing to do in this topic, as a reminder. Releasing this game without a price will for sure kill no-steam software (related to goldsrc), thing that will solve many issues about security and compatibility that are actually conserning the community. There would be a chance to modify lots of engine-server related issues that can break compatibility with old libraries (thing that @mikela-valve knows more than good), and bringing a way to make this game popular again as the great classic fps-shooter of all time.

JulianHeuser commented 4 years ago

As much as I want this to happen, I doubt that it will. All the other games you mentioned have an alternate monetization scheme, and half-life does not (and should not). Personally, I'd rather have the source code released, as that opens up more possibilities for modding, and it's already been acknowledged by Mike. The main issues bought up was how that would affect cheating and piracy, and making valve's goldsrc games free would mostly fix one of those things, since piracy would be unnecessary.

metita commented 4 years ago

As much as I want this to happen, I doubt that it will. All the other games you mentioned have an alternate monetization scheme, and half-life does not (and should not). Personally, I'd rather have the source code released, as that opens up more possibilities for modding, and it's already been acknowledged by Mike. The main issues bought up was how that would affect cheating and piracy, and making valve's goldsrc games free would mostly fix one of those things, since piracy would be unnecessary.

Dota Underlords does not have a monetization scheme (at the moment). GoldSource games needs to be free to play, 20 years already and the community is getting smaller every year and servers are growing on the No-steam scene with virus/slowhacking. Cheating is out of control and piracy too, probably making all the games free to play will solve a lot of problems and will make the progress of the game more easy to handle now that you wont relay on adding/fixing/removing things without affecting illegal clients.

Maxi605 commented 4 years ago

I would love to see the game F2P but i still think that there's a lot of work to be done before doing it.

metita commented 4 years ago

@Maxi605 I haven't seen a single post here talking about if GoldSource games can be F2P in the near future, so this should be the first step, lets hope to see Mike reply here even if its bad/good, its well known that we still have plenty of security updates on the game before doing anything big, at least we can have a decent discussion here and pray for a Valve member reply :)

Maxi605 commented 4 years ago

@Maxi605 I haven't seen a single post here talking about if GoldSource games can be F2P in the near future, so this should be the first step, lets hope to see Mike reply here even if its bad/good, its well known that we still have plenty of security updates on the game before doing anything big, at least we can have a decent discussion here and pray for a Valve member reply :)

There was one if i remember correctly, but sure, it's the best to know what mike and valve would considered. I'm running 10 servers with dproto, if the game gets a F2P release i'm more than likely to remove dproto.

dystopm commented 4 years ago

I would love to see the game F2P but i still think that there's a lot of work to be done before doing it.

Like what? There's nothing more to do than discussing this, there shouldn't be any other changes on the game. Actual non-steam equivalents do the same, you will have a launcher but without any costs, leaving an opportunity to play the game updated. I don't know if there's people nowadays buying this or other goldsrc games. But there will be for sure a lot of players inside of it if this happens (and it may not be taken in account, considering they only want money)

Jairitocs commented 4 years ago

I think it is time to join both sides (steam-no steam) and continue to grow as a community of cs steam, in Latin America there are many non-steam players, there is no way to have a server with only steam. I hope the game will be free soon.

RauliTop commented 4 years ago

I would love to see the game F2P but i still think that there's a lot of work to be done before doing it.

Well, doing GoldSrc games to F2P. It will help to increase the Steam community, and for sure, the github will be more used to report issues and another requests.

Yes, there is a lot of work to be done. But making game F2P will help to that work. All will be advantages.

hogsy commented 4 years ago

Think of this from Valve's perspective.

What would Valve gain out of making the games free? They won't receive any money from those games anymore - but you think making it free, and encouraging people to raise more tickets, is somehow going to encourage Valve to do... What exactly?

They're not going to be any more inclined to support a product just because it's free.

Valve's other Free 2 Play titles are free because they make money through other schemes. Those schemes don't work for a game such as Half-Life.

And Valve are expected to care about people unwilling to adopt Steam or choosing to play the game illegally? It's a teeny tiny market that they don't care about because they're not customers, and to be honest I think that's totally fair enough.

The best thing Valve could do is make GoldSrc open source. That's probably going to provide the best of both worlds, but I see absolutely no incentive for Valve to make the games available for free.

ghost commented 4 years ago

And Valve are expected to care about people unwilling to adopt Steam or choosing to play the game illegally? It's a teeny tiny market that they don't care about because they're not customers, and to be honest I think that's totally fair enough.

This is an asinine statement. Non-steam CS1.6 players far outnumber legal CS1.6 players, Valve attempting to bring them over to the official supported platform will give Valve marketshare (Believe it or not many non-steam players don't even know what Steam is) and could easily boost Counter-Strike to one of the most played games in Steam, remember CS has a steady playerbase of 10k players daily.

If you're talking about Valve having incentive: Open Sourcing the engine would do more harm than making the games free, and would actually drive players away from Steam. (Note that I'm not against open sourcing, I'm just making a point)

metita commented 4 years ago

Think of this from Valve's perspective.

What would Valve gain out of making the games free? They won't receive any money from those games anymore - but you think making it free, and encouraging people to raise more tickets, is somehow going to encourage Valve to do... What exactly?

They're not going to be any more inclined to support a product just because it's free.

Valve's other Free 2 Play titles are free because they make money through other schemes. Those schemes don't work for a game such as Half-Life.

And Valve are expected to care about people unwilling to adopt Steam or choosing to play the game illegally? It's a teeny tiny market that they don't care about because they're not customers, and to be honest I think that's totally fair enough.

The best thing Valve could do is make GoldSrc open source. That's probably going to provide the best of both worlds, but I see absolutely no incentive for Valve to make the games available for free.

It is a open-secret that Valve has been thinking on releasing the SDK for free in the future, as I said, the game is already 20 years old and the price remains the same, people is not buying GoldSrc games anymore because there are a lot of free options like CS:GO who is the top game alongside Dota 2 and CS/HL is not that "cheap" for a game that has been around for years.

hogsy commented 4 years ago


This is an asinine statement. Non-steam CS1.6 players far outnumber legal CS1.6 players, Valve attempting to bring them over to the official supported platform will give Valve marketshare (Believe it or not many non-steam players don't even know what Steam is) and could easily boost Counter-Strike to one of the most played games in Steam, remember CS has a steady playerbase of 10k players daily.

And this is just pure fantasy. Do you seriously think the number of Non-Steam players are substantial enough for Valve to care?

On top of that, if they're not using Steam already, what makes you think making the game free will convince them? If price is seriously the problem, I think they've got other issues to worry about.

Maxi605 commented 4 years ago

I would love to see the game F2P but i still think that there's a lot of work to be done before doing it.

Like what? There's nothing more to do than discussing this, there shouldn't be any other changes on the game. Actual non-steam equivalents do the same, you will have a launcher but without any costs, leaving an opportunity to play the game updated. I don't know if there's people nowadays buying this or other goldsrc games. But there will be for sure a lot of players inside of it if this happens (and it may not be taken in account, considering they only want money)

There's still many problems with the game itself and more each update, hitboxes for example.

Also many of no-steam users still play the game due to the lack of a decent PC, Steam doesn't support Windows XP anymore (a lot of no-steam players use XP)

Think of this from Valve's perspective.

What would Valve gain out of making the games free? They won't receive any money from those games anymore - but you think making it free, and encouraging people to raise more tickets, is somehow going to encourage Valve to do... What exactly?

They don't gain anything having the game to sell when there's a second option (no-steam) and it's known that the biggest part of the game playerbase play on the no-steam clients.

On top of that, if they're not using Steam already, what makes you think making the game free will convince them? If price is seriously the problem, I think they've got other issues to worry about.

Well, most if not all servers would drop out from supporting no-steam since it causes more trouble than solutions so the players are either force to move to the original client (Updated client and with support) or find another server to play on.

hogsy commented 4 years ago

They don't gain anything having the game to sell when there's a second option (no-steam) and it's known that the biggest part of the game playerbase play on the no-steam clients.

Again, those who choose not to buy the game or own the game on Steam (if you have a valid CD-key you can activate your Steam copy) aren't customers to begin with. The game isn't expensive, that userbase clearly has another motive as to why they don't use the Steam version.

You've seriously got to be kidding me if the whole reason behind making Half-Life etc. free is because y'all can't afford $10.

metita commented 4 years ago

No, I am not talking about the price at all, that is just one of the 100 reasons why the GoldSource library should be free... is not that expensive but the player base is decreasing every month/year and it will keep dropping if nothing is done (in a big scale).

You need to acknowledge that many countries from Europe or Asia got no chance to buy games on Steam more than giveaways/cracked version (probably 70% of the population from the game) as I said, I am fine if we get a @mikela-valve response even if that's a good/negative response.

Maxi605 commented 4 years ago

They don't gain anything having the game to sell when there's a second option (no-steam) and it's known that the biggest part of the game playerbase play on the no-steam clients.

Again, those who choose not to buy the game or own the game on Steam (if you have a valid CD-key you can activate your Steam copy) aren't customers to begin with. The game isn't expensive, that userbase clearly has another motive as to why they don't use the Steam version.

You've seriously got to be kidding me if the whole reason behind making Half-Life etc. free is because y'all can't afford $10.

The price isn't the issue, the issue is that there's a free version and most servers have support for it, there's no need to buy a game when you don't need to.

hogsy commented 4 years ago

The price isn't the issue, the issue is that there's a free version and most servers have support for it, there's no need to buy a game when you don't need to.

By free you mean illegal then. Just because there's an avenue to play the game illegally is no legit reason for something to be free, otherwise that would apply to almost everything out there.

BlackShadow commented 4 years ago

I strongly disagree with this. CS:GO and Dota 2 is free because they fit today's standarts. Even though they are free they still make money from in-game items. And i'm pretty sure CSGOTeam made CS:GO free so they can gather data for VACnet. For Half-Life and Counter-Strike, classic titles shouldn't be free. Valve is pretty generous about their games when there's a Steam sale. It's cheaper than free. Currently there's Halloween Sale and game is literally in %90 sale. Using non-steam is a cheap excuse.

You can see global price tag.

metita commented 4 years ago

@BlackShadow Price is not an issue at all, but you need to understand that 70% userbase of the game is on Europe where certain countries does not allow payments to steam or are too hard to get, No-steam have by far a large amount of users playing on them than on Steam itself, that will just cause problems due to fake servers/slowhacking, gameplay experience is being destroyed due to cheats being free and easy to install on No-steam clients.

If game gets free, more legal servers will start appearing and more people will be covered with VAC/slowhacking filters, more players will start playing on a secure platform/server and more people will start playing the game. Is not something about price, we are fine with that.

BlackShadow commented 4 years ago

I mean Steam provides variety of payment options if they want to buy it with money. At least one of the payment method should be suitable for them. And if there's a Steam sale you can play free games and sell their trading cards and make money from it. You still can get it for free.

However you're missing something.

Making it free will make it cheat vulnurable. If it was free, people will able to create cheats easily because when they got banned, they can just open a new Steam account and test it until they succeed.

Maxi605 commented 4 years ago

The price isn't the issue, the issue is that there's a free version and most servers have support for it, there's no need to buy a game when you don't need to.

By free you mean illegal then. Just because there's an avenue to play the game illegally is no legit reason for something to be free, otherwise that would apply to almost everything out there.

You asked the reason and i gave it to you.

And i'm pretty sure CSGOTeam made CS:GO free so they can gather data for VACnet.

Releasing the game free in the case of CS:GO as most people think it was a bad idea, the "VACnet" doesn't seem to be pretty useful and it probably wont for a couple more years.

The issue with GoldSource games is that they're dying, every year there's less and less players on them, if they don't want to release it for free then it should drop in price, anything to help the playerbase grow, otherwise, they don't win either way since there'll be no players on the game.

Making it free will make it cheat vulnurable. If it was free, people will able to create cheats easily because when they got banned, they can just open a new Steam account and test it until they succeed.

Already is. The same issue is happening to CS:GO, that didn't stop them releasing it for free.

BlackShadow commented 4 years ago

Already is. The same issue is happening to CS:GO, that didn't stop them releasing it for free.

We don't know the "actual" reason why they decided to make it free. Like i said my best guess was VACnet. VACnet is still not active. Valve is still gathering data right now. Free game = more data for VACnet. Only cheat i know working in Steam right now for Counter-Strike is Aimware other than that i don't know if there's any private cheats out there. But there is probaly. Yet still i find cheap how people can't literally pay $1 when the game is on sale. I get that you may don't want to pay the full price. And that's the sales are for. Instead of making it free Valve should break the non-steam and force them to use Steam version. I just cannot support piracy when it comes to Valve. And making games like these for free just disrespectful.

Maxi605 commented 4 years ago

Already is. The same issue is happening to CS:GO, that didn't stop them releasing it for free.

We don't know the "actual" reason why they decided to make it free. Like i said my best guess was VACnet. VACnet is still not active. Valve is still gathering data right now. Free game = more data for VACnet. Only cheat i know working in Steam right now for Counter-Strike is Aimware other than that i don't know if there's any private cheats out there. But there is probaly. Yet still i find cheap how people can't literally pay $1 when the game is on sale. I get that you may don't want to pay the full price. And that's the sales are for. Instead of making it free Valve should break the non-steam and force them to use Steam version. I just cannot support piracy when it comes to Valve. And making games like these for free just disrespectful.

Oh, ok. I mean, i get it, i do but i don't see many other options to keep the game alive. And cheating on the Steam version of the game (CS 1.6) is still possible, i reported someone that i caught cheating on one of my servers (he was using steam) and never got vac banned, i think i even linked the cheat to mike, nothing came of it afaik. I personally do giveaways everytime the game is in sale since people don't really buy the game because they get it 'free'.

RauliTop commented 4 years ago

The best thing Valve could do is make GoldSrc open source. That's probably going to provide the best of both worlds, but I see absolutely no incentive for Valve to make the games available for free.

First step is to be free, then open source.

Making it free will make it cheat vulnurable. If it was free, people will able to create cheats easily because when they got banned, they can just open a new Steam account and test it until they succeed.

I doubt that supposition. The problem is the same, currently players play on non-steam and are practically impossible to ban them from servers.

hogsy commented 4 years ago

First step is to be free, then open source.

Care to elaborate on the reasoning here?

BlackShadow commented 4 years ago

I doubt that supposition. The problem is the same, currently players play on non-steam and are practically impossible to ban them from servers.

I'm not saying current CS is cheat free don't get me wrong. But making it free will make even more vulnurable. People will start to make more cheats since it's free.

Maxi605 commented 4 years ago

I doubt that supposition. The problem is the same, currently players play on non-steam and are practically impossible to ban them from servers.

I'm not saying current CS is cheat free don't get me wrong. But making it free will make even more vulnurable. People will start to make more cheats since it's free.

People will cheat either way, the anticheat needs to be improved first then if it ever gets to be considered to be free.

Destro- commented 4 years ago

QUAKE and DOOM is paid even if it is open source.

But we have a special case with GoldSrc, although they are as old as GoldSrc, HL/CS16 was able maintain an daily active community up until now, but the problem is that the community is mainly non-steam.

So I think that in the case of goldsrc it is something very good that they can put the games for free2play, at least for one or two years, until most servers are only Steam.

This is the situation in my country (AR): (they are invented numbers, but they are not so far from reality, i having a community of cs 1.6 for years and knowing the players, the numbers come naturally)


  • 98% of the servers are rent with dproto (years ago also included sxe injected 100%)
  • many steam players do not update last version because there are still servers with sxe injected (anti cheat discontinued)

Players CS 1.6 (public servers):

  • 75% of players playing non-steam, 25% playing on steam.
  • 80% of players have Steam installed, 75% have some game purchased.
  • 65% of players have a credit card to use at any time.
  • 40% of players have cs1.6 steam, but 15% prefer playing non-steam for some reason.
hashnimo commented 4 years ago

Suggesting to release the full game for free with an extra prime status upgrade for those who are willing to pay and then add a server-side svar; mp_prime 0/1 (Allow both free + prime/only prime clients)

This would hopefully encourage no-steamers to use Steam and help both the players and server owners to organize things more effectively with the help of Steam ID.

fe7ch commented 4 years ago

Making it free will make it cheat vulnurable.

Seriously? One need like 5-10 mins to find a fully functioning VAC proof cheat right now. There is nothing to make worse than it is already.

RauliTop commented 4 years ago

Care to elaborate on the reasoning here?

Well, let's imagine Valve do it F2P.

Then, observe how the game is gone.

If they got an increase in the CS 1.6 steam community and github... It's time to finally release open source.

RauliTop commented 4 years ago

Suggesting to release the full game for free with an extra prime status upgrade for those who are willing to pay and then add a server-side svar; mp_prime 0/1 (Allow both free + prime/only prime clients)

This would hopefully encourage no-steamers to use Steam and help both the players and server owners to organize things more effectively with the help of Steam ID.

Can be a possibility if Valve doesn't want to give it full free to play. Or maybe only F2P the multiplayer (Find servers) without include Dedicated server or Singleplayer with bots.

Note I'm not including other singleplayer mods like Deleted Scenes, etc. That mods can be open-source but not F2P

BlackShadow commented 4 years ago

Seriously? One need like 5-10 mins to find a fully functioning VAC proof cheat right now. There is nothing to make worse than it is already.

There's not much cheaters on Steam. All cheaters i've seen using old CS Client with older hacks. Nobody creating cheats for Steam because nobody spending time on it. Making it free will encourge them. I think you're not getting my point.

Destro- commented 4 years ago

Only the minority players has possibility to play on only steam servers, mainly they live in developed countries and with strong copyright laws, everyone else coexists with dproto. (because dproto servers have more players and fun, only PCW/PUG/MIX 5vs5 playing principally steam)

@BlackShadow Add password to the server and play with your friends, seems you not have interest in more people playing steam.

BlackShadow commented 4 years ago

@BlackShadow Add password to the server and play with your friends, seems you not have interest in more people playing steam.

I do have interest people playing on Steam. (If you read my previous posts) I do not support piracy, i don't get your point. I play CS and Half-Life on public servers not only with my friends. I just don't support classics are being free. If people can't afford a game less than a dollar i don't know what to suggest anymore. Valve is a company and making the game free is no use for them. They need every money they can get.

metita commented 4 years ago

Seriously? One need like 5-10 mins to find a fully functioning VAC proof cheat right now. There is nothing to make worse than it is already.

There's not much cheaters on Steam. All cheaters i've seen using old CS Client with older hacks. Nobody creating cheats for Steam because nobody spending time on it. Making it free will encourge them. I think you're not getting my point.

@BlackShadow Looks like your experience on CS/HL seems to be pretty poor, since years ago people have been using external anti-cheats like SXE/EAC/... to play on certain servers to avoid any sort of cheating (player base is too low nowadays that those servers are always empty).

The game will end up with 5000 users soon/later and we need to do something about it, it's not about updates, yes, that is a pretty good thing for the game but that won't resolve anything for the future and this classic game will die because CS:GO will be the main shooter game for CS Saga, we need to think about making the game free to play or lowering the cost because no one is buying a 20 years old game for 9.99$, people is risking their PC playing the game because slowhacking is still a thing, making the NS version outdated because the game is free will for sure boost the player count (and the game will be revitalized again)

BlackShadow commented 4 years ago

Seriously? One need like 5-10 mins to find a fully functioning VAC proof cheat right now. There is nothing to make worse than it is already.

There's not much cheaters on Steam. All cheaters i've seen using old CS Client with older hacks. Nobody creating cheats for Steam because nobody spending time on it. Making it free will encourge them. I think you're not getting my point.

@BlackShadow Looks like your experience on CS/HL seems to be pretty poor, since years ago people have been using external anti-cheats like SXE/EAC/... to play on certain servers to avoid any sort of cheating (player base is too low nowadays that those servers are always empty).

The game will end up with 5000 users soon/later and we need to do something about it, it's not about updates, yes, that is a pretty good thing for the game but that won't resolve anything for the future and this classic game will die because CS:GO will be the main shooter game for CS Saga, we need to think about making the game free to play or lowering the cost because no one is buying a 20 years old game for 9.99$, people is risking their PC playing the game because slowhacking is still a thing, making the NS version outdated because the game is free will for sure boost the player count and the game will be revitalized again)

Poor? That gave me a good laugh. I've been following Valve since around 2002. What you're saying disrespectful and funny at the same time. Anyway SXE/EAC was nothing. SXE was a bad anti-cheat solution. You're talking about a game came out 19 year ago. Even it was free it isn't gonna make it magically alive again. It will just hurt Valve. While making money from that product you're suggesting Valve shouldn't be making money from that product and make it free just because it's old and community is dead. Because CS came out like 19 years ago. It's too normal the community is dead.

Even though if the game was free majority will still play on non-steam. Because they probaly won't even notice the game is free. About the cheats majority of the servers are using CSGuard which is much and way better than SXE/EAC. Cheats in CS 1.6 reduced alot thanks to third party plugins. It pretty obvious you don't stick on hacking forums, most of the people there was against making cheats against CS:GO because it costs money. Now since CS:GO is free people are encourged and started to make even more cheats than before. For the price tag like i said, if you don't want to pay full price Valve does Steam sales like 4-5 times in a year. Just buy it when it's on sale.

Destro- commented 4 years ago


While making money from that product you're suggesting Valve shouldn't be making money from that product and make it free just because it's old and community is dead. Because CS came out like 19 years ago. It's too normal the community is dead.

You seem not to understand, the community is not dead but is about to die if nothing is done. I don't understand how you can be against something beneficial to the community.

As I said before, the community coexist with dproto, I hope VALVE does something, the solution of hashnimmo or free2play for only a few years.

BlackShadow commented 4 years ago

Just because i didn't like the idea it doesn't make me a troll. Dproto is piracy tool and it's against to Valve. You just literally defending piracy here. But anyway i have no longer interested arguing in this topic. I already made my points, it's okay if people in here agree or disagree with my choice.

Destro- commented 4 years ago

Nobody is defending piracy, we are looking for a solution to piracy.

If you want to have fun with the community you have to coexist with non-steam players, the servers with more people and more fun are dproto. For addons developers, having to support non-steam to continue having players in servers is a headache.

The earnings of VALVE selling goldsrc games practically would not change much with the solution of @hashnimmo or my suggestion for free2play just for a few years to eliminate the dproto on most servers.

hogsy commented 4 years ago

I still can't believe you all think Valve give a damn that a small portion of players are illegally playing some of their games and somehow Valve would be willing to just decide to make the game free for their sake.

And I also don't see the point in this discussion going any further.

@kisak-valve I personally suggest closing this thread. It's a discussion that's going to go nowhere.

oaus commented 4 years ago

@kisak-valve I personally suggest closing this thread. It's a discussion that's going to go nowhere.

It is an important issue for the community.

I support the suggestion that it be a free game, so I also support the option of @hashnimmo (

It should also be borne in mind that if the SDK code is released, more exploits will come to light, hacks that will not be so difficult to create (in my opinion, I am not an expert in that field) and in that case the community would be more full of Steam users who use Hacks / Exploits for their own benefit.

by: Google Translate

Maxi605 commented 4 years ago

Seriously? One need like 5-10 mins to find a fully functioning VAC proof cheat right now. There is nothing to make worse than it is already.

There's not much cheaters on Steam. All cheaters i've seen using old CS Client with older hacks. Nobody creating cheats for Steam because nobody spending time on it. Making it free will encourge them. I think you're not getting my point.

So what, we shouldn't even considered it for the fear of players cheating? look at CS:GO, is filled with cheaters, we can argue this forever. If people want to cheat they'll do it in any version of the game, cheats are mostly on the No-Steam version of it since you don't loose anything by using it there, you can spoof the ID in a second, there's no anticheat to detect it, etc.

I still can't believe you all think Valve give a damn that a small portion of players are illegally playing some of their games and somehow Valve would be willing to just decide to make the game free for their sake.

Small? There's probably more than 30K players in the lowest point and +50K in the best time of the year, i don't see the 'small' portion there when with those 50K players + 20K playing on Steam the game would be at the top 10/20 most played games.

And no, it isn't for the illegal players sake, it would be to continue to keep the game alive, we're lucky that mike decided to work on the game (Or valve told him to), otherwise, the game would continue to be forgotten by Valve.

regener commented 4 years ago

If this happens, new users will register to Steam and imagine olnly 1 of 5 buy a game on Steam, then buy another etc. This can be also useful for Valve to increase the usersbase and game purchases on Steam.

Would be a Win / Win case. But this is just my viewpoint even if I hope this comes to life soon.

afwn90cj93201nixr2e1re commented 4 years ago

mp_prime 0/1 (Allow both free + prime/only prime clients)

and how you gonna check is that prime client or not on old builds? You should replace libs and make some stuff like that.

Nobody creating cheats for Steam because nobody spending time on it

The only one reason for that, that is then we can just fucked up monitoring services and other stuff like that, which are using pirate copy of game and making some money on it, also then we can just keep up to date server-side and leave topics like that:

But f2p games should be strictly linked to phone number or something like that, coz if game gonna be free, than there are tons of fake accounts, which can't be filtered in future, coz they are gonna be valid steam client's.

Or f2p games should be linked to owner account's, for example: main account(csgo, dota2 blablabla...,) and only one child account(cs 1.6, csgo which are f2p), so, main account also should have linked phone number and can have paid copy of game. Also we should allow to add free copy into library after some donating, for prevent ton's of fake account's.

hashnimo commented 4 years ago

and how you gonna check is that prime client or not on old builds? You should replace libs and make some stuff like that.

and what's stopping Steam CS 1.6 from updating their clients to the latest build? If it doesn't need some work to be implemented, I don't see why this issue section even exist. Because obviously it's gonna need some work, libs or whatnot I will let the experts decide that.

Or did you mean to support Non-steam clients on old builds?

uniarch commented 4 years ago

Make game f2p = make SteamID changer with plenty of real SteamIDs. Good Luck banning ips and subnets on your SteamOnly servers

uniarch commented 4 years ago

If you don't see what happened with CSGO after f2p - look closer. Whoever from Valve reading this - do not make GSrc F2p. Ty.