ValveSoftware / halflife

Half-Life 1 engine based games
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[HL25] Inconsistent Sound Effects for Long Jump Module and Death Sequences in Multiplayer Listen Servers #3709

Open 0Ky opened 5 months ago

0Ky commented 5 months ago

Following the recent Half-Life update today 11:26:46 Dec 11 2023 (9909), an unexpected change has been observed in the sound effects for certain in-game actions in multiplayer listen servers accessed through Steam networking (only when you join other's server).

Specifically, when you or the players pick up the Long Jump Module, instead of hearing the expected Power movement assist activated sound effect, the Target system deactivated sound is played. Additionally, during death sequence, which can be triggered by the kill command, the game occasionally plays the automatic medical systems engaged sound effect.

Edit: Made corrections, it seems to only occur when you join other's listen server through Steam networking.

0Ky commented 5 months ago

I've noticed that it occurs only when I join other people's listen server running on version 48/ 9909 secure (70).

Here's a video demonstration:

* Don't forget to unmute the audio

stylez1989 commented 5 months ago

Tested on my end on my server, other servers or creating one, it's normal using the newest half-life client. I would reinstall your half-life

0Ky commented 5 months ago

@stylez1989 I've just now reinstalled and then verified the integrity of the game files several times and have unchecked "allow custom addon content". It still happens when I join a listen server through steam networking. One thing that I've noticed, is that it doesn't happen with low latency servers, servers that are not hosted on a listen server and when I host a listen server myself.

I suggest you try to connect to several high latency 200ms+ servers that are hosted on a listen server, it should have an IP that begins with 169.254, you can right click the header row of the server browser and check "IP Address" to have the IP addresses show up in the server browser.

stylez1989 commented 5 months ago

Weird, I joined a 230+ Listen server and it still has the correct sound, Very stange that you're having that.

Do this, Rename half-life folder and let it install fresh.

SamVanheer commented 5 months ago

These sounds are sentences, so make sure both you and the listen server host are running with an unmodified sentences.txt. The server plays sentences by index so any changes will cause problems like this to occur.

0Ky commented 5 months ago

Do this, Rename half-life folder and let it install fresh.

@stylez1989 Yes, I've done this, still the same result.

These sounds are sentences, so make sure both you and the listen server host are running with an unmodified sentences.txt. The server plays sentences by index so any changes will cause problems like this to occur.

@SamVanheer Many different listen servers are producing the exact same sound from the sentences file, the following is played on player death HEV_A8 fvox/blip blip(p70) automedic_on and deeoo(p110) (p102 t20) target system deactivated when picking up the long jump module. I suppose that means those servers must have the same changes in the sentences file.

0Ky commented 5 months ago

@SamVanheer Ah, this is most likely caused by the server creator using a different language which serves modified sentences.

To replicate, you need to get your friend to right click, then properties on Half-Life from the Steam library, in General change language from English to Spanish. Then have your friend to host the server, when you connect, you will get the exact same sounds from the video above.

Edit: In comparing the sentences.txt files between the English and Spanish versions of the game, discrepancies become evident. In the English version, at line 121, there are entries for HG_SUCKS and HG_CIVVIES, which are missing from the Spanish version. At line 207 of the English version, there is an entry for FUEL_OFF which is missing in the Spanish version. Additionally, everything present in the English version beyond line 1347 is entirely missing from the Spanish version, illustrating a substantial disparity in content between the two language files.

SamVanheer commented 5 months ago

Seems like Valve needs to update the localization files then.