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[REGUEST] "New Game" maps arrangement #374

Open MPNumB opened 11 years ago

MPNumB commented 11 years ago

I would recommend to arrange maps in in "new game", so that default game maps will always be on top, if possible, then maps from "cstrike_addon" will go, and only then "cstrike_downloads" would show up. So it would be easier to find maps you need/want.

alfred-valve commented 11 years ago

What do other people think? Right now the list is alphabetical which made more sense to me.

MPNumB commented 11 years ago

Yes, with that I do agree completely. Just saying even before this update it was:

  1. default maps in alphabetical order.
  2. custom maps in alphabetical order.

I'm suggesting:

  1. default maps in alphabetical.
  2. maps from "cstrike_addon" folder in alphabetical order (may be useful for mappers and some other people).
  3. all other maps in alphabetical order.
MaximilianKohler commented 11 years ago

@MPNumB The update changed the order? I thought it's always been in alphabetical order without taking into account default vs custom. Either way I agree that the organization can be improved.

You could even add more drop down menus as the "new game" -> "server" tab is empty other than the single "map" drop down menu. For example, you could make 3 drop down menus labeled as "hostage" "bomb" "custom".

Corre1ation commented 11 years ago

Agree with Alfred, alphabetical order makes more sense to me. But, you know, one cannot satisfy everybody and this question's just a matter of taste. I have some other suggestion. For example, I wan to play on dust2. I open the menu, press "d" and I get to maps beginning with letter "d". So what I want to see is that I type "de_du" and the game brings me to the first map that matches what I've typed. Now when I start typing "de" instead of demolition maps this brings me to map, say, es_trinity. I hope I explained clear.

MPNumB commented 11 years ago

Like I said, yes, it always was alphabetical order, but original maps were on top of them all (in alphabetical order as well).

ghost commented 11 years ago

make a separate tab for each section of NEW GAME { MAP { (default maps) (cstrike_addon) (cstrike_downloads)

all maps in alphabetic order or make a choice to check to see (most played maps)/(favorite maps)

ghost commented 11 years ago

Leave it alphabetical, players should know original maps and the maps they added yourself. Not that hard to search for.

MPNumB commented 11 years ago

Well, like I said, before updates default maps were always on top of the list in alphabetical order, and then custom maps went in alphabetical order as well (and the same goes even for CSS). Sure, it isn't hard to search for maps now, but, if you have 2000+ maps (like I do), it does get annoying to find a default map.

ghost commented 11 years ago

or add a feature [search] to next to MAP, like in find server you can search for servers by a map name

Egon-Spengler commented 11 years ago

I agree with both @Corre1ation and @MPNumB on both the possibility to search names and that it gets really annoying to scroll through thousands of maps to find dedust2 in the middle of all the other hundreds of de maps I have.

As far as having default first and custom after I'm fine either way but being able to type the map's name on that field (similar to how the server filter works) would be much better and practical.

Also, a little bit off-topic but, does 1.6 still have that strange behavior where if you play CZ and choose a map on the New Game menu that you also have on 1.6 the next time you open 1.6 it will have that map's name already selected on the New Game menu?

I know it's not exactly the same issue but if that could be easily changed to remember your last chosen map ON 1.6 that would be very useful too, as if you always run the same map you could always have it already "memorized" for you.

MaximilianKohler commented 11 years ago

"I agree with both @Corre1ation and @MPNumB on both the possibility to search names and that it gets really annoying to scroll through thousands of maps to find dedust2 in the middle of all the other hundreds of de maps I have."

"changed to remember your last chosen map ON 1.6 that would be very useful too"


Maxi605 commented 5 years ago

@mikela-valve the comments here are good ideas for this too, a search bar on the maplist would be greatly appreciated.